A R O M Y backblast

I misspelled Armory with chalk in the parking lot and led the group around the lot to hopefully get a little better.

Each letter of the word had pretty routine kettlebell tasks to perform, running with bell to find the next letter in the word “Armory.” (The Y was in hinterland.)


A good warm up and off to the spelling bee.


We spent a good amount of time on our freedom theme for the month and had some great mumblechatter  about accountability to ourselves and family.

Prayers for Bear Grylls brother, and for Smithers’ F-I-L, on his last days.

Always thankful for the opportunity to lead.


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The Armory: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

  • QIC: River Rat
  • When: 06/19/17
  • Pax: Spitz, Bass-O-Matic, Sasquatch, Wegmans, Tesh, Seacrest, CSPAN, Smithers, Moulder, Uncle Cracker, Assassin, Peabody, River Rat
  • Posted In: The Armory

The wind was strong, the humidity high, and the men came out to throw some iron around at The Armory. My favorite way to run a workout is to incorporate a timing mechanism instead of using a count. I feel this allows each PAX to use better form and also allows him to mumblechatter with his brother, assuming he has enough breath for it.


  • SSH, I.C. x20
  • Windmill, I.C. x10
  • Hillbilly Walkers, I.C. x15
  • Moroccan Night Clubs, I.C. x15
  • Mosey a short lap around lot
  • 10 burpees OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the parking lot with bells

In 7 parking spaces were cards listing two exercises with the bells. PAX divided up across the spaces with some PAX in one extra space. While the extra PAX ran a large loop around the parking lot, the remaining PAX completed the exercise listed on their space. When the lap was over, each group moved down one and the next group ran the lap. After each man was able to complete all 7 exercises, we moved to the second one on the list.

  • R – Upright Rows / Skull Crushers
  • E – Figure Eights / Around the World
  • SSwings / Goblet Squats
  • P – Overhead Press / Push-Ups(merkins)
  • E – Dips / Calf Raises (there are a surprisingly few amount of exercises that start with the letter “e”)
  • CCleans / Curls
  • TTricep Ext/ Turkish Get-up

After completing both sets, the run loop was shortened and we rinsed and repeated the first exercise on each card. After that it was time to mosey back to COT.

Great push from all and hopefully everyone got in some 2nd F while working out!

River Rat out…

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The Armory 2017.24

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 06/12/17
  • Pax: Spitz, Gridlock, Greenwave, Cottoneye, Sasquatch, Trucker, Bassomatic, Wegmans
  • Posted In: The Armory


SSHx30, Windmillx10, Mountain Climbersx10, Peter Parkersx10, 6in hold, Honeymooner, DD
Intention: warmup till it burns a little bit to create conditions for hypertrophy early.

The Thang

Drop Set 1 (3 exercises of the same motion/muscle group, each next progression gets easier with more reps, and no breaks in between progressions)
1H Curls x10, 2H Curls x15, 20 second static hold in mid 2H curl position
Russian Twistx10, LBCx10, Freddy Mercuryx10
Stephen Curry 15 yards, sprint 85

Drop Set 2
Monkey Rows x10, Upright row x15, 20 second static hold upright row
Dying cockroachx10, Fluttersx10, Low dollyx10,
Stephen Curry 20 yards, sprint 80

Drop Set 3
Clean Press x10, Tricep extension x15, 20 second static hold bell behind head
Dying cockroachx10, Fluttersx10, Low dollyx10,
Stephen Curry 30 yards, sprint 70

Drop Set 4
Slow squat bell overhead x10, Slow squat x15, 20 monkey humpers (4count x10)
Straight into…
Lunge walk 40 yards, sprint 60

Drop Set 5
1H Bent Rowx10, 2H Bent Row x15, KB swing x20
Russian Twistx10, LBCx10, Freddy Mercury x10


Prayers for PAX going through sickness, 2.0s on missions trips and getting surgery.  Always love leading the PAX.  I feel fortunate to be out here.  Assassin said it a chicken n wisdom on Friday, but I’ll say it again, as I look around , I don’t see any faces that I wouldn’t like to hang out with.

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The Armory – Rain or No Rain…that is the question

  • QIC: Cake Boss
  • When: 06/05/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Peabody, Assassin, Chicken Hawk, Smithers, Cross Check, Uncle Cracker, FNG-Romeo, Moulder, Sasquatch, River Rat, Wegmans, Mission Impossible, Chedda, Trucker, Spitz
  • Posted In: The Armory

17 men came to pick things up and put them down at The Armory. I thought for sure the crowd would be light considering it was “moist” on the ground. However the PAX never disappoints and the cars came rolling in one after the other.

Faith is the theme of the month. What are the things we have the most faith in???

