- QIC: Backdraft
- When: 10/16/15
- Pax: Rebel, Seacrest, Ginsu, Howitzer, Jerry Maguire, Peabody, Longshanks, Dogpound, Stang
- Posted In: The Hive
What a great morning for a kettle bell beat down, with an awesome CSAUP event the next day at the same AO the Q wanted to warm up everyone that was there for upcoming event. While headlights continued to turn into the parking lot a little mumble chatter began that we may reach double digits, which we did. Once all arrived and the the clock hit quarter after I gave a little disclaimer checked to see if there were any FNGs which there weren’t and we got the show on the road.
Mosey around the parking lots
circle up for a little warm up.
SSH- 25
Imperial Walkers-20
Flutter Kicks- 20
Low slow squats-10
Merkins- 12
Morraccan night clubs- 15
Carolina dry docks- 10
Mosey back to the bells
Upright rows x 20, gobblet squats x 20, merkins with right hand on bell x 10, merkins with left hand on bell x 10
right arm KB swing x 15, Left arm KB swing x 15, LBCs holding KB x 20, right arm KB press x 15, Left arm KB press x 15, Right leg lunge with KB x10, Left leg lunge with KB x 10.
Stop by wall for peoples chair and balls to wall
Q got a great idea while in balls to wall to take a couple of steps out with hands and try inverted peter parkers (they work and are awful) We did 7 in cadence.
mosey back to bells
right arm KB curls x 20, left arm KB curls x 20, right arm triceps extensions x 15, left arm triceps extensions x 15, two arm KB swings x 20.
Mosey to curb for some random cardio sprints
Run backwards to other curb, jog back, karaoke to the right and half way switch and do it to the left, high knees back,
Turkish get ups x 5 each side.
4 minutes of Mary
Had a great time Qing this workout.