- QIC: Gauge
- When: 03/02/16
- Pax: Dry Dock, Chappy, The Riddler, Bill Nye, Drifter, Tinker Toy, CSPAN, Apache, Chaser, Nunchuck, FNG (Hot Sauce)
- Posted In: Uncategorized
The Thang
12 hardcore Pax showed up to take on the Gauge led beat down at PHOP.
Warm up : Mosey around the church and then circle up for 20 seal jacks, 20 Moroccan Night Clubs, and 20 Imperial Walkers.
Mosey to the front of the church and the real fun starts.
Alternating ladder: 1 burpee and 1 V situp then 2 burpees and 2 V situps…3…4…5. Then back down 4…3…2..1.
Short mosey to back of church for 2 rounds of power skips and broad jumps.
5 burpees then a bear crawl to other end of field followed by 5 squats and a reverse bear crawl back. 1 lap mosey around the church.
5 double burpees then lunge walk to other end of field followed by 5 squats an a lunge walk back. 1 lap mosey around the church.
5 triple burpees then crab walk to other end of field followed by 5 squats and a crab walk back. Mosey to front of church.
Another round of the burpee and V sit up ladders to finish the workout.
The mumble chatter was in full force with Apache and CSPAN leading that charge. Awesome group of Pax that provided the push and the pull all the way. Great to have brothers from Fortmill, Rock Hill, and York all working together to make each other better.
Lots of prayers and praises and great words from Tinker Toy to take us out.
Welcome to the brotherhood Hot Sauce.
It was an honor to lead this group of High Impact Men.
Great Qing gauge always solid
Aye Apache