Define Work

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 10/24/16
  • Pax: Assassin, Drop Thrill, Lug Nut, Chicken Hawk, Deacon, Geronimo, Zimmern, Barry Manilow, Cottoneye, River Rat, Handy Manny, Change Order, Anchorman, Mcgruff, Spitz, Carbomb, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Armory

I am a soft-spoken individual, so I quickly dispense with the disclaimer.


SSH x25
IW x25
Windmill x25
Tutorial of a sit-up jump (Start flat on back, bell over your head, heals at your 6.  Swing weight overhead and use momentum to propel you forward to a squat position. Then jump with bell held at chest.)
Sit-up jump x5
Burpee x5
Lap (~250m)

The Thang

Grab a partner to share burden of completing:
100 Tricep extension, 200 Swings, 300 Cake bosses (calf raises)

Physics lesson of why burpees (and sit-up jumps) suck:
Work is defined as Force * Distance.  The greatest force we have is Gravity acting on our Mass.   The greatest distance we can achieve is taking our center of gravity from the lowest point to the highest point possible.  Therefore, the most work you can with your body is a burpee… (Nerd tangent: what you do with your body after the jump is irrelevant, so picking your feet up wont matter.  Your center of mass relative to your body will go up, but the height of center of mass at the top of the jump will be the same.  So make sure your arms are extended before your jump.)
Burpee x5
Sit-up jump x5

Around the world x10 Opposite x10
Figure 8 x10, opposite x10

I enjoy coming to F3 even though it is hard work.  I believe you exercise a part of the mind that is determination when you do hard work.  Working hard at something you enjoy makes working hard at something you’re required to a little bit easier.
Burpee x5
Sit-up jump x5

Curls x10 each arm
Clean Jerk x10 each arm

Mumble something encouraging… not really, you know what’s coming.
Burpee x5
Sit-up jump x5


American Hammer x25

Naked Moleskin

A couple PAX with new (possible) opportunities to be HIM in the workplace.  Please bring these men clarity in the areas of growth that is needed.  Keep the Olive family in prayers as they go though an exciting but unstable time.  Prayers to all that was unspoken, because speaking openly in front of 16 gentlemen is not an easy task.  Tclaps to Anchorman for taking us out.

TClap |

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