- QIC: Maximus
- When: 01/29/2025
- Pax: Brawny, fishstix, Maximus, Solo
- Posted In: kitchen sink
Disclaimer, Mission, Core Principles, Credo
WARMUP: A little jogging with warm-up exercises thrown in.
THE THANG: Partner up. This was easy due there only being 4 of us. The original plan was for a 2min timer but during the first round, I realized I was failing too soon so I dropped it to 1min for each exercise. After you and your partner completed 1min of each exercise, you each completed a 50yd Partner Push. Then, move to the next set of exercises.
Round 1: Upright Rows (High Pulls) & Overhead Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 2: Bicep Curls & Tricep Extensions (skull crushers)
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 3: Bent Over Rows & Bench Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 4: Squats & Dead Lifts
50yd Partner Push (each)
Grab your sand bag and meet at the main drop-off lane.
100yd sand bag toss followed by a 100yd overhead sand bag toss. You’re throwing the sand bag behind you to end up back where we started.
Run 50yds & NUR 50yds
Laying down, 10 Leg Raises while holding the sand bag overhead
10 Big Boy Sit Ups with the sand bag on your chest
Bear Crawl 25yds then Crawl Bear back.
10 Thrusters on my count
10 Flutters w/ Press I/C
60sec over-the-shoulder sandbag toss
That was it…super easy!
MARY: Added throughout and also not in typical fashion.
COT: Indeed