Christmas Eve Convergence and 2nd Annual Clave Boss 5k

  • QIC: Cake Boss, Double D, Old Bay, CSPAN, Senator Tressel
  • When: 12/24/16
  • Pax: ALL PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Last year in The Fort we started a new Tradition. A Christmas convergence. Cousin Eddie came out at Thanksgiving convergence so its time we get his dad Uncle Buck out and no better time than the Christmas convergence. Invite all your family, friends and any man you know. It should not be missed. Bring your ugly sweaters and re-gifted workout gear and there will be lots of jolly laughs by all!!

Theme this year is, 3 WISE MEN OF HIGH IMPACT!

I have selected some of the wisest men we know in the PAX to assist with leading this event and the Added bonus to the beatdown is a pre-workout 5k. Here are the details for all:

2nd Annual Clave Boss 5k

  • Q = Old Bay
  • AO = Ft Mill Middle School (THE YARD)
  • Launch 0605 sharp (arrive 0600)
  • Prizes to top 3 finishers….of course its competitive!!!
  • Course: FMMS to Tom Hall Street, to Steel Street, to Springfield, to FMMS

Christmas Convergence: 3 WISE MEN OF HIGH IMPACT!

  • Q’s – PAX choice of pain
    • Frankincense = Senator Tressel = Moderate Bootcamp
    • Gold = Double D = Traditional Bootcamp
    • Myrrh = CSPAN = Black Diamond Bootcamp (you may die)
  • AO = Ft Mill Middle School (THE YARD)
  • Launch 0700 – Cake Boss
  • COT 0755 – Cake Boss


The goal is to come together and fellowship, get better and bring your family and friends visiting out for some good community fun. As men, we should be thinking about the gifts we have and what are we bringing to the divine, King of Kings who came on a Mission for each and everyone of us. Are you bringing your best?? Let’s see it on December 24th at The Yard!!!

On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.

Matthew 2:1-12

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Light the World – with random acts of kindness

“The Savior has taught us that He is the light of the world. (John 8:12) However, He has also taught us that we are to BE the light of the world! (Matthew 5:14) So how do we do this? The answer is simple, by doing as He did and serving daily.”

This year my wife and I decided to get involved in a national social media and local Fort Mill effort to help #LightTheWorld #LightTheWorldFortMill with random acts of kindness basically combining the ideas of “You’ve been Booed” with the movie “Pay It Forward.” What better way to help light the world than to enlist the Pax to help spread a little CHRISTmas kindness and cheer.

Here’s how it works:
Print off two or three copies of the “You’ve been Blessed” and “We’ve been Blessed” files found at the links below. Then deliver the printables and a gift or some goodies secretly to a friend, neighbor or random house. Next perform two acts of kindness or service (pay for someone’s meal at the drive through, rake some leaves, etc.) in secret or not so secret before Christmas and share it on social media to help encourage others to join in the cause. Use #LightTheWorld #LightTheWorldFortMill tags.

You’ve been Blessed Printable 

We’ve been Blessed Printable

You will see these instructions are also included in the printable for the recipient to do the same. Hopefully this creates a viral nature and spreads to a large amount of people in our community as we get closer to Christmas.

We have 20 days and counting till Christmas! Please join us in helping light the world with random acts of kindness and by encouraging others to do the same during COT announcements and on Twitter.

Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season!


Update: We’ve had requests come in for nationally focused printables! This could be a REALLY big thing if you decide to get involved now and encourage others to do the same. If you want to pass on the love to your friends and family in other communities across the world to truly help light the world with acts of kindness, then click the link below to help get the materials out (or pass on the link to this blog post).
You’ve been Blessed Printables – for any community across the nation


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Old Town and a tribute to Firefighters

  • When: 12/05/16
  • Pax: Reborn, Burgundy, Schrute, JAG, Ponytail, Pink Panther, Honey Pot, Crayola, Blueprint, Stockyard, The Situation, Dark Helmet, & Italian Job (Nantan)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Conditions cold rainy and 42 degrees

10 burpees because the train slowed down…Thank you Padre…


Fast mosey to parking deck

Quick COP because my back was tight…you are welcome

Review of WOD = up 4.5 flights of stairs, 10 hand release push-ups, run across top deck, down 4.5 flights of stairs, run across bottom deck, 10 sidewinder burpees and that equates to a one, the goal was #AMRAP for 30 minutes or 28

Little #mumblechatter and everyone got to work and pushed the pace…The Situation lead and I think he got 9 laps in…

Platoon run home

20 LBC because it was raining and Italian Job said that is a requirement for rainy days…totally soaked with sweat and rain…nobody was cold…

COT / Prayer and Praise / BOM

Naked Man Moleskine

~Great effort today for a tough 45 minute workout, a very simple tribute to Firefighters
~Firefighters on 9-11 had to make 110 flights up and 110 flights of stairs down to survive…sadly most did not make it
~Our workout showed today as reminder that none of us would have survived even without carrying firefighting gear, and to simulate helping people we did extra exercises…very tough workout with runs on either end…(crowd pleaser)
~No quit in the group today, and nobody requested to stop working out and see if they could save themselves, and only take the 110 flights of stairs, solid group of #HIM
~You never know what the day will bring…train for the unexpected
~Reference verse for today = Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”.
~Today felt a little Muthalike, and I need a nap…