Away we go……

Mosey around FHC building to back parking lot for COP

  • SSHs
  • Windmills
  • Merkins
  • Squats

Mosey to front of FHC

  • High knees
  • Butt Kickers
  • Karaoke up and back
  • Mosey back to bells

Grab bells and mosey to Funeral Home

  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Shoulder presses
  • 20 Tri Extentions
  • 20 Upright Row

Mosey to steps of FHC building

  • 20 Squats
  • 20 American Hammers
  • 20Lunge Pass thrus
  • 20 Full Sit ups

Mosey to Funeral Home

  • 20 Concentration Curls
  • 20 Bent rows
  • 20 Skull Crushers
  • 20 KB swings

Mosey to steps of FHC building

  • 20 Calf Raises
  • 20 Leg raises
  • 20 Box Jumps
  • 20 Hello Dollys

Wrap up

  • 10 Curls
  • 10 tri extentions
  • Bear Crawl to steps
  • 20 dips
  • 20 derkins


Prayers for Smithers grandfather, Trucker’s family and all spoken and unspoken prayers

Welcome FNG Romeo (as in Alfa Romeo).

Faith in breathing is probably the most taken for granted thing. Don’t take this life for granted. Know Sky Q today and live for is kingdom not ours. Be the men and leaders he made us to be.

Cake Boss!

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Trucker brings pain to the ARMory

  • QIC: Trucker
  • When: 05/08/17
  • Pax: Trucker, Chicken Wing, Gridlock, Tesh, Change Order, Lug Nut, On the Rocks, River Rat, Greenwave, Backdraft, Uncle Cracker, Smithers, Moulder, Spitz
  • Posted In: The Armory

YHC enjoys Qing the Armory since it requires coupons (ie Kettlebells). A great selective PAX came out to support YHC on a colder than normal morning. Disclaimer was said and in order to keep the PAX warm, jumped right into it.

IW x10
SSH x20
Windmills 10
Goodmornings x10
Squats (Cadre Daniel style) x20
Warm up lap around church parking lot.

Mossy to main parking lot with KB
4 rounds of 3 exercises with 20 reps each, then run a lap around the parking lot.
Round 1: single ARM curls, skull crushers, chest presses
Round 2: Squats, KB swings, and bent over rows
Round 3: LBC, flutters, hello dolly
Round 4: side reaches, Russian twists, big boy situps

Got through all 4 rounds twice.

Mossy back for a 60 count of 6″inches with KB held up

Thanks for the support PAX

Announcements – read the newsletter, but the Memorial Day Murph is quickly approaching!!!

Prayers to Smithers FIL for stem cell collection, for YHC MIL, and all unspoken.


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Armory – April Showers brings more pain

  • QIC: Bass-O-Matic
  • When: 04/24/17
  • Pax: Assassin, Tesh, Moulder, Smithers, Uncle Cracker, Peabody, River Rat, Bass-O-Matic
  • Posted In: The Armory

After being inspired by Airborne at The Hive last Friday, I decided to do a board of pain. But, I don’t have a board so it ended up being a sheet of pain which was in a Ziploc baggie cause of the monsoon we had going on Monday morning. We started out with a slow mosey that turned into a puddle jumping exercise which was kinda comical. We did a few Piyo stretches, I have no idea what that is but my M does them occasionally. We quickly made a b-line to the little entry way where we found some dry ground.

The Thang: 50 of each exercise with a run around the light pole in between. Curls, goblet squats, overhead press, LBC’s, tricep extensions, step-ups, chest press, American hammers, dead lifts, swings, calf raises, flutters, lawn mower pulls, lunges and dips. Did I forget to mention that these were all with a kettle-bell? Yep.

Headed back to COT for Announcements, prayers and praises.

Thanks for the opportunity.  Bass-O-Matic out. <><

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Arming each other at the Armory

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 4/3/2017
  • Pax: Short Sale, Bowinkle, Gridlock, Fire Marshall Bill, TPS, Steam, Back Draft, Tesh, Straight Up
  • Posted In: The Armory

10 men arrived for a Chicken Hawk stand in Q for Assassin while he is bicoastal.  It was less than impromptu but plenty of opportunities to modify.

The Message:

  • What areas of your life do you have a hard time sacrificing?  Maybe it is your money, maybe it is your time, maybe it is your intellectual superiority?
  • Have you ever thought about what Jesus had to sacrifice at the end of his ministry?
  • We often put all the emphasis on Jesus sacrificing his body but that wasn’t his big sacrifice.  Jesus temporarily sacrificed his unity with God when he took on the burden of our sins. Take an opportunity to reflect on our challenges of sacrificing the material world in order to find unity with God.  Our unwillingness to sacrifice is actually a rejection of God because he is inviting us to Love and give in order to receive his presence.


