- When: 11/03/16
- Pax: Sparky, Der Temo, Psycho-T, CCR, The Doctor, Switch, Big Bird, Ralphie, McEnroe , Wall Street, Die Hard, The Fresh Prince, & The Option
- Posted In: Uncategorized
I spent the first 19 years of my life in Arvada, Colorado about 30 minutes from @F3Littleton and their first class AO
Conditions were perfect for November, clear, dry, and 44 degrees
Great group of men decided to show up, CCR made the commute from @F3Nashville
Disclaimer in detail with no lawyers present
Fast mosey downhill to the corner of the school lot
COP in cadence (we don’t follow the lexicon? – gave me a chance to smart ass my way through the exercises all in cadence to 10 repetitions)
Line up along curb for #arloader series, all of my favorites to loosen up my legs from the high quality Frontier Airlines flight
Switzer to review F3 Mission Statement…we got close…burpee broad jump penalty enforced a few times until we got it right
100 reps with sprints down and back of CDD, LBC, and Squats
Moset to flag pole for Pledge of Allegiance
Line up for 30 yard sprints x 8 repetitions
Times up
Mosey to COT/Prayer or Praise/BOM
Naked Man Moleskine
-Very fun group with quality #mumblechatter
-You have something that other men need, bring them to F3 #ABH
-Thank you for the opportunity to Q
-Never been to a workout where 2 random dudes toss fireworks at us…#weird
-I have been thinking how odd it was that the two grown men tossed fireworks at us, I think they really did need the prayer, because that situation would have quickly escalated if I would have went and confronted them…#ISI and appreciate the advice to let it go…
-Here is the link to Freed to Lead as it might help explain why we do what we do in F3 that makes us different “https://amzn.com/0991238109”
-My #sermon was on CONCENTRICA: The circular rings formed by a man’s relationships on the Big Ball. (think a big archery target)
1. First Ring: M
2. Second Ring: Shorties
3. Third Ring: Shield Lock
4. Fourth Ring: Blades
5. Fifth Ring: Mammon
Each one has a place, and you can only develop the vertical relationship with The Lord once you figure out how to manage the horizontal relationships of this world
I may have made the workout too easy as the altitude was real, but I really showed for the #sermon…and I was the #wardaddy
Expect to see me again on my next trip
Be a better man today than you were yesterday,