Game Plan-James 1:1-18 Trials, Faith being the Fruit

No seriously...ride it

Nine men gathered at Chick-fil-a at 6:00 AM for fellowship and study.

Today was the beginning of the Book of James which is the only book in the bible that challenges those in faith to walk the walk.

The discussion was rich and there are some key teaching that we can apply to our lives today just as they could almost two thousand years ago.


James 2-4 ~ Use trials to create steadfastness in your faith and take joy in those trials

Takeaway ~ We should change our perspective on trials and ensure we are looking to learn from them and understand how they are drawing us closer to God


James 5-8 ~ For those lacking wisdom (i.e. everyone) go to God in Faith (without Doubt) otherwise putting your Faith elsewhere will toss you around like a boat in the waves of the sea

Takeaway ~ Pray about having total and complete faith in your life and give it to God, completely, and experience stability and comfort


James 9-11 ~ Those that are humble and find their identity in God should boast because other that are rich or put their faith in material possessions outside of God will fade away

Takeaway ~ Focus on where you put your Faith, find peace during trails if you know your faith is in God.

James 12-15 ~ Stay steadfast in trails and God will reward you.  But also don’t be enticed by selfish desires because it will result in separation from God.

Takeaway ~ Focus on the following equation… selfish desires = the opposite of Gods intent of serving and loving others which translates into separation from God and a life full of strife, discontent, fear, stress and anxiety.  Refocus life on service and love and you will be rewarded


James 16-18 ~ Every good gift comes from above and God should be recognized for that; man is God’s crown jewel of creation and since we were made in God image we should be bearing the same fruit.

Takeaway ~ This is the first verse that focuses on having faith and living in faith.  Think about the following as a barometer check:  If you were put on trial for following Jesus would they have enough evidence to convict you?


Have a great weekend and for next week prepare James 1:19-27 and 2:1-26.


Chicken Hawk

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