Board of Moderation II

  • QIC: Dawg Pound
  • When: 09/26/16
  • Pax: Crayola, Dr Ruth, Striker, PCH, Anchor Bar, Blackhawk, Captain Kangaroo, Padeye
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Now that the school year has started and my coaching duties are in full swing I find it difficult to post as often as I would like, or as often as I need to.  I try to make Independence a priority as it fits my schedule nicely and the location and AO are top  notch.

I also, enjoy the camaraderie that usually comes with a smaller more intimate group.  This opportunity proved to have just that.

Before we get started with the particulars of the workout, I want to take a minute to talk about the participants.

Padeye-You made a huge impact in a short amount of time.  Keep pushing and keep working.  Always an inspiration.

Anchor Bar-You are a man who leads by example and with words of wisdom and assistance.  With you working out, no Q ever needs to ask for someone to help bring up the 6.  Thanks.

Captain Kangaroo-A respectable among respectables. I hope everyone sees you the way I do, as a leader and inspiration.

Blackhawk-We started around the same time, so this may sound weird, but I consider you almost like a part of my “pledge class”, I pay extra attention to your growth and development.  Your leadership at Independence is great, and your BBs have inspired me to take this time to write about each individual.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Crayola, Striker, Dr. Ruth-I feel I need to speak about you collectively. I am sure I speak for many when I say there is no way you could’ve convinced me to get up and work out with a bunch of old men in the dark before dawn.  But you guys keep coming and bringing more and more guys with you.  I am not sure you guys understand the impact you are making and will make on not only the HIMs of F3 but your communities.  Keep it up.

PCH-Always great to welcome an FNG.  It’s not easy to get up and start on this journey.  After seeing the Name-a-rama from Eagle’s Nest this morning I know you came back for more.

Now let’s get down to it.

After the disclaimer was dislcaimed and we reviewed the 5 Principles of F3 we started with a short, slow mosey and on that mosey finished at the Board of Moderation and proceeded to do the following with a partner helping split the load.  Our venerable SiteQ worked on his own as we had uneven numbers and he had to leave early for work.

Phase I

100 Imperial Walkers

150 Overhead Claps

100 Squats

150 Peter Parkers

150 Italian Night Clubs

100 Windmills

150 Merkins

150 Side Straddle Hops

150 Carolina Dry Docks

100 Monkey Humpers

Also during the course of Phase 1 the HIMs with partners ran from one end of the parking lot to the other three times. When they ran was at their discretion.

Phase II

Our men found out the Board of Moderation has a backside, or perhaps a downside, depending on your point of view.

For this phase we moved to the grass field, or as I like to refer to it, the Quidditch field(I’ve seen students play quidditch their, which just reminds me how old I am).

We used the bushes as our landmarks and did the following.

Crawl Bear

Bear Crawl

Buny Hop


Carioca(not karaoke as many think)

Phase III

This phase was the ab phase. Always a great way to end in my opinion.

30 Flutter kicks OYO

25 LBCs IC

25 Rosalitas IC

40 Partner leg throws

25 Box Cutters OYO

As I stated earlier this was my second time using my Board of Moderation at Independence.  I must say I was in better shape then and flirted with being unable to do my own Q, but thanks to the HIMs and especially Striker, I was able to push through.  We really are stronger together.

We finished up with

TClap |

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