- QIC: Cake Boss
- When: 01/30/17
- Pax: Sauerkraut, Clampett, Chicken Wing, Kielbasa, Skate or Die, Geronimo
- Posted In: The Snake Pit
7 PAX defeated the fartsack and made it to Tomahawk for some kettlebell pain. What they didn’t know is the layers and layers that make up Cake Boss and his playlists that include Viking Metal music….if that is considered music.
Quick disclaimer and one liner of how we should never take advantage of each day we have.
Mosey around to back of school
- High knees
- Butt Kickers
- Karaoke L/R
- COP at back entrance
- Side Staddle Hops
- Squats
- Merkins
- Imperial Walkers
- Peter Parkers
- Sumo Squats
- Mosey around back to DA Bells
The Thang:
4 sets of exercises 15-20 reps and a suicide run at end of each set of 5
Flutter kick
Russian twist
V up
Hello dolly
Leg raises
Right leg
Squat figure 8
Left leg
KB Swing
Shoulder press
Upright row
Bent row
Lat raises
R/L Curl
Concentration curl
Tri extention
Skull crushers
R/L Curl
So was a solid morning and great fellowship. I think the music added something….not sure what but was good.
Was great seeing Sauerkraut out for 2nd post! Nice work!
Thanks Chicken Wing for the Q….a privilege and honor sir!
Get Better each day and its not all about you!!
Cake Boss
Yeah that video will give me nightmares thanks Cakeboss! What nice vocals on that song…