“Just the Facts, Ma’am.”

YHC picked up the Q yesterday from 3D after a message was shot across Slack. With little prep time I went into the annals of prior weinkes and pulled out a subtle burner. Four showed up with their bells and we headed to our section of CRHS for the morning.


Mosey out to far lot, drop bells


5 Burpees OYO

Bear crawl to next row

10 Goofballs (in honor of Geronimo)

5 burpees

Bear crawl to next row

10 Tappy Taps

Bear crawl to next row

10 Imperial Walkers

Crawl Bear back to KB



Five Stations 

15 Reps Each Stop

Method of Travel 

Round 1: Lunge walk

Round 2: Bear Crawl w/KB drag

Round 3: Lunge Walk

Row 1


Kid Launch

Row 2

One Legged RDL both sides

Row 3 

Tricep Extensions


Row 4

Goblet Squats

KB Swings 

Row 5 

Burpee Snatch

Run to end of lot and back

First round took about 13 minutes, so we kept pressing and were able to finish three rounds – that’s 405 reps in total not including the warm up. Nice job.


OH carry KB back to COT


Last Minute Mary (#LMM)

Z Press x 10

Flutter w/Press x 10



The group was small but close today. Good talk about sons and wrestling and career changes. No matter what stage of life you’re in, there is impact to be made on your family and community. Let that not be forgotten in the midst of our day to day.


Punch List out.

TClap |

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