York Intermediate AO Recon

  • QIC: Bounty
  • When: 02/15/17
  • Pax: Chef, Drifter, BlackLung, Chernobyl, Bounty (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Conditions: 50’s, dry, with 4 Pax Companions

So this was the second main recon of the York Intermediate AO to hopefully be utilized as a permanent rucking AO site.  The idea for this recon is several things…First, to have a Wednesday workout option in the York area. Second, to help coordinate anyone doing a “Pathfinder” event with a great location that offers several different challenges for training. Third, to help spread the word about “Rucking” and the benefits from it versus other workouts.  Lastly, to offer something different to the regular F3 Pax instead of just SSH, merkins, run/cardio, rinse and repeat like the majority of other AO’s.

If you’ve never been to the Intermediate school, I will give a brief description of what this site has to offer. The Intermediate is in close proximity to two other schools: York Middle and York Elementary.  This gives us three schools next to one another along with all there offerings to include: parking lots, tennis courts, lights, rubberized track, pull up bars, frontage road, cross country track, bleachers/ stairs, covered areas, alleyways, walls, hills, random coupons, ditches, and swings.  As you can see, this one site has just about anything you may want to use in an awesome one stop shop.


Low Slow Squat IC x 5

Windmills IC x 5

No FNG’s so a quick disclaimer was given and the Pax were advised to modify as needed because this workout would by done with either the ruck on back, ruck on front, or ruck in hand. To warmup the upper half we completed:

30y bearcrawl

5y side crawl to the right

5y side crawl to the left

20y crawlbear (backwards bearcrawl)

20y bearcrawl

The Thang:

I placed 12 pieces of tape on the concrete each with the name of an exercise.  I told the Pax that we would do AMRAP with your ruck for 30sec followed by a 10sec rest, then 30sec on again.  After completion we would move to the next exercise in a circuit/ Tabata style.  The exercises went as follows:

Plankjacks, Derkins, Flutterkicks, Blockees, Air Squared, Flutterkicks, Sphinx Merkins, Turkish Get Ups, Ranger Merkins, One Arm Plank, Nipple Scraper Merkins, and Genuines.

We had a few minutes left so we knocked out 50 situps before the third F.  For the third “F” I advised the Pax that the all the exercises that were just completed was part of the message to us.  Each exercise began with a letter that was used to describe what I believe all HIM’s possess.  I read this passage before and decided to pass it along, “when you push your body to it’s limits, when you’re out of breath and in pain, when you’re lying on the ground exhausted – that’s the kind of experience that shows you how bad things COULD BE. But by doing this, you’re changing your mind’s frame of reference to a new set of standards. When that challenging workout is over, the small worries of the day seem like nothing. Then I advised the Pax to:


Positive P – Plankjacks

Devoted D – Derkins

Fighting F – Flutterkicks

Brave B – Blockees

Ambitious A – Air Squared

Focused F – Flutterkicks


S – Sphinx Merkins

T – Turkish GetUps

R – Ranger Merkins

O – One arm Plank

N – Nipple Scraper Merkins

G – Genuines

Great job to the men who completed this workout. I hope it continues to show that not all “ruck” workouts mean we have to walk/run for miles everytime.  Drifter, you may not see it or feel it, but I see improvement with you at every workout. Chef, I love how you are always a hard worker and never afraid to try something new. Chernobyl, the human machine that never needs a day off…awesome output. Blacklung, you’re the perfect total fitness package of strength, speed, endurance, and cardio.  Keep up the great work guys, I cant wait to sweat with yall in the gloom again.

Announcement given: Yeti, Attendance, Newsletter, Site Q meeting.




