11 of the Forts finest avoided the fartsack this morning and posted to LILO at WEP despite knowing the Board of Pain would be present
. 4 of the smarter Pax decided that going for a run was a better option, leaving the Lucky 7 to take on the Board. Disclaimer given and we moseyed to the Board.
The Thang – Board of Pain
The Challenge:
(1/4 mile run between each exercise)
- Burpees – 100
- Calf Raises – 150 (50 regular, 50 toes pointed in, 50 toes pointed out)
- Ski Abs – 100
- Merkins – 100
- Deep Squats – 100
- LBCs – 200
- Carolina
Dry Docks – 100
- Russian Twists – 100
Tar Jai– 100
- Jump Squats – 100
- Mountain Climbers – 100
- Shoulder Raises – 200
- Mary Catherines – 100
- Hello Dolly – 200
- Wide Arm Merkins – 100
- Squat Jacks – 100
- Nippler– 100
- Burpees – 100
Announcements – 8-7 Third F at Eternal Church. 8-8 Gladiator Games/Pancakeaterria/golf
Prayers -Carbomb and his 2 interviews
1. Had thought about taking the board and turning it upside down thus starting at the bottom and then working way up to just to something different. Decided against it. Don’t want to make Jekyl mad
2. Today was a default Q as I was the one with the Board and the regular Q wasn’t going to be there. By default that makes you the Q.
3. Burgundy came out the gates strong and pushed the tempo of the rest. Thought he would pass where MacGyver was last week but him and Aquaman decided to do their 100 mountain climbers together. Which lead to Aquaman improving from last week and earned both the Virtual Trophy for this week.
4. Copay wasn’t to far behind and he finished all of his Mac Tar Jai’s and got one squat jump in which was better than he did last week
5. Not quite sure where Seacrest, Greenwave, and Carbomb finished but I know they all said they improved from their previous attempts at the Board.
6. YHC was the only member of the PAX not to improve this week. I’m not gonna make excuses but sometimes your body just isn’t up to the challenge that day. Sometimes I think we feel like we have to post 6 days a week and push ourselves as hard as we can while we are there. Honestly the best thing we can do for ourselves to get better is to rest from time to time. Your body needs it to recover so that you can crush the next workout instead of just surviving
7. Great work out there Package, Pusher, Menthol, and Private Ryan. This was Private Ryan’s last post before he moves north. You will be missed