The Hive was a no-show for Jason on Friday the 13th.

  • QIC: Dawg Pound (The Fort)
  • When: 01/13/17
  • Pax: YHC, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Fort, The Hive

The Hive was barely buzzin with two for the following:

Mozy with bells to Patio by school –drop bells,
then Lap around parking lot.

Back to Patio for warm-up
-Side Straddle Hop -25
-Moroccan Night Clubs -25
-Imperial Walkers -25
-Wind Mills -25
-Squats -20
-Merkin -10
-Mountain climbers -10
-Coasting Bicycle Crunch 6in (opposite knee) -10 -switch

Grab Bells crabwalk/bear crawl to opposite end of patio between each of the following:
Bell Burpies x5
Curl x10 ea
Tri extension x20
Bent row x20 ea
Upright row x20 ea
Standing press x10 ea
American Hammer x10
Squat x10
Swing x20
LBCs x20

Wall sits
Step-ups 10 each leg
Benches for dips

Ground Work
Hello Dollys
Freddy Mercury

Prayers for safety, recovery, health, support, strength

TClap |

The Hive 2017.01

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 01/06/17
  • Pax: Peabody, Seacrest, Subprime, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

The first Hive workout of the year and hopefully there are plenty more of these workouts in my future.


SSH x20, Hillybilly x20, WM x15, Merkins x20, Climbersx20


3 rounds of each set
10 Swings straight into a 10sec forward extension hold, Rows x10EA, Tri extension x15
Pikes (bell to toes)x10, 1×4 American Hammers up to 5, 1×4 Lat pulldowns/fly press EACH ARM! up to 5
Partner up for a cumulative 100 squats with both bells (not 3 rounds)
Curls x10EA, Clean&press x10EA

There was quite a bit of mumble chatter, from proper attire to proper terminology for muscle groups to … It adds a new dimension of difficulty when you are trying not to laugh and maintain proper form.  Every exercise becomes a core exercise.


Prayers for families.  Childrens surgeries, disobedience, unrest.  This was a lot of fun and I hope the men that showed up continue to do so.


TClap |

The Hive 2016.52

  • QIC: Subprime
  • When: 12/30/16
  • Pax: Tesh, Seacrest, Quack Attack, Backdraft, Subprime
  • Posted In: The Hive
Per Subprime:
5 at the hive for the #countdownto2017
5 rounds of:
10 KB swings
9 OH press
8 goblet squat
7  z
6 front and side lat raises
5 second squat hold
4 clean and press
3 burpees
2 farmers carry
1 set of push-ups 20+17=37 push-ups
*1 burpee for every time bell touches the ground
TClap |

The Hive 2016.51

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 12/23/16
  • Pax: Peabody, Seacrest, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

The 51st week of the year (by ISO standards).  One last week to accomplish any resolutions you may have hastily put down 350ish days ago…


SSHx15, WMx15, HillbillyWx15

The Thang

Plank while one man does 1x CleanPress, 5xSquats with 2x25lbs, rotate until someone calls it.

10min AMRAP: Russin twist x15, chest press x10EA, big-boy situp x10

3 rounds: Curls x10EA, Dips x10, Good Mornings (hyperextensions) x10


Prayers and thanksgiving in this holiday season.  For family, for community, for country…  Live intentionally.

1Thes5:21 “test everything; hold fast to what is good”

TClap |

12 Days of Christmas at The Hive!

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 12/16/16
  • Pax: Apache, Tesh, Dawg Pound, Repeat, Reborn, Peabody, Quack Attack, Backdraft, Gridlock
  • Posted In: The Hive

7 HIM showed up at The Hive for a chilly morning in the gloom.  Everyone stayed in the comfort of their car heaters and hopped out around 0514 ready to roll!  Hey Look – Quack Attack showed up for his first 0515 weekday workout.  He can wake up that early!  Good to see him out there.


