Stretch, Running, Pain-station, Tire roll & 1Merkin
WARMUP: Stretching, Running,
<@U0603USPHAS> brought the car in HOT :hot_face: to start our F3 workout.
Had four F3 members from the Waxhaw region. Mad Dog, Hot Yoga, Bottle Cap, and C3P0
<@U01FDRQSQG3> kept <@U063F72E8M9> on the move with his extremely fast pace!
<@U07E0KTT4BV> and <@U07BZNU2HDH> stepped up with the tire :wheel: push followed by a Merkin. Strong work fellas
MARY: Team work and strong running
ANNOUNCEMENTS: praise and prayers around the circle :o:
COT: <@U063F72E8M9> led us out with a prayer
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