- QIC: Dark Helmet
- When: 02/28/17
- Pax: Spiderman, Cobra Kai, Deacon, Maximus, Geronimo, Royale, Reborn, Witch Hunt, I can't remember, Dark Helmet (QIC)
- Posted In: Golden Corral
“Midway in our life’s journey, I went astray
from the straight road and woke to find myself
alone in a dark wood.”
– Danté
The lines above describe us all in some measure or other as we have scraped and scratched along our journey out of the Kingdom of the Sad Clowns and attempt to make ourselves into something of use to our Creator, our families, and our fellow man… I thought it fitting (because my snakes have been swirling more than usual as of late) that we celebrate this trip through life with a nod to the 9 circles of hell in Dante’s Inferno poem… No, I don’t know entirely why. Yes, it is fruitless to ask. Here’s what it looked like:
Warm up:
Ruck around the parking lot and over to the new O’Reilly Auto Parts building
Windmills x 10 (IC)
Moroccan Nightclubs x 15 (IC)
Merkins x 10 (IC)
MC x 20 (IC)
Now begins Dante’s Inferno – 9 circles of Hell
Partner up, size matters…
Circle 1: Walk around the building
- 3 curls
- 3 overhead press
- 3 flutter kick presses (double count)
- 3 dips
- 3 sumo squats
Circle 2: Double time around the building
- 6 of each exercise
Circle 3: Overhead hold around the building
- 9 of each exercise
Circle 4: Catch me if you can around the building
- 12 of each
Circle 5: Lunge Walk around the building
- 15 of each
Circle 6: Crab walk around the building
- 18 of each
Circle 7: Bear crawl around the building
- 21 of each
Circle 8: Partner 1 Fireman’s Carry around the building
- 24 of each
Circle 9: Partner 2 Fireman’s Carry around the building
- 27 of each
Hustle back for COT…
It’s impossible to say where the journey ends, but we know the final destination. It’s nearly impossible to put into words how good F3 been for me and for my family, so I won’t try.
But it has been good… Really good. Even if this workout sucked…
Helmet, out.