Lap around the parking lot

Cop (SSH, Hill Billy Walkers, Wind Meals) stretching and such…

Mosey to wall with lunge walk pass through



  • Bear crawl while partner holds weight in front of them in wall sit x2
  • Crab walk while partner holds weight
  • Bear crawl while partner holds weight over head in wall sit x2


  • 20 – Squat Thruster step ups, 20 – skull crushers, 20 dips then do a lap while doing chest press
  • Rinse and repeat at 10 reps do a lap while doing a waiters carry with weight

Mosey to Parking lot for Dora 1-1-1

While partner does a sprint to other side of parking lot w/o weight

  • 100 high pulls
  • 100 plank rows
  • 100 kbs


It was an honor and pleasure

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17.1 Armory Games

  • QIC: Tesh
  • Pax: Assassin, Change Order, Cottoneye, TPS, River Rat, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Armory

A total of 6 pax made it out of bed for the post after a day of snow, in March.  Hey, there might be pollen out, but at least we got some snow to knock it down?  Amiright?


Hillbillys, windmills, merkins, mountain climbers, followed by a stretch for the WOD.

This morning’s workout was brought to you by the 2017 Crossfit Games.  The 17.1 workout can be seen here:


The weight was whatever you brought and instead of a box jump, it was a burpee KB jump (’cause in my book, box jumps as cardio exercise while “good intention”-ed does not seem well advised).

10(5 each arm)/20/30/40/50 snatches with 10 burpee kettlebell jumps between sets.  This workout seemed daunting at first but was all motor (and less bulk power than I had anticipated).  I don’t think I have ever sweat this much when it was 28F out.  I made a sweat angel through 3 layers.

This was followed up by a few exercises that were called out.  Flutters, pullovers, Chest flys, Protractor, Tricep extensions, Donkey punches (Tricep kickbacks), Squats, 20 yd Kettlebell carries, With the rest going to core… LBCs, Low dolly, Freddy Mercs  (everything with bell)


Prayers for family members, some are travelling and some are sick.  Prayers that well all get better and stay healthy through the next CSAUP we have planned…  It was fun guys, see you next week.

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5 at Armory for talk of Wisdom

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 03/06/17
  • Pax: Assassin, Straight Up, Change Order, McGruff, Javaire
  • Posted In: The Armory

5 PAX met at Armory ready to tackle the week.


10-Imperial Walkers
10-Sumo Squats
Good Morning Stretch


Carolina-dry docks

Mosey over to the low wall with bells for some pain circuits.

Circuit 1 (Lap between exercises)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2 (Lap between exercises)
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3 (Lap between exercises)
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

Partner Up

Partner 1 runs large loop with Bell
Partner 2 runs opposite direction, meets him and takes bell
(This was fun)


Then back to circuits

Circuit 1 (No laps!)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

We circled up for a round of pass the duitchie that I stole from Tesh.


Spent a few minutes at COT on wisdom, and asked the PAX to name a person who was wise to them. All contributed and I urged the PAX to let that person know how much they mean to him by a phone call, lunch, whatever might be appropriate. I recently took my mentor to lunch. He’s 80 now, and I felt like I needed to let him know how much he meant to me.

We said prayers to those who are wise to us and have mentored us, thanking God for having put them in our lives.


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Rookie Q forgot the kettlebell !

  • QIC: Cotton Eye
  • When: 02/20/17
  • Pax: Assassin, Spitz, Librarian, Car Bomb, Tesh, TPS, Change Order
  • Posted In: The Armory


Eight men posted this morning on President’s Day.

A quick audible as I forgot my kettlebell on my rookie Q! Thanks to Assassin for warming everyone up until I returned with my bell and hat in hand.

Mosey to Knee Wall – Partner Up – Partner 1 runs lap around wall while Partner 2 performed exercise below / rotate in between
Off wall / pull up bell (R&L) with Merkins/ Step up R&L / Dips

Four Square

Corner 1 – Kettle Bell Swings (20), Goblet Squats (20), Arm Around (10) / Around Head (10)

Corner 2 – High Pulls (20), Skull Crusher (20), Figure 8 (20)

Corner 3 – Shoulder Press (15) L&R Arm, Rocky B’s (25), Big Boy Sit Ups with Bell Extension (15)

Corner 4 – Bell Travolta’s (10 each arm), Lunge Pass Through (20), Big O (20)

Back to Knee Wall – Reviewed 2 examples of helping: 1. Giving to someone who is asking for help (stranger needing money) 2. Encouraging friend/mentor on decisions about future role in church. The point is there are multiple ways to be helpful to those around us if we are intentional and have an awareness to take action. To be honest this point probably to not come through as I intended. I was somewhat rattled for forgetting my bell, missing a few workout stations and did not recover properly.

Final exercise Curl (Right Arm & Left Arm) – Partner 1 perform exercise until you cannot go any further. Partner 2 observe and jump in to help assist and push partner 1 to do more! (Rotate)
Honored to serve


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