SLT Note 9.2023

Greetings from your local Weasel Shaker.

What is it you’d say you do here? What’s the role of the Weasel Shaker in F3?

My role is to keep G.A.S. in the tanks.


G.A.S. = to care

Because the truth is I do care about what we are doing, what you’re doing, and why we’re out in the gloom every morning. Some men shirk their responsibilities, seek the easy path, take the lazy route, but not the men I post with in the gloom.

You rise to the occasion; each of you leads the charge. When I’m down, you’re up. That’s the strength of F3.

See that you lead in and out of the gloom. The point is the invigoration of male community leadership. Be leaders in our community! As Pusher pointed out a few weeks ago, F3 runs on Leadership Development. Don’t be surprised when being intentional about sharpening your leadership in the gloom leads to folks asking (begging) for you to lead outside the gloom.

The world needs you to be the leader you were created to be, our country needs you to lead, this town needs your leadership, and your family darn sure needs you. We don’t get to slack off. Once we’ve heard the call, we’re obliged to prepare better and answer.

Harry Caray’s letter on 9/7 mentioned how The Fort is working on marketing to engage more men and increase our visibility in the community. This is rooted in us being the leaders we were created to be in all areas of our lives. So, let’s be about that business.

Look for some letters in the coming weeks highlighting 1st F, 2nd F, and 3rd F in The Fort. But until then, I’ll see you out there leading in the gloom and our community.

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

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