- QIC: Cake Boss
- When: 09/12/2016
- Pax: Mr T, NASA, Kenyan, Corn-hole, Bart, Puddles, Givenchy, QWERTY, Witch Hunt, Main Frame, Bones
- Posted In: Quagmire
12 at the swamps of Rivergate AKA Quagmire for some pain, discomfort and free hugs!
No idea where the free hugs were except when I was grabbing hold of something to keep me from falling over. My legs were toast and the PAX were strong, but had to tell myself, “if you can’t do it, don’t Q it.” So I sucked it up and pressed on and worked hard and because of the PAX I am a better man today than I was a few hours ago!! Thank you brothers!
The Thang:
Mosey to Petsmart…..COP
SSHs, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Squats, Wide Arm Merkins, and other stuff you know the gig
Mosey to grassy area. Mumble Chatter about dog crap but toughen up and be a man!!
- Bear Crawl across grass island to curb
- 20 Dips
- Bear Crawl back
Mosey to Home Depot Lot
- Karoke & back
- High Knees
- Butt Kickers
- Shuffle & back
Warm up over…. at Corner of Home Depot we begin. At 6 pain stations there are 3 exercises. PAX perform 1st exercise, run to next pain station, complete 1 lap move to 2nd exercise and so on. When complete, 18 exercises and 2 miles of running.
10-SSHs, 10-Merkins, 10 dying Cock Roaches
10-Burpees, 10-Dips, 20-moracan night club
20-squat jabs, 10-inch worm push-up,10-maktarji
10-broad jumps, 10-leg raises, 10-ski hops
10-CDDs, 15-Apollo Ono, 5 each leg Curtsy lunge
5 grave diggers each side, 10 1leg balance toe touch, 5 donkey kicks
Finished right at 0600 and head to COT
Great PAX and Great AO…..thanks Cornhold for the lead and appreciate the opportunity.
Prayers and Praises, but especially for marriages. We lift up all marriages and ask we find the right communication, grace and forgiveness for our spouses.
Cake Boss