TClap |

CSPAN return to @F3Indianland

  • When: 02/09/17
  • Pax: Birdcage, Ringer, Fire Hazard, Bounty Hunter, Sauerkraut, Kielbasa, Kirby, and The General
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

several got 2 miles for pre-run

Disclaimer in detail

off and running…warm-up-o-rama…off and running…dip circuit…off and running…lunge medley…off and running…ABLAB…off and running…merkin melody…off and running…peoples donkey balls melody…off and running

Prayer and Praise


Naked Man:

~great to back
~no 1-Niner and his KT tape
~Ringer is still fit
~Fire Hazard is an over achiever
~Kirby is funny = quality #chatter
~The Sauerkraut Kielbasa are the new “dynamic duo”
~General kept his sleeves on for the full workout
~Bounty still hates running…
~Birdcage has the 2nd most miles on his P200 Team = who thinks they aren’t a runner?
~Ringer thank you for the invite
~appreciate the 2nd F at breakfast

Be a better man today than you were yesterday,

TClap |

Tomahawk- Lets Work

  • QIC: Backdraft
  • When: 02/06/2017
  • Pax: Geronimo, Sauerkraut, Pinup, Dark Helmet, Chicken Wing, Skate Or Die, Clampett, Cash Flow, Backdraft
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Tomahawk- A kettlebell workout.

Superbowl Sunday and thank you to the site Q for the friendly reminder.

YHC thought he was going to be able to have early night with the Falcons up by 25 points in super bowl 51. But never count out a team that made it to the super bowl. Even if you don’t like the guy Brady showed what team leadership was all about and also about being an awesome competitor.

So YHC did not get to bed as early as he liked and to some of the PAX that showed up this fine Monday morning thought I might have been a little angry. Not angry just like to push people during workouts so that they know anything is possible. All the PAX worked really hard. Thanks for the invite Chicken Wing.

Disclaimer- I nor F3 are responsible if you injure yourself.

Mosey with the butt kickers, high knees, shuffle, and karaoke thrown in.

SSH x 34

IW’s x 11

Windmills X 11

Mountain Climbers x 11, Peter parkers x 11, parker peters x 11.

Grab bell and mosey to street light. find a white board with many exercises written on it. (how did that get there) Partner up. While partner one does exercise partner 2 runs to end of parking lot and does 5 bomb jacks and then returns. 100 reps of each exercise must be completed before moving on to next exercise. sounds fun.

Goblet squats

merkins right hand on bell

left arm shoulder press

merkins left hand on bell

right arm shoulder press

left arm curl

right arm curl

flutter kicks

KB swing right arm

KB swing left arm.

Out of time. we had many more exercises to go so will invert board next time.

Announcement, prayers, praises.

Thanks for invite.

Backdraft Out.



TClap |

“Filthy Fifty” at Trinity

  • QIC: Bounty
  • When: 01/31/17
  • Pax: Undertaker, Chef, CarneAsada, BeanCounter, BlackLung, Chernobyl, Redwood, DryDock, Horton, HighPockets, Bounty(QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

CONDITIONS: 30’s with a slight breeze

After a good classic Crossfit workout (Mini Murph) yesterday morn at Guns N Moses by Italian Job, most of the York Pax where pretty fatigued this morn.  Little did they know that YHC had already planned to do another good classic workout (Filthy Fifty) from Crossfit with them…this really made it a gloomy gloom…hahaha.

No FNG’s present, quick disclaimer given, brief explanation of the workout, and away we went.  Advised the PAX that after today, they would understand empathy/sympathy as we would all be sucking wind and looking for some support from one another.


Merkins IC x lucky number 13


Moseyed to BlackLung’s abode and grabbed 6 “treats”…ole Cindy.  Moseyed to the wall where the PAX split into two groups: one group began with 50 box jumps on the wall while the other group started 50 reps of kettlebell swings using the Cindys.  About half way through the set, some chatter started from the “swingers” and I thought this would be an appropriate time to let all know that all exercises done this morn would be to a count of 50.  PAX planked up for the six and then we flipped flopped with exercises.