We took an extra long mosey around the parking lot and around Brothership to try and warm our bodies this morning.


SSH x 30

WM x 10

IW x 10

Merkins x 10

The Thang:

12 Days of Christmas

Start with one, two/one, three/two/one, four/three/two/one, you get the point.

  1. KB Burpee
  2. Clean & Press
  3. Lunges
  4. Curls
  5. Merkins
  6. Chest Press
  7. Flies
  8. Squats
  9. OH Press
  10. Tricep Extensions
  11. Rows
  12. Swings

We mixed in Captain Thors along the way and got to 9×36.


Backdraft had to show his manhood this morning by showing up in shorts!  Or was that his swimsuit…hard to say.

At some point there was a kettlebell size comparison…I think that was around 7 when Quack Attack complained about flies with 25lbs.

I wanted to stop at 11, but I’m thankful for the push to 12.

Glad to see the guys from Brothership during COT.


Christmas Party Saturday.  Read your newsletter.


Peabody’s daughter in surgery this morning.  6th surgery of the year.

Safe travels over the holidays.

Patience with family.


Thanks for the opportunity to Q, Tesh!

Until next time…

Seacrest, OUT!

TClap |

Keep that Cold Iron Moving!!

  • QIC: Longshanks
  • When: 12/09/2016
  • Pax: Tesh, Seacrest, Longshanks
  • Posted In: The Hive

Colder weather makes the iron colder. 3 showed up with bell in tow to get stronger at the Hive.

The Thang
Disclaimer then warmup lap around the parking lot.

20 x SSH
10 x Windmills
10 x IW
10 x Hillbilly walkers
20 X Mountain Climbers

Grab your bell

10 Rows each side
10 Chest press each side
10 Bicep curls each side
10 shoulder presses each side
20 over head triceps extensions
Run to the second light pole and back

Rinse and Repeat. Do all a third time.

Move on to legs.
25 Kettlebell swings
25 squats
10 lunges each side
10 deadlifts each side
20 Good mornings
Run a lap around the parking lot.

Rinse and repeat with 20 calf raises instead of deadlifts.

Move to abs.
20 Big boy situps with bell
15 leg raises
15 American Hammers
15 Flutters
Brothership boys show up so it’s
15 LBC’s
10 Burpees

COT and BOM – Great words spoken by Bounce House

Announcements – Christmas Party next Saturday, Operation Sweet Tooth toys and Gift Card collection December 10-17th, Joe Davis Run, Christmas Eve workout at The Yard, Turkey Delivery on December 17th in Paradise community.

Prayers – families, hope


As always its an honor to lead and it doesn’t matter if it s 2 guys or 20 guys, its always more fun in the gloom than in the fartsack.

TClap |

The Hive AMRAP

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 12/02/16
  • Pax: Peabody, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

While I was walking to a far corner of the parking lot to do my workout peacefully by myself, Peabody came in on two wheels.  It was a pleasant surprise after I had admitted to myself that I was going to have to hold myself accountable and complete the workout.


SSH x20
Windmill x10
Hillbilly Walkers x20

The Thang

10 minute periods, AMRAP

  1. Russian Twist x15, Chest press x10 Each Arm (EA), Big-boy sit-up x10
  2. KB Swing x20, Tricep Ext x10, Bent Row x10 EA
    Quick “recover” with LBCs x50
  3. Clean&Jerk x10 EA, KB Overhead Squat x10, Curl x10 EA


LBC x20, Freddy Merc x20, Back Scratcher x20

Naked Moleskin

Prayers for jobs, kids, and big toes…  Peabody holds me accountable for showing up to the meeting in the morning about how to diversify the F3 demographic.  It was a good morning.

