• QIC: Airborne
  • When: 06/23/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Assassin, Peabody, Airborne (QIC)
  • Posted In: The Hive

The Thang:   Another steamy South Carolina morning when the Q rolled up right on time. It was another 50 shades of pain work out with the best workout music ever.   Olivia Newton – John did not make playlist. Nevertheless, this was a physical work out.  The PAX know how much I love pushing the rock, the more time with the kettle bell, the better.   After a quick mosey around the parking lot, followed with some windmills, Merkins and Morrocan Night Clubs, we were ready.

50 shades of pain is exactly that. You do 50 repetitions of each exercise with 150 yard run in between each exercise. The first tune out of the speakers was Iron Man. How fitting when you’re pushing the rock

50 KB swings

50 KB lunges

50 chest presses

50 Goblet Squats

50 Upright Rows

50 Concentration Curls

50 American Hammers

50 One legged dead lifts

50 Skull Crushers

50 KB Flutter Kicks.

as with all of my workouts that I lead recently, I’m ending it with the Glute Midius’s burn out.  It is a series of seven exercises designed to strengthen that muscle which dramatically increases hip and the alignment. It was pioneered by Dr. Peter Attia  Who in addition to being a doctor is also a long distance performance athlete. The best quote that captures the true burning pain of this exercise was uttered by the Site Q, “My side ass really hurts right now”.  After some announcements and uplifting our F3 brother Cheech’s Family, Airborne led us out.





TClap |

A Moderately Boring Hive…

  • When: 06/16/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Seacrest, Birdcage, Sauerkraut, Flat Tire, Pusher, Quack Attack, and Airborne
  • Posted In: The Hive

So nobody ever wants to Q the day before a #CSAUP #HogandCoyote2017

I always get offered those days…and I did not disappoint…I said it would be easy…and it was…



Run to flagpole, Pledge in cadence

Attempt at #COP…more mumblechatter…nexercise…scratch that…scratch this…

Much more running, several funny stories, a yoga segment, laughing, and we were about warmed up.

Run back to KB

Partner up, hold your partner accountable

Cycle of exercises, 7 reps, run across the parking lot as a team, 3 times, and for a total of 21 reps

More mumblechatter…more stories…more laughing…

Not the most difficult Q from me…outstanding fellowship and just what I needed

COT/Prayer or Praise/BOM

Appreciate the invite to Q,

TClap |

The Hive 2017.23

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 06/09/17
  • Pax: Peabody, Airborne, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Week 23 of 52, so you should be 44% complete with your goals for the year…


SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly

The Thang

Mosey to the drag strip.  Stephen Curry’s (kettlebell lunge + pass through) for 25 yards with each step on command (so you have a short static hold at the bottom of each lung), sprint to the wall (another 75 yards). Monkey Row x10 EA, Snatch x10 EA, Curl x10 EA

Next is a drop set (easier version of same muscle groups with more reps).
Stephen Curry’s for 25 yards and sprint 75. Upright row x15, Clean&press x15 EA, 2H Curl x15

Russian twist x10
Flutters x20
Al Gore’s with Bell calf raises x20


Be safe while traveling this summer.  Be aware or road conditions, construction, weather, etc…

TClap |

The Hive 2017.17

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 04/28/17
  • Pax: Peabody, Assassin, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Exercises were done, words were spoken.  The one thing that stuck out was a discussion on diet.  If you do F3 exercises (especially ones that are geared toward strength with less endurance) you are going to build muscle mass.  So you could just end up gaining weight.  If you want to elevate your level of fitness (and “look better naked” as some meme’s would put it), you have to change your diet.  Me personally, I eat nothing in the “grass” family.  No wheat, rice, corn, oats, bamboo shoots, sugar cane.  I only drink water, hot coffee/tea, and wine.  I didn’t adopt this diet for any aesthetic reason but other health issues. I’m not recommending anything just saying this is what I’ve found improves my life.  “Test everything, hold fast to what is good.”  1Thes5:21

TClap |

The Hive 2017.21

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 05/26/17
  • Pax: Peabody, Crosscheck, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

This was a butt kicker…

Deck of death

Hearts – Bog Os
Spades – Swings
Diamonds – Snatches
Clubs – Curls
Face Cards – 10 Russian Twist

Barely finished… There were two laps around the parking lot at some point… I’m pressure sure my arms didn’t move while running.