Moseyed (with the Cindys) to the playground behind the church down the road (not sure of the name). PAX was informed the next set would be 50 jumping pullups while the other group did 50 overhead press with Cindy.  Plank up for the six before flipping and moving on.

The next evolution involved one group doing 50 walking lunges while the other did 50 bent over rows with Cindy.  Side note: Make sure you have plenty of room when doing the walking lunges with HighPockets present…that man can cover some ground. Plank for the six and flip.

We then went back to the pull up bars (a crowd favorite) for 50 elbows to knees while the other group did 50 bodyweight thrusters.  Again, this took a bit of time for the guys on the bars so we added an additional 50 bodyweight thrusters to help compensate the time difference.  Plank for the six, aaaannnddd flip.

Time was running a bit thin so I called an audible which I’m SURE the PAX was grateful for.  The last exercise was supposed to be 50 Burpees.  Instead we did 9 Merkins IC and a Burpee for the tenth, twenty, thirty, forty, and fifty…total of 45 Merks and 5 Burpees.  A few of the PAX earned some “extra credit” for doing the Burpees with Cindy…(sorry I don’t remember who all did these)…but AWESOME job.

We then collected up the Cindys and moseyed back to their resting spot before continuing on to the COT.  Once back, we had a few mins left so I decided to implement some takedown moves we learned at Coal Train.  The PAX did a couple of Burpees to keep the heart rate up and replicating “false stress” while we conducted a takedown of an “aggressor” safely to the ground.  The PAX was advised that this was done as extra practice but also to show how the move is a little different under some sort of stress and fatigue and that it would still work.  Thanks Numbchuck for the new tool in our toolbox.

Announcements Made (newsletter, CAH, Yeti, Dragon Convergence, PreRuck, GoFundMe, new possible AO at Coal Yard (Strength) and York Intermediate (Ruck), prayer requests given, counted off, BOM.

Awesome job to all the PAX for pushing through the workout.  I know it wasn’t easy, it wasn’t supposed to be.  We did this workout as a group so all could get an experience to use one day to show empathy/ sympathy to our fellow brothers, family, friends, and strangers needing help.

Cant wait for the next chance to “Q” with yall again….Bounty out!

TClap |

3rd F Convergence – Intentional Living

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk and Repeat
  • When: 02/25/2017
  • Pax: All The Fort and The Rock Pax
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

On Saturday, February 25 at 5:30 – 7:00 am at Eternal Church we are gathering to discuss the topic of intentionality.  As we complete the 2nd month of the year only a short time after setting our New Year’s resolutions or setting your “word” or your “goals” or whatever code word you use.  The imperative question is “How is it going”??  Have you started to slip a bit?  Have your goals been amended?  Can you even remember what you committed to in the throws of an inspiring Santini motivational Q?

Please join us for our first 3rd F convergence of the year where you will hear from four HIMs who will help bring this idea of intentionality to life through their personal journeys.  This is a session where the concept of iron sharpening iron will come to life as in typical F3 fashion we will look to our brothers in the Pax to grow stronger and we will hold each other accountable to be better.  Don’t miss an opportunity to grow through the real life testimonies of those same men that are in your presence in the gloom.  Get ready to lean in, share your perspective and to get inspired to lead a more intentional life.

Part of leading a more intentional life is walking in step with an accountability partner.  Maybe you signed up for a Whetstone partner but it never materialized into anything that was life changing.  Please take the next couple of weeks to challenge yourself to reflect on why it didn’t work out.  What can you change from now going forward to more intentionally engage in that relationship, to open up and be more vulnerable, to sacrifice time and to put more effort into developing the relationship.  Maybe you didn’t sign up last year, take some time to familiarize yourself with what Whetstone is and pray about who in the Pax you can take a step to build that accountability relationship. (Look at the materials for Whetstone under 3rd F on the right side of the newsletter)


TClap |

Rock Region February Time Line Prebalast

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 02/01/17
  • Pax: All Pax of F3nation
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

F3nation The Rock Region 

February is one of the shortest, but for F3 Rock Region it is a busy one. Here are a few dates we as a region need to put on our calendars and save the dates..

