Pyramid scheme

Normal warmups: SSHs, Walker’s, windmills, mountain climbers, Peter Parkers, & Parker Peters.

Series of pyramids with movement following. Pyramid was 10 merkins w/bell pull thru, 20 goblet squats, 30 American hammers, 20 swings, & 10 OH presses (5 each side).
R1 movement was bear crawl moving bell out 2 lines, then crawl bear back moving bell.
R2 movement was lunge walk with bell pass thru out, reverse lunge with most passthru.
R3 movement was hold bell straight forward across lot then overhead carry back.

Split into groups of 3. 1 PAX is timer running to far aide of lot and back. 1 PAX doing bent over rows using 2 bells. 1 PAX doing curls. We did 2 full cycles of that. OH carry back to start for a couple of mins of Mary before COT.

Thx for the opportunity to lead Shower Curtain! And welcome Sambora.

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