One HIM changed at a time, Through F3

  • QIC: F3QSource
  • When: 4/1/17
  • Pax: All Pax of F3nation
  • Posted In: Uncategorized


In an effort to recognize Pax and their transformation through the Shield Lock of F3, the F3QSource will be spotlighting different groups and individuals that have benefited through the aspects of Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.
Everyone has a different story and reason for the betterment of the F3 brotherhood. As such, we want to highlight our brothers who have made awesome strides of bettering themselves.

If you have anyone or a group of HIMs that you would like to recognize, please submit a direct message to the @F3QSource on Twitter.

And below are a few lexicon characteristics to use as examples

ACCOUNTABILITY: Submission to Standard through Enforcement and Consequence.

ADVERSITY: A challenge to Acceleration created by Obstacles.

APPRENTICESHIP: The phase of the LDP within which Positive Habit Transfer takes place.

ASK LISTEN REMEMBER: The method by which the Q builds Trust with his Group Members. He asks questions, listens to the answer and remembs what he hears. Abbr: ALR.

CLUSTERQ: An abomination of a Q that elevates the self-confidence of all other PAX in attendance, thereby convincing PAX on the fence that they couldn’t possibly do worse than THAT guy, leading to an influx in Q signups.

COMMITMENT: Unwavering loyalty to the Group and unflinching determination to accomplish the Mission.

COMPLETELY STUPID AND UTTERLY POINTLESS: Difficult Events that the PAX do together to promote Teamwork and Perseverance. Abbr: CSAUP.

COMZ: The Q’s Commitment to Accelerating the quality of communication within his Group.

DISRUPTER: A HIM who is a powerful Influencer of Movement toward Organizational Advantage. Highly valued within a Lizard. Feared and loathed by Goo Nation. A menace to the status quo.

DAILY RED PILL: The Q’s daily Commitment to Accelerate his Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. Abbr: DRP.

EFFECTIVENESS: The degree to which a person or Group successfully performs their Mission.

EQUIPPING: The Q’s training of other Accelerating Men to perform their Mission.

FAITH: A man’s belief in something outside of himself. The third F of F3. AKA: the ThirdF. AKA: 3F.

FELLOWSHIP: A healthy relationship with those in Proximity. The second F of F3. AKA: the SecondF. AKA: 2F.

FITNESS: A healthy relationship with body and soul. The first F of F3. AKA: FirstF. AKA: 1F.

WAS-NOW: A story of change through IMPACT. There I WAS, then this happened, and here I am NOW.

IMPACT: Forcible contact to strong effect. (Q2.1).


Positive Habit Transfer

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F3 Foundation (F3F) Introduction – The Fort/Rock

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 4/1/2017
  • Pax: All Pax
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Over the years, the F3 Foundation has supported The Fort’s and The Rock’s community service activities that work toward F3s mission. The mission of F3F is to leverage the men of F3 Nation to develop and strengthen male leadership in our communities. To learn more about the foundation please click . Clearly aligned with the broader F3 mission our region has received support from F3F on several activities supporting the Children’s Attention Home as well as our efforts to engage the community in Paradise with the Easter Egg hunt on April 1st. Our organization partners with groups that are out there every day in the trenches. These are the people who are mentoring, establishing leadership programs, and forming sports teams for the disadvantaged, among other things. F3F is a lean, mean funding machine.

How does F3F Impact current goods drives and service activities?

This has no impact on goods/snacks, canned food, bikes, coats, etc drives… We will continue to fill the voids in our communities when any man feels compelled to mobilize the PAX for a given need. However, when our mission aligns with the F3F mission to develop and strengthen male leadership in our communities we are able to tap into the funds in the foundation to support our efforts. In the future, we will have our own pool of funds that we can tap into that will be dispersed after the appropriate justification and evaluation is done to ensure it aligns with Foundation requirements.

