Hog & Coyote 2017 – Pre-Blast

06/12/2017 Update:

  • T-Shirt Preorder LINK get yours now!
  • Roasting Company will be opening at hour early (10AM) with a FULL MENU for us! So bring some cash (or plastic) and let’s enjoy some good grub & libations! We’ll have water & banana’s there if you get done before 10!
  • Route links below and HERE is the one Zima sent out through Google.
  • Here’s a LIST OF AO’s (with map links) and pain station Q’s.
  • The course will be marked like last year.
  • There will be water & banana’s at each pain station – other fueling options OYO
  • Start Times:
    • Ruckers step off at 04:30 (Bounty to lead count off prior to launch)
    • 3/4 Marathoners take off at 06:00 (Zima & Assassin to lead count off prior to launch)
    • Relay Runners take off at 06:00 (Zima & Assassin to lead count off prior to launch)

05/30/2017 Update:

  • Logo design has been finalized – working on the shirt order now. We may not be able to get them before the event, but we’re asking.
  • Please follow this LINK and help us get a head count for the 2nd F at Roco!
  • Route LINK HERE! (3/4 Marathon route includes down Riverwalk and back)

It’s hard to start this preblast without a little history …

1st annual Hog & Coyote – Started at Alcatraz & finished at WEP
Total Length: ~8 miles – Total PAX: 17

2nd annual Hog & Coyote – Started at Ballroom & finished at The Patriot
Total Length: ~13 miles – Total PAX: 75

3rd annual Hog & Coyote – Started at Colosseum & finished at Old Town
Total Length: ~14 miles – Total PAX: ~80

This event originated in The Fort as a #CSUAP to celebrate the passing of a bill in 2015 that allowed night hunting of hogs and coyotes. Since this is a #CSUAP & we are the #PAX of #F3Nation, it’s gotten a bit longer, a bit harder and certainly kept it’s stupid status!

Go ahead and block out June 17th for this epic event! The 2nd F at the Roasting Company will be amazing and a fantastic opportunity for the PAX to introduce their M & 2.0’s to what makes #F3Nation so awesome!

This year our path will begin in Fort Mill at The Armory and end at Rock Hill’s Roasting Company!

The 2017 Hog & Coyote includes 6 legs (15.48) and 5 pain stations! As always there are multiple ways to be involved:

Option #1 – 1 Man Wolfpack – Run the whole thing yourself. Sure, its a CSAUP event, what
the heck!

Option #2 – 2 Man Relay – Similar to BRR or Palmetto 200, we will go “cannonball run” style
(young guys, please Google it) with a 2 man team. Hand offs will occur at each AO.

Option #3 – 3/4 Marathon – Route includes a lap through Riverwalk!
No pain stations just 21.5 miles!

Option #4 – Ruck It! – Still working on the route
The ruckers will launch at 0500 and the runners will launch at 0600.

Options #1, #2, & #3 will follow THIS ROUTE.

The route will be:

  • The Armory to WEP – 2.38 miles
  • Pain Station at WEP
  • WEP to Hills of Gloom – 3.29 miles
  • Pain Station at Hills of Gloom (or a lap down river walk for the 3/4 marathoners +6miles)
  • Hills of Gloom to The Patriot – 4.13 miles
  • Pain Station at The Patriot
  • The Patriot to Old Town – 2.48 miles
  • Pain Station on the Top of the Hot Box
  • Top of Hot Box to Eagles Nest (Winthrop Campus Green) – 1.7 miles
  • Pain Station at Eagles Nest
  • Eagles Nest to The Roasting Company – 1.52 miles
  • Incredible 2nd F Event at RoCo!!

Watch for updates to include the routes and other important information!

See you in the gloom!


