Poverty Simulation

Event Title: Poverty Simulation

Event Date: Saturday, October 13th, 2018

Event Time: 9 am to Noon

Event Location: First Baptist Church Fort Mill (121 Monroe White St, Fort Mill, SC 29715)

Event Description:

The North Palmetto F3 Foundation is hosting a Poverty Simulation to raise awareness about the struggles underprivileged people face. Participants will role play different families encountering the realities of life with a shortage of money while navigating complex systems that hinder the impoverished. Participants will:

  • Cultivate empathy, respect, and passion for those living below the poverty line
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the systemic barriers faced by people living in poverty
  • Expand awareness of the impact of poverty on your service population
  • Brainstorm ways to mitigate challenges in resource/service access for your service population
  • Identify actionable steps to make an impact in your community

Get involved. Use the link below sign up as a volunteer or a participant. Feel free to contact Penny Pincher, Chicken Hawk or Deacon with questions.

Relevant Links:

North Palmetto F3 Foundation’s Website – https://f3thefort.com/f3-foundation/

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