Call to Action:

The great news is that F3F is a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Even better is that when you contribute you can request to have your contribution directed to the activities that our region supports. When you contribute through Paypal you can add an instruction to the contribution to have proceeds used in “THE FORT/ROCK” region and those proceeds will go directly to our regions’ causes as long as they fit within the mission of F3F. You can also mail your contribution to the following address:
F3 Foundation Inc.
1645 Queens Road West
Charlotte, NC 28207

Please consider making a contribution to help our regions engage the community and groom the next generation of leaders!


Chicken Hawk

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Non P200 Friendly workout at the Yard

  • QIC: Bonsai
  • When: 3/25/2017
  • Pax: Frat Boy, Anchorman, Magnum, Mash, Deep Dish, Gilmore
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

When I started to think about what I was going to do for the “Moderate” Yard workout I found it difficult to put something together that considered to be moderate.  After about 10 minutes I decided to stop worry about keeping it moderate because of two reasons 1) I knew the Pax where strong enough to handle whatever I choose, but there may be some complaining.  2) Anchorman would keep me straight on what was appropriate.  Plus I knew I wouldn’t be reprimanded by the Site Q (Hasslehoff) since he was somewhere between Colombia and Charleston running in the P200.

Gave a quick disclaimer to all Pax and off we went for a mosey around the school parking lots to get our legs warmed up for what was to come.

Low Slow Squat
Hill Billy Walker
Moroccan Night Club 20 count – half way through we dropped into the people’s chair

Then we all lined up along the curb for the following exercises
Soccer hips down and back
Inch worm merkins

After the warmup was complete we moved over to the drop off circle where there was 4 cones setup.  At each cone Pax where to do the designated exercises for that round then run around the island back to the beginning

Round 1 – 20 Lunges at cones 1 and 3
20 Squats at cones 2 and 4
Lunge walk between cones
Round 2 – 10 Split arm merkins and 20 LBC at cones 1 and 3
10 CCD and 20 plank jacks at cones 2 and 4
Bear crawl or crab walk to next cone
Round 3 – Rinse and repeat Round 1
Round 4 – 5 Wide arm merkins and 20 LBC at cones 1 and 3
10 dips and 20 Plank Jacks at cones 2 and 4
Bear crawl or crab walk to next cone

After completing all 4 rounds Pax moved over to the large parking lot in front of the football field.  Standing at the closest basketball hoop to the school we ran down to the next basketball goal and performed exercises and then continued to the end where we did more exercises and then returned to the beginning.  The list of exercises is below and Pax performed the number listed beside each exercise.  Each trip 2 new exercises would be added to the list

  1. Inch worm merkin
  2. Plank Jacks
  3. Flying Squirrels
  4. Squats
  5. Merkin
  6. LBC
  7. SSH
  8. Hill Billy Walker
  9. American Hammer
  10. Burpees

It was a honor to lead a group of #HIMS.



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F3 Fasting Challenge

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: Sundown 5/3 to Sundown 5/4
  • Pax: All PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

During the month of April, during our month of Sacrifice <LINK> we will begin preparing our bodies, minds and spirits to get closer to God through an ancient ritual.  Through a PAX wide “fast” we will support each other as we prepare to participate in the National Day of Prayer on May 4th.

Why Fast:  Denying yourself of food, pleasure and material goods is the avenue that fasting uses to help you re-align your focus on God.  Fasting can be done for many reasons including the need for Spiritual Guidance, a closer connection to God, to improve your prayer, to mourn, to show humility and/or to practice spiritual discipline.  Whatever your reason that is up to you but no one can deny they have a reason to fast!

If this is your first time fasting then click on this <LINK> to get some pointers and background to help you through the process.  What is most important is to know your physical limitations and not put yourself in harm’s way if you know there is a physical reason you shouldn’t fast that could be detrimental to your health.