TClap |

The Hive 2017.19

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 05/05/17
  • Pax: Airborne, Seacrest, Blackout, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Typical warmup SSH, Windmills, IW

Mosey to the paved path with the half wall between buildings.

10 burpees – Curls, Snatches, Squats …repeat
10 burpees – wall sit with holding bell, then Balls to walls with shoulder tap …repeat
Lunges on command for 20 yards, 40 yard sprint jog back…repeat

Shoulder taps while balls to wall got some grumbling but everyone got through it.  It just looks hard…

Mosey to the patio

10 Burpees – Swings, cleanpress, russian twists

That’s all she wrote!

TClap |

The Hive 2017.18

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 05/05/17
  • Pax: Quack Attack, Airborne, Fire Marshal Bill, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

I’m catching up on backblasts so here we go.  For this one, Peabody was supposed to Q but he didn’t show up so we did a little duck, duck, Q…  Not really sure what happened, but Quack Attack hogs time, and Fire Marshal Bill is a good student.

One random thing that did happen that day… Airborne forgot his bell the previous week and some dude showed up at the end of the workout asking if we left one.  #faithinhumanity

TClap |

4 Strong at The Hive!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 06/02/2017
  • Pax: Peabody, Airborne, Assassin
  • Posted In: The Hive

4 HIM rolled up to The Hive this AM, although YHC had promised plenty of burpees.  Actually, 3 showed up…and Peabody rolled in around 0530.  I later learned he was having issues with his dog coming inside, so now we have that excuse.  He didn’t want to share that story with the PAX!  He jumped in and immediately started making up for missed burpees.  Good work Peabody!

We started off with 5 burpees and then a nice warmup jog.


In cadence.

WM x 10

Squats x 15

Merkins x 10

MC x 15

The Thang:

4 Corners:  Open up each corner with 5 burpees and close with 5 burpees.  Do the for exercises written in chalk in between.

#1 – 10 Curls, 10 OH Presses, 10 Squats, 10 Sit ups

#2 – 10 Concentration Curls, 10 Tricep Ext., 10 Clean & Press, 10 American Hammers

#3 – 10 Hammer Curls, 10 Lunges, 10 Chest Press, 10 LBC’s

#4 – 10 Curls, 10 Dead Lifts, 10 Flies, 10 Sit ups

Rinse and Repeat with a few modifications.

Circle of Abs

Flutters IC x 15

Box Cutters IC x 15

Single Leg Box Cutters IC x 15

Dying CR IC x 15


Continued prayers for PAX with health issues.  Praises for Assassin’s recovery and my daughter.

Read your newsletter.

Until next time…

Seacrest, OUT!

TClap |

The Hive 2017.15

  • QIC: Tesh
  • Pax: Seacrest, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Seacrest and I spoke about a lot of things, mostly about how much Peabody sucks.  I’m just kidding, we both think he’s superfresh.  Seacrest is the one that sucks cause he can’t post a backblast when you ask him to Q even though you get it done at his AO.  I’m just kidding, Seacrest is superfresh, too…  But seriously, post a BB!

Warmup SSH, IWs, Windmill

The Thang

Good ol Bring Sally Up with a standing kettlebell chest press

After that was the usual 2 rounds of 3 exercises with an emphasis on shoulders

Snatches, curls, squats
Russian twists (where Seacrest somehow made it an arm exercise), Pulldowns, Skullcrushers (single arm)
Swings, Monkey rows, Cleanpress

I almost threw up…  no lie

TClap |

The Hive 2017.14

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 04/07/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Firemarshal Bill
  • Posted In: The Hive

Fire Marshal Bill and I had a good conversation with some working out this morning.  It went a little something like this:

Warmups were the usual: SSH, Hillbilly walkers, Windmill, Merkins

2 rounds of 3 exercises.
Getups, rows, curls
Russian twist, Pulldowns, Butterfly press
Cleanpress, Donkey punch, Swings

That was basically it

TClap |