TClap |

Backblast – Q-less at the Colosseum

  • QIC: Senator Tressel, Ginsu
  • When: 04/25/17
  • Pax: Lil E, Bigglesworth, Nomad, Senator Tressel, McGyver, Shady, Frat Boy, Sugarbug, Lincoln Log, Ginsu
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was a morning of no-shows. Rain, wind, and cold was expected. The rain and wind didn’t show…but neither did our Q. It’s all good tho…happens to the best of them. So YHC and Sen Tressel tried to make the most of it. Sen Tressel at the helm first…

Mosey to the back of school and form a line for dynamic warm ups:
Lunge walk, arm circles, lunge back twists, knee pulls, ankle pulls, and toy soldiers.
The Thang
Mosey around the lot to COP. All in cadence:
SSH x 40, Merkin x 10, Windmill x 15, IW x 20,  Diamond Merkin x 15, Squat x 20, Mountain climber x 40, Morrocan Night Club x 50 and start walking to end of driveway.
Light jog to opposite side of driveway, line up and form groups of 3 for sprints.
Sprint to light pole (about 40 yards), wait for all three groups to finish and then sprint back. Rinse and repeat.  We did about 7-8 out and backs today.
Hand off to Ginsu.
Mosey to THE WALL. Everything in cadence.
Muscle ups x 10. Boats & canoes x a lot. Quad count Dips x 10. Quad count Mary Catherine Gallagher x 10.
Muscle ups x 10. Captain Thors to 5×20. Quad count Dips x 10. Quad count Mary Catherine Gallagher x 10.
Muscle ups x 10. Bicycle x 20. Quad count Dips x 10. Quad count Mary Catherine Gallagher x 10.
Dying cockroach x 20. Protractor.
Children’s Attention Home, GoRuck Challenge, Spartan Race for kids, Bowling Tournament for the Colombia Mission Trip
Prayers for kids getting out of school, adoption, and intestinal cancer.
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Gutters & Gringos Bowling Fundraiser for the Sept ’17 Mission Trip to Colombia

  • QIC: White Lightning
  • When: 06/10/17
  • Pax: Cake Boss, Deacon, White Lightning, Mr. Clean, Bonsai, Flat Tire, Crawdaddy, Italian Job, Maximus, Rebel, Sir Topham Hat, Bubba, Ginsu
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Gutters & Gringos Bowling Fundraiser for the Sept ’17 Mission Trip to Colombia

When: Saturday, June 10 @ 10:00 AM

Where: Strikers in Rock Hill, SC

What: Team Bowling Tournament to benefit the September ‘17 Mission Trip to Colombia

Why: A group of PAX from Rock Hill & Fort Mill will be traveling to Colombia to work with South America Mission (SAM), a Forest Hill Church AIM Partner that has been working to see the Church of Jesus Christ multiplied and transforming communities in South America for more than a century. SAM’s missionary community and partners work to share the gospel, reproduce authentic disciples of Jesus, plant churches, train leaders and equip God’s people to minister in a transformational way.

SAM engages local church partners in the US to “go” and engage in ways that help accomplish the Mission’s purposes. As people participate in short-term teams, they also enter a cross-cultural discipleship context that brings significant life change, to the glory of God. This team will be led by Deacon and Cake Boss and will be supporting the ministries of CENFOW and INDIEWACOL and furthering the work of forming a Wayuu pastors association.

Cost: $100 per 4-man team.  Cost covers 3 games, shoes, and a really good time for a good cause. Food/drinks available for an extra cost.

How: 30 total teams. Top 6 teams (aggregate scores) after 3 games will advance to a 6 team playoff. Top 2 teams get 1st round byes. Winners take all…pride, glory, pats on the back, and an ugly trophy.

Space is LIMITED to the first 30 teams to register…first come, first served. Email White Lightning @ woodyaxton@gmail.com to register. To finalize registration, please Paypal your $100 team entry fee to woodyaxton@gmail.com and make sure to include your team name and player names in the notes section.

TClap |

Ascent Climbs The 0.0 Mountain

  • QIC: Drop Thrill
  • When: 04/22/17
  • Pax: Sony, Mall Cop, Snoopy, Slum Dog, Drop Thrill
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Saturday dawned gorgeous and didn’t even give a glimmer to the monsoon that would descend on the Carolinas Sunday.  it was a great morning to workout.