Fast Details:

Type of Fast:  Water only Fast for 24 hours (modify to a Juice fast if a water fast is too physically difficult for you)

Timing:  Sun down May 3rd to sun down May 4th


  • Preparation of Body – Prepare for the fast by skipping one or two meals a day leading up to May 3rd in order to prepare the body for extended periods of time without food.
  • Preparation of the Mind – A fast will be both physically and mentally taxing. Prepare for the devil to give you excuses, put people in your life that discount your intentions and be prepared for temptations to draw your mind away from the purpose of your fast.
  • Preparation of the Spirit – Determine the reason you are fasting. Prepare your spirit to engage with God in extended prayer time to ask God to help bring you closer to him, to change you, your situation and/or for Him to help those that need help in your life.

This Fast is not an individual event for those Pax participating we will be on twitter under #F3FAST to support and encourage each other and to share stories of Triumph!


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One For Each Other And All For One!

  • QIC: Drop Thrill
  • When: 03/25/17
  • Pax: Glass Joe, Pikachu, Lumber Jack, The Count, Smoky, Shepherd (Respect), Bernanke, Hairband, Shake n Bake, Tough Skins, Muddy (FNG Brandon M), Espresso, Bullwinkle, Magic Attic, Bonheoffer, Belly Flop, Goofy Foot, Double E, Drop Thrill
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

If you didn’t catch that movie reference, it’s from Three Amigos.  Why Three Amigos? Because March 25 marked three years in F3 for me and you are all my amigos! I made the trek from The Fort to Union County to celebrate with burpee cake for all. Yes I’ve used this movie reference before, but just go with it.

Time for a little circle of pain.

Imperial Walkers
Moroccan Nightclub

Next follow me…

Find a parking space, become best buds because you are hanging with it for a long time…

Repeat each set increasing by five. Five, ten, fifteen and then twenty.  The kicker is that all of these are done in cadence.  So we really did a whole lot more than we could have. Here are the exercises:

Air dead lifts
Reverse crunch

After I tried to smoke the pax which was a failure as Smoky was still plugging along like the android he is, we made our way to he hill.

Time for 11’s with burpees at the top and squats at the bottom.  But wait!   This is the quadraphilia version, walk/run up the hill backwards! And go!

Great work everyone, those really burn all except for Smoky who over course is an android.

After everyone finished up with either laps or their round for 11’s, we met back up for some Mary.  Thanks to Double E for entertaining the masses while I ran to the car for a second.

After a little Mary and some yogurt (yoga), we were done!

Sixty Degree Moleskin

What a lovely weekend we had, and it started out right with nineteen of you getting out there and getting stronger.

Welcome FNG Muddy aka Brandon M!  Tough Skins had been working on him to come try F3 for a while and the EH finally paid off.  Great job brother, come back!  It doesn’t get easier, but you do get stronger.

Good to see the progress of Goofy Foot and Belly Flop.  They are growing into fine young men.

Smoky is still a beast and I was shocked when he said he was challenged by the Alphabet during Mary. Anytime Smoky is challenged, you know you’ve done something.

Good to meet Bullwinkle.  Looking good out there.  Stick with it and it will pay off.  You’ve got a great group to surround you and support you.

Thanks to Tough Skins for driving down from Mint Hill and for EHing Muddy.

To the rest, thank for the honor to lead the leader’s of F3 Union County.  Always a pleasure.  When I called Moroccan Nightclub’s I could see the wheels turning, wondering what nonsense I was bringing from The Fort.  Thanks for not running away.

Thanks for your investment in my life the past three years, whether big or small.  Until next time.

DT out.

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Kotter Q

  • QIC: Bart
  • When: 3/20/17
  • Pax: Cable Guy, DaVinci, Cha Ching, Bones, Lil E, Royale, Flea, Nasa
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

So I’ve taken near 2 months off for illness and then ya know, its hard to get started again… So I decide Friday that Monday will be the day, not 10 minutes later I receive the reminder email that I have the Q on Monday.  Seriously?? No, that can’t be right, surely there’s been some mistake…No? (deep sigh) alright so be it.  Drag my lazy butt out of bed and get to it.

