(Insert something creative)

DISCLAIMER: disclaimed
WARMUP: Mosey loop around parking lot, circle up near ROTC
– 10 Windmills IC
– 10 LSS IC
– 10 Imperial Walkers IC
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
– 10 MNCs IC
– Yoga

And since we were so close to the pull up bars, we partnered up for 3 rounds of 5 pull ups. Partner does wall sits while other PAX does pull ups.

Mosey to football field.
THE THANG: Figure 8 on football field with 6 pain stations. Always face the clock that is always wrong for mental toughness, but also because your mode of transportation will vary from run, nur and shuffle.
– Freddie Mercury on goaline – shuffle across goal line to opposite sideline
– Flying squirrel on goal line – nur back to 50 yard line
– Squats at 50 yard line – shuffle across 50 to opposite sideline
– Merkins at 50 on opposite sideline – nur to other goaline
– Big Boys at goal line – shuffle across goaline
– Grave Diggers on goal line opposite side line – run to 50
– Back to 50 for Squats – shuffle across 50
– opposite sideline for Merkins – run to original goaline
– back to original goal line to start Round 2.
1. Round 1 – 10 reps
2. Round 2 – 15 reps
3. Round 3 – 20 reps
Strong push at end to get it all in. Moseyed to CoT.

MARY: No girls allowed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of 3rd F ops – Bethel, Blood Drive, Stock the Bus, Fort Mill Care Center, Hwy Clean Up.

COT: Stays in CoT

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