With my back and ankle issues, I wasn’t running anywhere very far and one of the brothers had already contacted me that he wasn’t able to either, so we were staying close to the school.  Does’t mean we won’t sweat!  Here’s the deal:


Moroccan Nightclub (A fan favorite)

The Thang

After we were warmed up, we headed over to the track for 11’s.  Obviously there isn’t a hill close to the school so I modified it to allow for pax to walk if needed.

At one end of the track we did jump squats and the other Carolina dry docks until the runners had finished their entire set of eleven.  If you could run, you ran.  Otherwise walk. The three runners were all looking strong.  Great work guys!

After 11’s we made our way back to the school where my flashy sound box was waiting along with a 20 lb and 30 lb kettle bell.

Since no one else had kettle bells we made due and it worked out pretty well I think.  We did the following exercises, once with a 20 lb and the other with the 30 lb bell and in between you were doing some type of exercise while you waited on the bell.

Triceps extensions
Squat and thrust
Russian Twist/ aka American Hammer

Once we finished this round of pain we made our way over to the wall for a little people’s chair.  A little stretching and yoga and we were done!

Great job brothers!  I was starting to wonder if anyone was coming at 6:50 since no one was there.  But Snoopy was there and Sony rolled in, then Mall Cop and Slum Dog made their way in on two wheels.

Ascent is where I first posted the last Saturday in March, 2014 so it will always hold a special place in my heart even though I live in The Fort now.

Thanks for the honor of leading.  Everyone was working hard and taking that Daily Red Pill.

DT out.





TClap |

3rd F Convergence: Maturity

  • QIC: Double D and Chicken Hawk
  • When: 05/19/2017
  • Pax: All
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

If Wisdom is the ability to discern  based on experience, knowledge and judgement then Maturity is when discernment turns into action and a man responds appropriately.

Our maturation process begins early in our lives, some of us move through this process sooner than others… arguably most of us never fully mature.  Starting as a young boy we all began to mature by trying to fit in socially.  We identified male role models  such as a father, grand parent or maybe for you it was a super hero.  These role models helped give us a compass to guide us in order to achieve the desired level of social behavior.

Emotional maturity is measured by our ability to cope and respond to adversity.   We are all somewhere on the continuum of emotional maturity.  At one end we have the man with less coping ability and he becomes physical or verbally aggressive to cope when times get tough and challenging.  On the other end of the spectrum of emotional maturity we have the man that is willing to swallow his pride and dies to his own self preservation (humility) for the sake of the group or individual.

At some point in our adult lives we arrive at a cross-roads.  We chose to continue to approach life where we take control and “own it” and expect that we will finally find the fulfillment that has eluded us so many years.  Or we decide a different path; a path where we do the exact opposite and we begin to embrace the spiritual world and we give up control to a being that is greater than ourselves, one that we can’t understand and one that we can’t hardly explain. Spiritual maturity is learning how to walk in obedience to that greater authority . It is making the choice to daily live by God’s direction rather than our own human selfish ways. It is making the choice to serve and love those around us and be transformed closer to the image of Christ.

During this 3rd F convergence we are going to engage in a man-to-man discussion on the topic of maturity.  We will have a #HIM kick off the discussion with a testimony of what maturity has meant to them and then we will have an open discussion on the topic hitting on some of the following themes:

  • Who was your male role model as a child that helped give you a compass as you grew from a boy to a man?  What was it about this person that you aspired to be like?
  • Where are you on the continuum of emotional maturity and your ability to cope when adversity hits?  Are you more at the end of physical, verbal responsiveness or have you learned to die to self and let go of being right on principle?  What has helped you move along that continuum throughout your life?
  • React to the following: “You cannot have maturity unless you have perseverance in your life and you’ve gone through some pain. God cares more about your maturity than he does about your happiness.”  What trials have you faced in your life that have birthed maturity?
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Tabata Q at the Poopdeck

  • QIC: Bonsai
  • When: 4/20/2017
  • Pax: Shady, Royal, Witch Hunt, Austin Powers, Kenyan, Deviance, Snooki, Wild Thing
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Warm up:
Low slow squats
10 Arm circles each direction

The Thang:
For the Q today I decided to go a different route than the normal F3 Boot camp which usually consist of exercises and some running.  However I wanted to make sure we still were able to get cardio and strength exercises in.  With that being said we took part in a type of exercises known as either Tabata or HITT.  Each exercise below was performed for 20 seconds and then 10 second rest (Rinse and repeat exercise 6 times then move to the next).