Now, I realize I have to take it easy on myself but I don’t want to dissappoint.  So the warmup is total old man style and if you told me we ran more than a half mile all morning you’re a liar.  SSH, Abe Vigoda, plank stretch, mountain climbers, and a few CDD to make it look like I’m trying.

Mosey to the Old Faithful red balls.  Bear crawl lunge walk alternating at each ball.  Then same going back…well let’s just do them backwards!  Huge mistake(sounded so good coming out of my mouth). A few potato pickers in between so that the Q can catch his breath.

Mosey to the alley for some chair and walking BTTW.  Another short trip to the fountain for derkins and step ups then to COT for a short ab o rama.

Side note for Royale: I struggled, but did remember the exercise names and although I did get a little in my mouth I did not toss the merlot(I don’t know which one of you wins the bet…or did you both bet against me?)

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Rain, Hills and Wisdom at the Abyss

  • QIC: Royale
  • Pax: Vinny, Flea, Mr. Rogers, Cornerstone, Snooki, Bones, Hauschka, Witch Hunt, Royale
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

9 PAX came out on a drizzly but kinda warm day to the Abyss. I pulled in and it was great to see Cornerstone and Mr. Rogers doing some pre run work. Mr. Rogers told us he’s lost 55 pounds since starting this F3 thing! I love to see guys give it their all, and it’s great to watch that change in a man. I tell all the new PAX, it took me 4 months to keep up with a full 45 minute workout, but you keep posting you’ll be there in no time! We’ve got a new member drinking the Kool-Aid of F3 so far this week. Our new Lake Wylie man “Flea” posted for the 1st time Saturday at the Deep, and since then this Wednesday at the Abyss marked 3 out of 4 days for him! That’s the kind of start I like to see. Not since Witch Hunt as a man started so fast out the gate! I’m pretty sure (excluding Sundays) Witch Hunt has posted 142 consecutive days…look it up!

The Thang

So being Flea’s 3rd day I gave the longer disclaimer and we were off.

Mosey to behind the school to the bus parking lot.

20 SSHs – 15 IWs – 20 MNCs – 10 Merkins – 15 Plank Jacks – 15 L&S Squats – 10 Ab Vagotas (sic)

1st rotation

Partner Up
1 partner run 1 lap around the track while the other partner does the following exercise then switch

Dips – Pull Ups – Freddie Mercury’s – Burpees

I like Cornerstone’s variation on the burpee, more of the jump squat version, but it helped Mr. Rogers and Flea stay in motion!

Our 10 counts consisted of my version of sharing Wisdom…I don’t do it consistently at all of my Qs (something I’m working on)
The Theme of the Month makes it easy! T-Claps to our PAX that create and post the theme documents every month. I asked the PAX what the theme was this month now that we are in March and a few got it correct – WISDOM

I shared the definition of Wisdom (reference your Weekly Fort newsletter, pull up the theme document, print it out, keep it at work, live to it’s higher standard!)

Off to 2nd rotation
11s on our Abyss Hill (several groans when we stopped here, how can PAX not like to get wet??)
Top we do Merkins starting at 10
Bottom Carolina Dry Docks starting at 1
Up and down the Hill until you’ve completed the 10-1 reverse

The PAX pushed this one hard, and it was hard to tell if it was rain, sweat or tears that had us drenched…but all the men kept going until the six could finish up. I’m always impressed by the encouragement the men give each other. One of my favorite things about posing in the Fort region.

Wisdom Speech #2
I shared 3 highlighted areas of the “Make it Personal” section of the document, then shared my our personal insight (see the moleskin below)

Mosey back to parking lot by cars.
Final 4 minutes: Captain Thors
1:4 assending reps of Big boy sit up to America Hammers

We went until 6am, made it to 6 Sit ups and 24 AHs


P200 man needed for my team Electrolytes Stat! (Poor Tater hurt his ankle)
Need plastic Easter Eggs for Paradise 4/1
Lake Wylie Convergence 4/22/17
F3 Dads game at the Knights 5/26
BrewRuck 4/1
Children’s Attention Home workouts, support and Qs needed!