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,

TClap |

Preblast: ChickFilA Cherry RD Wed 12/7/16 Support SGT York and Adoptive Families in Rock Hill

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 12/07/16
  • Pax: All PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Where: Chick Fil A Cherry Rd
When: 12/7/16 All Day
Address: 2415 Cherry Rd Rock Hill, SC, 29732

What and Why: As many of you know we have several Pax that have adopted members in their family. There is one Pax that has really lived up to this:

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27

SGT York is a True HIM in that he and his M have really stepped up to make sure that orphans are taken care of. This Thursday SGT York and his M will be flying out to China to Complete the adoption of and add the fifth child to their family. SGT York and his wife previously adopted two children from China, as well as have two of their own.

The special thing about this child was it has been a process of many years in the making. Going through paper work and simply not knowing if they were going to be able to get him. When they first met the child they were unable to get him due to a medical condition. When that came up they adopted their youngest Beau. Two years later they got the call that this child was finally able to be adopted. Without hesitation SGT York and his M knew that God was in Control.

With that being said they will be flying out this week to complete the process of adopting their fifth child.

As Pax we are called to serve those in our community. What better way to do that then to support families that give orphans a permanent home.

So come at any time this Wednesday to Chick Fil A Cherry Road, let the attendant know that you want to give your receipt for the Adoption Event. You can even do this via the Drive through!

So Come for Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner! Support this High Impact Family and several other families here locally that are adopting and giving orphans a home!

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Turkey’s for Paradise

  • QIC: Figaro, Deacon, Chicken Hawk, Boeheim, Bolt
  • When: 12/17/2016
  • Pax: All Pax
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

When: Collection of turkeys at every AO on 12/17 but contributions can be made at any time leading up to 12/17 and distribution of Turkeys December 17th @ 1PM

Where: Dewey’s barbershop is owned by Dewey Dixon and has operated at 109 Steele Street (Fort Mill, SC 29715) for nearly 50 years. Paradise is located off Tom Hall Street and its two major corridors are Steele Street and Joe Louis Blvd.  Paradise is directly across the street from Wing King and CVS on Tom Hall (near downtown Fort Mill/Doby’s Bridge Road area).

What: Donate a turkey to help our neighbors in the Paradise Community.  Either bring a frozen turkey to AOs on Saturday 12/17 or donate via Paypal for the purchase of turkeys (

Why:  About 25 men have been gathering at Eternal Church to try to determine ways that F3 can more intentionally expand our reach into the community to develop male leaders through the F3 model.  Conversations are ongoing but Figaro (Montrio Belton) suggested a great idea to build trust and to show commitment to the community would be to impact the community by personally handing out turkeys and having an opportunity to engage, pray and introduce F3 to a community that we would like to reach and impact.

For more information, you can contact Montrio Belton (“Figaro”) at or  803-517-4324.

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Pre-Blast: 2017 New Year’s Day Trail Gnome Run

Alright Pax, it’s time to start thinking about starting the year off right with a trail run. If you haven’t done a trail run, now is the time to start. It’s a lot of fun and very different than your typical street race. What’s great about the New Year’s Day Trail Gnome Run is that it has a 5K option for those testing the waters and a 17K (10.56 miles) option for those who are all-in! Several Pax have already signed up for this event and you will not want to miss out. It also starts at a reasonable time so you can shake the cobwebs off. Let’s be honest here, New Year’s Eve is the latest you’ve stayed up past 9:30 PM in a looonngg while. The Baxter Trail Club is compassionate about this, thus later start times. Here are the basic details:

Date: 01/01/2017
Where: Baxter Village Community Center Green (3187 Colonel Springs Way, Fort Mill)
Time: 10:15 (17K) and 11:15 (5K)

BBQ! Did I mentioned there will be BBQ too? Do you need any other reason?

Also, if you are interested in rucking the event, CSPAN and Cobra Kai will be leading the ruckers beginning at 8:00 AM at Allison Park (you still need to register for the event).

For information about the event you can visit their FB page HERE

To register for the event go HERE

DO NOT WAIT to register. This event is capped at 250 participants! You also need to register by 1:00 PM on 12/20 to receive a shirt.

Get on it! It’ll be a great time!


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Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University (FPU)

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 1/10/17-3/21/17
  • Pax: All
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Fpu logos thumb


As the new year comes in its always a good time to take inventory and check where we are with our plans in all areas. Sometimes this makes us realize we don’t even have a plan in some areas.

Just like our bodies needing a schedule and a workout in order to get better, we can’t expect our Finances to change or get better on their own. Its time to look at every dollar and make sure it has a name. Even if you think you have it all together when it comes to the money game, there is always room for improvement.

Starting in January, I Cake Boss, will be facilitating Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU). I have taken the course and facilitated it in my past and can tell you it changed my life. Again, even if you are in a good place, this is open to everyone. Men, Couples, Singles, College age or whomever needs it, so please refer others to this course.