  1. Burpees
  2. Jumping Knee Tucks
  3. Sandbag Toss – Using 60lbs and 40lbs Ruck sandbags (Lift, press and push the bag forward.  Rotate between the two weights)
  4. Twisting Lung with cinder block
  5. Balls 2 the Wall
  6. Peoples Chair
  7. LBC
  8. Curls with cinder block
  9. American Hammer
  10. 180 Jump Squats
  11. Level 1 Drill – 4 merkins, 10 mountain climbers, 10 hip thrusters
  12. Flutter

The word of the month is Sacrifice.  A couple questions I asked during COT with the Pax.
What are you sacrificing to make other people better?
Is it truly Sacrifice if you receive something in return?

It was an honor to lead.  Until next time – Bonsai

TClap |

WAS-NOW. One HIM changed at a time, Through F3

  • QIC: F3Qsource
  • When: 04/01/17
  • Pax: All PAX of the F3nation
  • Posted In: Uncategorized


WAS-NOW: A story of change through IMPACT. There I WAS, then this happened, and here I am NOW.


In an effort to recognize Pax and their transformation through the Shield Lock of F3, the F3QSource will be spotlighting different groups and individuals that have benefited through the aspects of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
Everyone has a different story and reason for the betterment of the F3 brotherhood. As such, we want to highlight our brothers who have made awesome strides of bettering themselves.

If you have anyone or a group of HIMs that you would like to recognize, please submit a direct message to the @F3QSource on Twitter.

And below are a few lexicon characteristics to use as examples

ACCOUNTABILITY: Submission to Standard through Enforcement and Consequence.

ADVERSITY: A challenge to Acceleration created by Obstacles.

APPRENTICESHIP: The phase of the LDP within which Positive Habit Transfer takes place.

ASK LISTEN REMEMBER: The method by which the Q builds Trust with his Group Members. He asks questions, listens to the answer and remembs what he hears. Abbr: ALR.

CLUSTERQ: An abomination of a Q that elevates the self-confidence of all other PAX in attendance, thereby convincing PAX on the fence that they couldn’t possibly do worse than THAT guy, leading to an influx in Q signups.

COMMITMENT: Unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish the Mission.

COMPLETELY STUPID AND UTTERLY POINTLESS: Difficult Events that the PAX do together to promote Teamwork and Perseverance. Abbr: CSAUP.

COMZ: The Q’s Commitment to Accelerating the quality of communication within his Group.

DISRUPTER: A HIM who is a powerful Influencer of Movement toward Organizational Advantage. Highly valued within a Lizard. Feared and loathed by Goo Nation. A menace to the status quo.

DAILY RED PILL: The Q’s daily Commitment to Accelerate his Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. Abbr: DRP.

EFFECTIVENESS: The degree to which a person or Group successfully performs their Mission.

EQUIPPING: The Q’s training of other Accelerating Men to perform their Mission.

FAITH: A man’s belief in something outside of himself. The third F of F3. AKA: the ThirdF. AKA: 3F.

FELLOWSHIP: A healthy relationship with those in Proximity. The second F of F3. AKA: the SecondF. AKA: 2F.

FITNESS: A healthy relationship with body and soul. The first F of F3. AKA: FirstF. AKA: 1F.

WAS-NOW: A story of change through IMPACT. There I WAS, then this happened, and here I am NOW.

IMPACT: Forcible contact to strong effect. (Q2.1).


Positive Habit Transfer

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May 24th PHOP Games

We are a little over a month away from the inaugural PHOP Games.  Not sure about you guys, but when someone is keeping score, I find a little extra motivation to dig a little deeper.