For the passing of the little Vanderslice Boy who returned to the Lord after battling cancer (Cornerstone knew the family)
Royale’s Father

At the 2nd Wisdom reading I shared a little about my current life struggles and how “Wisdom” is helping me through this time. On Tuesday, my struggling, unemployed, alcoholic father called to tell me he had been evicted from his apartment after several months of not paying the rent due to his unemployment since this summer. I’ve talked about him in COT many time’s in the past, and we pray for him regularly. A few weeks ago at the Abyss, Mr. T was on Q and he shared the famous Serenity prayer.

God grant me the
Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

That has meant a lot to me during these trials with my father. You want to “help” him. It might seem callous or dismissive, or even hateful to outsiders how I’ve treated this situation. It’s easy to give my father food, or money, or help him look for jobs, take him to his doctor for the medications he needs for depression…but none of those things truly help him improve. They just keep him surviving. For months I’ve carried the weight of trying to move him forward to be a functioning member of society, all to little success. So after countless warnings that not paying rent will get him evicted it finally happened. He’s homeless…what now? Bring him to live with me? I’ve already taken in my 16 year old niece and 13 year old nephew that need my family, there’s no room for another person. If I did, what then? Let him live the same way he has for months… being doped up on prescription pills doing nothing? Or worse, take him off those pills and he hallucinates and talks like a crazy person? Allow him to drink beers all day? The stress of that to my already overworked and overburdened wife would destroy our family. My mother is heart broken, and wants to help…but she is his “enabler” and this cycle in his life has happened countless times in the past. She would be sacrificing her own health and well-being to take him in and take on his stresses.

So with prayer we’ve come to the realization that we cannot change him, he must change himself. People do have to hit rock bottom to find that drive and motivation to get back on the path God has created for them. I pray all the time for my father to find his way in this world…and through prayer I’ve found peace that things will work out as planned, even if I don’t know what that plan is. I’ve provided my father with the homeless shelter phone number, I hope he calls it. Now at night, or in the rain, my heart sinks to know he’s out there on his own…

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Tire Time

  • QIC: Birdcage
  • When: 03/09/17
  • Pax: Kielbasa, Sauerkraut, Soft Pretzel, Tuck, Fire Hazard, Airhart, Waterwings, Ringer, General
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

As many of you know I try to keep things fresh and different, its kinda my thing. Cakeboss has big calves, Apache is loud, and CSPAN is old. We all kinda have a thing. So I was thinking the other day what exactly is there left to do. Tires came to mind. I have been to a few workouts where a tire was around but never a true tire workout. You Tube here I come….

I prepared for the workout, but didn’t fully prepare for the turnout. I was anticipating 4-6 and got 10. Wouldn’t have been so bad if I had 5-10 tires but I had partner exercises planed and only 4 tires. O well, adapt and overcome. Things could have been smother but I know better for the next tire workout.

The Thang

Warm ups consisted of fast lap around parking lot, 10 mountain climbers, 3*10 second 6″ hold (insert bombjacks here), 10 wall muscle ups, 10 imperial walkers, 10 wall muscle ups, fast lap back to tire station

We had 1 semi steer tire and 3 regular pickup tires. The count went until the group with the semi tire was done. Then each group rotated until we all had a crack at the big tire. Series 1: Big tire flip 30 each partner. Small tire groups did partner tire throws, partner pass tire sit ups, overhead tire presses, back to back tire passes

Series 2 : Big tire drag 150′ each partner. Small tire group did toe taps, half Turkish get ups (with a tire), side to side wood choppers (imagine making a rainbow with a tire), declined merkins, and dips.

The final set was pretty basic. We split into 2 groups while still keeping our partner. 1 team would run about 100′ carrying the semi tire then change to another team to run back with it. While everyone else waited we did merkins, Moroccan night clubs, SSH, sit ups, and squats. After all the teams ran is when we would rotate to a different exercise. Things went ok…ish until the 4th to 5th time of running with the stupid tire. Let just say it got heavy….