The course is 9 weeks and about 60-90 minutes 1 night per week. It goes fast but is very full of great information. I encourage couples to attend together because if you are both on the same page it makes life easier, but is not required. Class will be at Forest Hill Church Fort Mill, but is open to everyone and not limited to church congregation. There is a cost, but again this is one time and full of valuable resources. Don’t let cost of class stop you from attending…talk to me! Please review the preview video and let me know if you have any questions.

Schedule & Lessons

  • Lesson 1 Jan 10, 2017 Super Saving
  • Lesson 2 Jan 17, 2017 Relating With Money
  • Lesson 3 Jan 24, 2017 Cash Flow Planning
  • Lesson 4 Feb 7, 2017 Dumping Debt
  • Lesson 5 Feb 21, 2017 Buyer Beware
  • Lesson 6 Feb 28, 2017 The Role of Insurance
  • Lesson 7 Mar 7, 2017 Retirement and College Planning
  • Lesson 8 Mar 14, 2017 Real Estate and Mortgages
  • Lesson 9 Mar 21, 2017 The Great Misunderstanding
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Joe Davis Run F3 Agenda and Plan

  • QIC: Cake Boss & Pusher & Old Bay
  • When: 1/7/17
  • Pax: ALL
  • Posted In: Uncategorized


The Joe Davis Run for Recovery is an F3 must post event as it is a great 1st F event but it is in our own backyard, The Fort, and it brings awareness to the cause!

1st F – Sign up for the Race ASAP –

2nd F – We have had 100 PAX involved in this event and families as well so the fellowship before and after the race is always memorable and makes you realize what makes F3 great

  • Post at Coffeeteria (families invited) 0900-1000 for Hot Coffee and Hot Chocolate

3rd F – Participating in this event goes beyond a good 10k time. It shows there is something more then ourselves. It shows the solid bond within F3 to support our fellow brothers. It shows that we all struggle with something but we know our brothers in the COT will always help make us better.

Any Questions let me know! Cake Boss

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3 Cones and The Snare to Compare

  • When: 11/30/16
  • Pax: Package, Trucker, Witch Hunt, Da Vinci, Bones, Whopper, Andretti, Mr. T, Cornerstone, Bart, Wild Thing, Vinny, Nasa, & Royale
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Conditions were wet/no-rain and unseasonable warm at 68 degrees on the last day of November


Warmup-O-Rama = all my favorites in ten counts in cadence

line up 3 cones in a “bermuda style” triangle

Divide group by ages – 1st cone = CDD, 2nd cone = LBC, 3rd Cone = Mountain Climbers and burpee broad jump between cones 2 and 3 (crowd pleaser)

Form up for quick chat about “the snare to compare”

Count off by threes

Each platoon would call their own cadence for merkins at each cone with running between cones, followed by a very wide variety of #ABLAB at each cone with running to each cone in between…started to feel like we dried the entire parking lot…with our shirts and shorts.

circle up for 3 VQ to call a round of cadence (Andretti, Whopper, and Mr.T)

Out of time

Packer/Eagles burpee score settle

COT / Prayer or Praise / BOM

Naked Man:

Today’s sermon was on comparison. David Chadwick calls it “the snare to compare”, as you start to covet others gifts/goods you devalue what God has already blessed you with. This is a time of year with parties, Christmas, and gifts when most men just feel financially overwhelmed and quickly fall into this snare. As we discussed this morning your kids see your behaviors, and if you are never satisfied with your possessions, why would you ever think your kids will enjoy a gift or present. Witch Hunt said it best this morning, that we need to enjoy the little moments in life. The details that others look past are where #HIM can find great glory and satisfaction with our relationships. This is a complicated subject, find me at the next workout to have a “real” discussion.

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,

TClap |

Bear Crawl Ring of Fire

  • QIC: Bart
  • When: 11/28/16
  • Pax: Mainframe, Vinnie, DaVinci, Wild Thing, Bones, Royale, Qwerty, Tater, Puddles
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

10 Pax unwittingly posted to Quagmire for a moderate 4 day weekend following workout.  Start with the usual low impact warm ups.  Mosey to the restaurant lot, overheard special request for Balls to the Wall(ignored momentarily).  Circle up for … wait for it… Bear Crawl Ring of Fire!  Bear crawl in a circle until I decide we need a break, such break consists of plank in said circle as each Pax takes his turn with 5 merkins.  Resume bear crawl, take a “break”, merkins, resume bear crawl…you get the idea.  Once the whining became un”bear”able, split the Pax in half for Dora.  One group runs a lap, others engage in exercise.

curb derkins, merkins. low country crab, peter parker, parker peter, LBC, I think I’ve forgotten at least half of them

As with any rock star you have to give the crowd what they want, so off to the wall for a quick inverted ball-walk.  Almost time for COT but we stop a little short for the “Highway of Pain”(totally just made that up).  Bear crawl as far as you physically can, then lunge walk until you think your arms may work again and go back to bearcrawl to COT.  Prayers for injured and travelers, Royale led us out beautifully as always!


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