“Make a point to continually search for a better way of doing things, even when things are going well, to ensure that a better alternative has not been overlooked and to keep your creative talents in practice.” – John Maxwell

Bible Study: See Smiley Face http://f3nation.com/2017/01/26/pre-blast-f3-the-rock-region-bible-study-from-this-day-forward-five-commitments-to-fail-proof-your-marriage/

As the Rock Region grows so will the communication process. We are all works in progress and will learn and grow stronger together my brothers…

. “Your ultimate goal as a leader should be to work hard enough and strategically enough that you have more than enough to give and share with others.” John C. Maxwell

And always remember be your #Brotherskeeper

Leaders leading leaders in the F3nation

Any Questions or suggestions please get in contact with QIC in charge of event or YHC

Aye!!! Apache!!!

TClap |

Children’s Attention Home Meet & Greet

  • QIC: Reborn
  • When: 01-28-17
  • Pax: Twister, Smiley Face, Ryder, Walker, Burgundy, Reborn, NASA, JAG, Buckeye (FNG), RavenClaw (FNG), Beethoven (FNG), OBJ (FNG), Curry (FNG), Travolta (FNG), Izerman (FNG), Chihuahua (FNG), The Boss (FNG), Striker (FNG), King Hawk (FNG)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

8 High Impact Men took some time out of their normal schedules today to head to the Children’s Attention Home in Rock Hill for a meet & greet with the young men of the home. It was a great time of fellowship and conversation. It was a blessing to hear some stories from some of our PAX I had never heard and to get to know the young men on their level.


15-Min. of fellowship, mingling, and conversation.

Explanation of F3 Mission and its core principles.

Brief explanation of how PAX received their F3 names.

Naming of FNG’s at the home. Welcome to all.




Thank you to the ones who showed up today and to the ones who have been praying for this event. I know we can be extremely impactful in the lives of these young men and one day the leader that is within them will be exemplified in their daily lives.

Thank you to NASA for stepping up to be the Site Q and for Destiny for being the Q of the first workout to be held on 2-11-17 at 1600. The workout following that will be on 2-18-17 (Walker on Q) and then every other week.

Workout Q’s will be responsible for the following: Explaining F3 and giving the disclaimer at the beginning of each workout; Leading the 45-min. workout (be aware of the physical abilities of the young men and adjust accordingly); Hold a short devotion incorporating the Monthly Theme that our regions are using; Naming any FNG’s and inserting; Write a BackBlast; and marketing of the workout to build interest throughout the regions.

We will continue to support CAH by holding off-site events, grounds support, and goods drives. These will not be on a regular schedule, but will be marketed throughout the regions so all are aware of them.

Remember: Photos and videos are not allowed during any of the events we hold for the Children’s Attention Home for security purposes.

TClap |

Sad Clown Slaughter coming to Chester

F3 will expand again, and plant a workout location in Chester!

Saturday, February 11th, 7am at Chester High School

We are headlocking all the men of Chester for a good old fashioned sad clown slaughter in the heart of the Old English District at the home of the Cyclones.

For the potential FNGs:

F3 stands for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.

We have five core principles:

  1. All workouts are free of charge
  2. All workouts are open to all men
  3. All workouts are held outdoors-rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. All workouts are peer-led in a rotating fashion, no training or certification is necessary
  5. All workouts end with a Circle of Trust

More information can be found at f3nation.com, and you may want to brush up on the lexicon and the exicon,




TClap |

Toothpick carry

  • QIC: Repeat
  • When: 01/27/17
  • Pax: WWL, Cobra Kai, CSPAN, Spiderman, geronamoe, what did, trucker
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

8 pax made it out for my VRQ(virgin ruck q). It was an honor to lead these men. It takes a high level of maturity and leadership for a SME to follow and support a rookie like myself. I am always amazed the way the Pax welcome and support the Q.