I want to thank the guys that came out today. Wasn’t my best organization and everyone did great with adapting as needing and staying moving. Prayers for family, friends, and wealth. Maltz challange tomorrow, bring candy filled eggs so Skate or Die does a lot of burpees. Sorry we didn’t get to the sledge hammer but hey, need to save some fun for next time.

Rib Cage out (aka Birdcage)

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Coupon Ruck at NAFO

  • QIC: Repeat
  • When: 03/02/17
  • Pax: WWL, Crab Cakes, Twister, Chedda, Router, trucker, deacon, Spiderman, Maximus, What Did, and Repeat (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Warm up

SSH X 25

Windmills X 15

Imperial walker X 15

Distribute bricks and clip sand bags together

Come together for seal team sit-ups X10

Fast mosey to bottom parking lot.

Bear crawl to first island parking lot. Lunge walk if you have a sand bag switch

Get the log up and hang 2 sandbags on the log

Carry the log to parking lot

while in a squat

While only 7 are on the log

If there are less than 7 guys on the log at one time you fail (one inch lower in the squat)

The others do

Count 10 each

Outside is ruck curls

Overhead press

Move log out of the parking lot and up a slight hill

Put the other two sandbags on the log

While only 8 are on the log

The others do

10 Squats with a ruck/sandbag out front

5 merkins

10 overhead presses

Take the log back

Otw way back you lose the 4 tallest guys

Drop the log (hear pax complain)

Back towards COT

At the edge of the parking lot bear crawls unless you have a sandbag

Great job guys, you carried around 1200 lbs

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F3 The Fort – BREWRUCK 001

Ruck + Homebrew + Charities + Miles = good times for all

On April 1st we will execute BREWRUCK 001 – Homebrew Edition within The Fort.

Here’s what you need to know:

When: Saturday April 1st, 2017, 1300 launch (1:00pm)
Where: Alcatraz (aka Runde Park, 5000 Tega Cay Dr, Tega Cay, SC 29708)
What: This is our spine on Brewruck, the course will bring thristy ruckers from Homebrewer to Homebrew (i.e. their garage/front yard, M approved area), you’ll have 20 mins to enjoy the feature homebrew on tap or a water, there will be 4-5 homebrew stops along the course
Why: 1) Pathfinder miles, 2) homebrew, 3) fellowship 4) charity
Part 1) Brewruck is normally tied to a canned food drive, so our spin on it: instead of filling your ruck with bricks or plates, we ask that you fill your ruck with canned food (same challenge weight), at the end we’ll collect all cans and donate all items to CAH or Fort Mill Care Center.

Part 2) Fundraiser for Mission Trip, there’s a group of 10-12 F3 pax leading a mission trip to Columbia South America in Sep 2017, all patch sale proceeds or donations will go to support their trip.

Distance: ~10 miles
EndEx: Full Spectrum Brewery
Duration: ~4.5-5 hours (1800 (6pm) finish (get you home in time for dinner)
Course: Start in Tega Cay, make our way to Baxter, through Baxter and endex at Full Spectrum (you should plan to car pool and/or be dropped off at the beginning or picked up at the end)
Full course to be released prior to April 1st.
Cost: Patches will be sold for $15/each, all proceeds will go to the Mission Trip, additionally your fellow pax have brewed some of the best beers you can make in a garage, opened their house or yard to you and offered water and/snacks, all for your enjoyment, if you’d like to make a small donation to say thank you, please bring some loose dollar bills ($1) to leave in the “tip” jar at each stop, OR consider a flat payment of $20 when purchasing a patch.

YOU DO NEED TO SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT. Due to limited beer and patches, the event will be capped to 50 pax, you can sign up here.

This is going to be an awesome ruck and supports our community at the same time.

Direct any questions to WWL (@jclaroche2)


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