This will be a little different than normal competitions like Pain-theon Games and will reflect the culture we have established at PHOP with a return to gear and pain.

Since my last pre-blast we have decided to add one additional event.

Each competitor will have 2 minutes for each event to do as many reps as possible(AMRAP).

  1. LBCs
  2. Burpees
  3. Side straddle hop
  4. Hammer Swings
  5. Tire flips
  6. Cinder block shoulder press
  7. Cinder block shoulder shrug

I don’t know exactly how this is gonna go, if we don’t have enough time, so be it, if we have extra time, we can figure some other stuff to do, I will have an idea in my mind what I want to do by then if need be.

Looking forward to this!

TClap |

It seemed like a good idea on the couch.

  • QIC: Falcon Crest/ Maximus
  • When: 4/8/2017
  • Pax: Senator Tressel, Sparkplug, Atticus, Shady, Pusher, Rooney, Bonzi, Change Order, FNG-Swayze, Fish Sticks, Mighty Mike, Houshca, Omaha, Cable Guy, Falcon Crest, Maximus
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

17 Strong

Lap around AO.

Warm up:

  • Side shuttle hops (20)
  • Windmill(10)
  • Cherry Picker (10)
  • Hill Billy Walker (20)
  • Merkin (10)
  • Mountain Climber (20)
  • Plank/ left arm high/ right arm high/6″

Mosey to steep hill

  • Run down hill and at bottom do merkins (descending order 9 to 1)
  • Run up hill and at top do bomb jacks (ascending order 1 to 9)

Group made it to about 3 merkins/ 7 bomb jacks and then it was time for Maximus to run second half.

Catch my breath after the hill and take a slow mosey back to the lot for a gear drop and a continued mosey to the concession stand wall.
After the recognition of a few 2.0’s we filtered myself and assigned “Basket”balls to the wall for (2) 10 counts and 2 sets of wall sits with varied arm positions.
Circle up for an ab lab in the outfield consisting of:
American Hammers
Box Cutters each direction
Last week, Lt Dan made an appearance so this week it was time for his distant cousin to show, Mr. Jack Webb. With a 1:4 ratio, we went to a full 10:40 counts.
Moroccan Night Clubs
Split the group in 2 lines facing each other, about 20yds apart. Find the man directly across from you and bear crawl to him. Upon arrival, do 5 partner merkins then reverse bear crawl back to the starting position.
Now crab walk to your partner and do 10 dips then crab walk to the starting position for a set Carolina Dry Docks
Mosey to the playground and split into 3 groups:
Group 1 = 10 pull ups and Group 2 & 3 does ab work then rotate through for each of the 3 groups.
Then finish up with some ab work.

TClap |

F3 Rock Hill 3rd Anniversary

F3 Rock Hill 3rd Anniversary Saturday May 6th

This year marks F3 Rock Hill’s 3 year anniversary. Come join us in the celebration of epic comradery and growth.

Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of their circumstances. Who is a comrade? A close friend or a fellow soldier — in other words, someone who comes to mind when you say, “We’re in this together.”

The workout will be lead by the Founders of F3nation Dredd and OBT,  at the the F3 Rock Hill original AO The Patriot.

Followed by a 2nd F breakfast and iron sharpening event at Saint Johns’ UMC. With Dredd and OBT addressing the PAX with a special message on leadership and growth of F3nation. 

NOTE: Breakfast will be provided from 0830 til 0900 at Saint Johns UMC. All inclusive. 
This will be a great opportunity to meet and sharpen Iron and push the rock with, Dredd, OBT and your brothers. Along with, being able to hear first hand, about what the the future holds for F3nation

  • What: F3 Rock Hill 3 year convergence

  • When: Saturday May 6th 2017

  • Where:(1st F)  The Patriot  AO /(2nd F)St. Johns UMC Church… addresses are below

  • Time: Boot/Camp 0700 til 0800 / 2nd F 0900 til 1030

For Directions see links below

The Patriot AO Address


Saint Johns Address



TClap |