TClap |

Faux-PoPo Brothership

  • When: 11/25/16
  • Pax: Repeat, Maximus, Dark Helmet, The Prodigy, TChaser-Hilbully, 1-Niner, Atlas, and Tesh
  • Posted In: Brothership, The Hive

Conditions were beyond perfect for Black Friday 2016, 53 degrees and clear

Disclaimer witnessed by my personal legal counsel

run mile to ship

#AMRAP = course setup = up stairs 10 Americans, run across top deck, 10 Americans, down stairs, 25 LBC, run across bottom deck, 25 LBC and that equates to a “one”

men are running fast on 3rd lap and spread across deck when rental officer #1, aka “golf cart warrior” starts chasing us…jailbreak to street…rally up…Omaha, Omaha, Omaha…to far lot now known as “American Burger”

we got introduced to rental officer #2 aka “sleepy in a jeep”…wake that guy up

restart our circuit in a big boring parking lot..get 3 more laps…Niner was trying to get in 6 miles…#malemodel

mosey home completing exercises at every other light pole to 10 repetitions

land bird exactly at 0600

COT / Prayer or Praise / BOM

Naked Man:
-mini convergence with Hive today
-Dark Helmet can still climb a wall
-Deck should still be off limits
-Fun and Fit group this morning
-Quality #chatter
-Quality #cropdusting
-Cream corn works better than gravy
-#cobains for what felt like a walking tour of Savannah, without the ghosts or drinks…

Be a better man today than you were yesterday, #ALR, #ABH,

TClap |

Small world at the Hive

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 11/18/16
  • Pax: Drop Thrill, Tesh and Assassin
  • Posted In: The Hive

3 in the gloom for a small intimate bell party, including the site Q and Drop Thrill.

We made it work with a few stretches including legs, planks, dry docks, tunnel touches, SSH’s and a quick lap, then headed to the baseball bleachers.

We used the bleachers for a round of lawnmowers, triceps, overhead presses, kettle bell swings and repeated.

Headed to the school courtyard for some running while partners did rounds of:
LBC’s, skullcrushers, more LBC’s.

Finished the courtyard out with some Figure 8’s, Lunge presses, kettle presses, slingshots and deadlifts.

Back to COT for some…. as always, Peter pointers…

I appreciate the opportunity to lead.

The Hive is looking for a few good men!

TClap |

99 Kettles of Suck

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 11/11/16
  • Pax: Longshanks, Assassin, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

It was a wonderful morning for a post.  It’s Veterans’ Day.  It’s cool and crisp.  It’s Friday!

To pay tribute to the veterans of this country we mosey to the flag for the national anthem.  Quick tangent:  I don’t understand how you protest by not saluting a flag.  This country has provided many people with wonderful opportunities.  There are individuals that abuse power.  There are individuals that demean and deface.  There are individuals that will never provide a helping hand to his fellow man.  This flag is not for them.  This flag is for the individual that wants to form a “more perfect union”.  This flag is for the citizen that encourages everyone’s “pursuit of happiness”.  This flag is for the one who believes we are all “created equal”. Like protesting of the soldiers upon their return from Vietnam, I feel this outlet of protest is misplaced.  The feeling of disappointment in society is real, but I feel we can make these feelings be known in a better way. /rant

Finish ~ 1 mile lap around the campus at fellowship pace.

The Thang
Assassin did not bring a bell, so much of this was improvised and forgotten.

3 men, 2 weights…  When you get done with your set, pass the weight to your right.  If you don’t have weight, be proactive and do something: plank, mountain climbers, LBCs, etc.

2 sets of each:
Russin Twist x15
Chest Press x10 each arm (EA)
Big Boy situps x 10
Swing x20
Tricep Extensions x10
Row x10 EA
CleanJerk x10 EA
Squat x15
Curl x10 EA

Pretty simple.


Prayers for Assassin as he takes a trip to help rebuild some hurricane damage (which is over now and went well i heard).

Last tangent:  Does no one like KB workouts?  I love them!  Throwing a weight around utilizes a completely different muscle group from your normal bootcamp.  We only have 2 KB workouts so you know where you can find me on Monday and Friday, come join me.

TClap |