The thing Carrying 2 sand bags and 2 extra rucks. Anytime I call burpees your doing 5 OYO.

“Warm up”
5 burpee
SSH x10
5 burpees
Squats x10
Merkins x10

Move to pull up bars
10 merkins
10 squats
10 pull ups (or as many as possible)

Move to the toothpicks(telephone poles) Which one should we use? You always pick the largest…


Grab the toothpick
Overhead press with a squat (x5)
Move toothpick to next coroner of parking lot
Overhead press with a squat (x5)
Same thing at all 4 corners.
Move toothpick around all 4 corners

Quick chat on whetstone. Life is better when you engage in Whetstone. What are you waiting for?

Pick up coupons and move to pull-up bars again
Rucks on the front
Seal team sit-ups (I lost count)

Pick up coupons and head to COT


TClap |

Tabata Ruck?…for Beginners!?

  • QIC: Bounty
  • When: 1/26/2017
  • Pax: Unicorn(Kotter), Redwood, Drifter, Chef, Rasta, Chernobyl
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

CONDITIONS: 50’s, Light Rain

In an effort to share with other PAX what “Rucking” is and how to incorporate into a workout, I came up with a beginner friendly, no walking, introduction.  I advised that a ruck workout did not have to include miles and miles with weights in a pack on your back.  I led the group in a Tabata Style Ruck Workout.  We had a “Kotter”!!!!…yeah!…welcome back to the gloom Unicorn!  No FNG’s but a quick disclaimer was given especially since we would be doing exercises that the majority have done but without a ruck.  *All rucks weighed a minimum of 20lbs…some more.


MRC’s IC x 10

SunGods IC x 5


We started by going underneath the overhang to avoid the rain (everyone knows how much I hate being wet and cold)….plus didn’t want any raindrops to move focus away from doing some work (sweat not rain).  A quick demonstration of some exercises and how a Tabata works was explained before I hit the “GO” button.

8 Cycles (Tabata) of 6 Exercises- 20sec work/ 10sec rest x 8, with 1min rest between Exercises for a total of 160sec of AMRAP work per exercise.

Tabata 1- Rurkins (Merkins w/ a ruck on back)

Tabata 2- Curl and Press

Tabata 3- Big Boy Situps with ruck on feet

Tabata 4- Ruck Swings (like a Kettlebell Swing, but with ruck)

Tabata 5- Squat Thrusts (Burpee without the overhead press or jump)

Tabata 6- Plank Jacks with ruck on back

No mumble chatter until the PAX realized that after the first 20sec work round doing AMRAP of the first Tabata that we still had to do another 7 rounds.  Then the chatter started….followed closely by a lot of groaning and moaning for the remainder of the workout….love hearing grown men cry like babies…hahhaa.

Still had some time after the workout was complete so we finished off with the following: (Y’all can thank Redwood, hahaha)

Flutterkick IC with the ruck being pressed up to the sky as the legs started kicking x 20

Alternating Shoulder Press x 20 with a static hold overhead for a slow 10 count compliments of Unicorn

Delivered my philosophy on ruck workouts…not just about walking with a lot of weight on your back for long distances.  I advised that its about comraderie, support, team building, and fellowship with your brothers.  Not to mention but rucking is better for you than running (less stress on joints and more calories burned) plus time to enjoy company and surroundings.  Discussed how trials in life are similar to workouts.  Both are tough and are training us to become better mentally, physically, and spiritually.  We need to be the best version of ourselves not only for our family but to lend support for brothers who are in their own trials (empathy and sympathy).  Finished up with announcements (Yeti, Newsletter, Childrens Home, York Convergence, York Recons). Counted off, Name-a-Rama, COT/ BOM.

Great job men, hope this opened your eyes just a bit more about rucking workouts in the future.

TClap |