We played with blocks at Varsity. You know, like men do…

I was super proud of myself for figuring out how to make my bluetooth speaker work. Then I didn’t realize the stupid timer app won’t let you stream music while it’s on. The music has to be downloaded to your phone. So, sadly, Pax had to endure my a capella renditions of 80’s hits while we worked out. Next time, Karaoke for sure…
It’s a HIIT workout. So I decided we would do a 60-40-20 workout. 60 seconds of work (AMRAP), 10 second rest, 40 seconds of work, 10 second rest… and so on. The same exercise is performed for each set of 60-40-20. In between sets, we ran down the hill to the Elementary School and back. Which is to say, we all watched Straight Up run way ahead of us while we thought, “how do we get faster…? Oh yeah, chase that guy… but his name is Straight Up… does that mean there is no Chaser? Hey, where IS Chaser? I haven’t seen him in a while… I wonder… oh… I’m at the top of the hill, I better get to work…”

Round 1: Curls
Round 2: Overhead Press
Round 3: Squats
Round 4: Flutter with Press
Round 5: Swings
Round 6: Lunges
Round 7: Standing Straight Out Chest Press
After the last set/round, we ran to the bottom of the hill and AYGed it to the top.

I feel like there was another round in there, but it was dark, so I couldn’t see…

Helmet, out.

TClap |

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