With Mother’s Day solidly in the rear view mirror, may we use the momentum of that day as a catalyst for showing our love. For many, the day conjured up emotions within us, causing us to reflect and realize a love of someone that loved us, even at times when we were unlovable. Whether you spent the day celebrating your mom or your wife/mother of your children, it was a chance to show the “moms” in our lives how much we care and how much they are appreciated.
In keeping with the monthly theme of love, I am challenging all the PAX of The Fort, Alcatraz/Tega Cay, Indian Land, Rock Hill, York and anyone else that wants in to the 30 Day Marriage Challenge. This is not a magic pill or, in any way, professional marriage advice. Rather, it is an opportunity for us to demonstrate to our wives/girlfriends how much we love & appreciate them. The handy, easy to follow guide (link below) will help us with specific activities to follow. You can switch a task on a specific day if needed (for example, if you are out of town on the day it says “Hug your wife 3 times today”). The idea is to complete all 30 tasks in 30 days.
HC in the comments below and feel free (but not obligated) to share successes, surprises and results here and/or during COT. Please, keep it clean, though. We will use Monday, 5/16, as the first official day of the challenge. Nothing magic about that day, we just want to give the PAX enough time to hear about it. Spread the word!
Although there are plenty more, here are a couple of verses you may want to refer to prior to -and during – the challenge. I plan to pray about it, as well. Aye!
Ephesians 5:22-33 , Hebrews 13:4-7