Completely Rucked… at The Swamp

When you accidentally snooze too many times and show up late to your Ruck Q at Golden Corral, the only reasonable thing to do is seek redemption the next Friday when the opportunity presents itself. I had watched a bunch of GORUCK Selection the prior weekend, so I wanted to carry a few themes over into the ruck Q. You know… to make it dreadful.

Warm up:

  • Windmills x 10
  • IW x 10
  • Squats x 10
  • MC x 10
  • Merkins x 10 (single count) (Crawdaddy accidentally did 11, so I thought since he wanted to do 11 so badly, I’d let us all join him in 11 more… so we did…)

Speed Ruck (sub 15min pace) to the Gander Mountain Parking lot where a pile of heavy things was stationed. As there were only 3 of us that morning, we only used the chain logs. (Which, maybe not surprisingly, are logs with chains attached to one end)

It’s time to play a little “It pays to be a Winner”. First “evolution” was to carry the log by the chain around the triangle end of the parking lot (to the left if you are facing the building). Whoever gets back first gets to choose their log for the next evolution.

I shouted “GO” and we were off. I felt a tiny bit bad for Crawdaddy as this was his first experience rucking, but not bad enough to adjust the weinke. These kids are a lot younger and fitter than I am, so they’d live… When you get back, put the log down perform the following exercises using your ruck:

  • Curls x 50
  • Overhead press x 50
  • Flutter with press (every time your left leg goes up, you press and that = 1)

For the second “evolution”, bear crawl your log down the length of the lot, dragging it by the end of the chain, then pick it up and run it back to the start. Since I won the running evolution, I picked the smallest log for the dragging portion. Upon returning to the start, perform the following with your ruck:

  • Upright Row x 50
  • Squats x 50
  • Bent over row x 50

The third evolution was a little different with only 3 of us, so since we were running low on time, I called it this way: Two of us were “dead”. Partner 1 carried partner 2 the length of the parking lot and then ran back to be carried by partner 3. Then partner 3 carried partner 1 back to the start while 2 ran beside… until he was told to dominate the people in front of him and then he ran back faster…

At this point we were out of time for any real fun as we had only a few minutes to get back to COT, so we ran the whole way back (rucks on and flag in hand), getting there just in time for a little overhead hold until the rest of the Pax got back from bootcamp. It isn’t a long or complicated weinke, but it hurt well enough…

Helmet, out.


TClap |

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