F3 Discount Week at Charlotte Running Co. (Riverwalk)

  • QIC: Reborn
  • When: 02/03/17
  • Pax: All Fort & Rock Hill Region PAX, M's, & 2.0s
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Charlotte Running Co. (Riverwalk) has agreed to hold another discount period for all F3 Members, M’s, and 2.0’s in the Fort and Rock regions from February 4-12, 2017. Charlotte Running Co. will be happy to fit you for shoes and work with you for as long as you need to feel comfortable while running or working out in a boot camp. They are also capable of determining the best shoe for you for rucking.

Print off the attached flyer and take it in when you go to the store to receive the 15% Discount.

We are all currently training for something now and are in need, or will be in need, of shoes in the future. So, let’s support this local company as they attempt to reach the community through the services they can provide.

Dates and times again:

Feb. 4-12, 2017 – Normal store hours each day

Store Hours:

M-F: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Sat.: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sun.: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM


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Disclaimer should have been “Never try this again!”

  • QIC: Bonsai
  • When: 1/21/2017
  • Pax: Ginsu Dixie Chicken Tesh Airborne Molar Quack Attack FNG - Lulu Jiffy Bigglesworth Matlock Lincoln Logs
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The day before the workout Dark Helmet, Ginsu and I started badgering each other’s AO.  With all of the tweets flying around the challenge came forth.  Which ever AO got the most Pax the other Q had to do 2 burpees for each Pax (FNG counted as 2).  It was a lot of fun and all three of us definitely worked harder to get PAX out.

During the workout I believe I had what has to be one of the easiest EH’s ever.  While about halfway through the workout a young man walk by the Pax with a gallon full of water in workout clothes.  I yelled over to him asking him if he wanted to join us.  He said sure and jumped in with us for about 20 mins before having to leave to meet up with his other group.  The group he was meeting where young men who where training to get ready to enlist into the military.  So all Pax that are out at the WEP on Saturday look for these guys and especially Andrew and try to get them to join us and let’s pray for their safety as they embark on the challenges that lye ahead of them.

Final Counts for the challenge:  EH not counted in total numbers as he didn’t finish with us at COT.
Alcatraz – 9
WEP – 11 + 1 FNG = 13

Dark Helmet will be doing 26 Burpees @ Tomahawk on Monday.

The Thing:

Started at 7:00 with the disclaimer and emphasized to the Paxs that there will be some exercises that you may want/need to modify because there was some new stuff I found trolling the world wide web.

Warm up –
SSH – 20
CDD – 10
Hill Billy Walker – 10

The we moseyed over to the Nazareth Church for some stair work:
Each exercise was done twice
– Touch all steps with both feet
– Run up steps
– Start with feet together on first step and jump to next step and move feet apart then jump to next step and move feet together
– Jump up steps skipping one step each jump
– Lunch Jump up steps (Get in lunge position on first step facing sideways and jump up the steps) repeat on the other leg

Then we moseyed back to the park by reverse Indian run with the pax doing 10 merkins when they dropped off the front before catching back up with the 6.

Once back at the park the fun really began (all exercises done with a partner).  All exercises where repeated for two laps of the playground.  Some modification was needed from the Q due to the terrible ideas found trolling the internet.

Wheel barrow from one end of the playground to the other – At the end one Pax (1) is in plank position the other pax (2) crawls under pax (1).  Then pax (1) drops to 6 inches and pax (2) jumps over (1).  Repeat 5 times each pax.  Rinse and repeat back to the other side of playground.

Fireman carry length of playground – Hamstring curls with partner holding ankles (5 times) Repeat each pax.  Rinse and repeat to other side.

Crabwalk length of playground and do 10 leg lifts each pax.  Rinse and repeat to other side.

Resistance run with partner – 10 merkins each pax.  Rinse and repeat to other side.

For the last and final exercise and per request of Maximus who was the original Q for today.
reverse bearcrawl up to the statue and 15 SSH starting from the trail.  Rinse and repeat back down.

Mosey back to COT

As always it was an honor to lead the pax this morning

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York Virgin Ruck Workout

  • QIC: Bounty
  • When: 01/19/17
  • Pax: Bounty, Reborn, Blacklung, Chef
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

CONDITIONS: 40’s…perfect weather for rucking


10 Moroccan Nightclub IC

10 Imperial Walkers IC


Wanting to start training as a group for the GORUCK and YETI, the York group of F3 decided to start a ruck workout running tandem with the bootcamp workout at our infamous HIMSHIP.  This was also a good time to introduce rucking to anyone who was not quite sure on what rucking is.  As you all know, it is another great workout to perform in order to not become “bored” with the standard routines.  If this gets hot we will start doing these tandem workouts at all of the York AO’s to help meet Pathfinder requirements for anyone participating.

That being said we left the AO for a predetermined 2mi route I scouted the day before.  Each PAX was carrying no less than 20lbs in the pack.  There was a total of 4 on the march (2 ruckers and 2 newbies).  We kept a good strong steady pace for the entire route only stopping for “challenge stations” at each turn we made in the route (6 overall).  This was done was shear fun as well as to mimic long distances since we only had 45min to actually walk.


10 Squats

10 Monkey Humpers

10 Ruckins (Merkin with a Ruck)

The PAX finished strong and gave me a good feel for how to plan additional workouts with the allotted time.  We finished the hike with a slow jog across the Walmart parking lot back to the AO to meet back up with the other PAX for COT/BOM.  We were a few minutes early, and the BudLite trucked passed…so we conducted our customary burpees but with a twist.  We started on one parking slot line and did 1 Burpee, bearcrawled to the next parking slot line, did another Burpee, and continued until we reached 10.  Did I mention the rucks were still on.

Before finishing up as a whole group RealTree decided for the PAX that it would be a great idea to play the “Sally Up, Sally Down” song doing squats….awesome finishing burn!…Thanks RealTree….again!  Lastly, announcements, prayer requests, no FNG’s, reminder to read newsletter.

All in all good first outing in my opinion.

Totals: 2miles

60 Ruckins

60 Monkey Humpers

At least 75 Squats with rucks

10 Burpees

50ft Bearcrawls with rucks

GREAT JOB MEN! (Special shout-out to Reborn who attended and hooked me up with the FB post)

PS…..They will get harder…I mean more fun.

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Nulla misericordia

  • QIC: Bart
  • When: 1/18/17
  • Pax: Fish sticks, Bouncehouse, Cha ching, Aquaman, Bob the builder, Falcon Crest
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Back to the old stompin grounds at Pantheon this AM.  Seven PAX start off with a short mosey(you know I hate running), round em up for warmups.  Another, shorter mosey to the center of the lot for a repeat of my Poopdeck Q, as it went so well the first time.  started off with bearcrawl/ merkins the length of the parking lot, return trip lunge/ squat.  Mosey to the wall for walking BTTW with squats while you wait your turn.  Return to the lot for LT. Danger for the length.  Back to the wall for a long sit, then BTTW with surprise inverted Peter Parkers! I dont think they saw that one coming, I heard “I thought he was kidding”.  Ladders of dips and derkins… another trip to the wall and throw in some presses.  Quick jog to COT with a ab lab first.  Happy to SEE everyone as the lights were actually on!  Great job PAX!

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The DaVinci Cones

  • QIC: DaVinci
  • When: 1/18/17
  • Pax: Royale, NASA, Hauschka, Axl, Cornerstone, Snookie, Bones, Cable Guy, Mr. T, Serrano, Austin Powers, Adrienne!, Wild Thing, Vinny, Andretti, FNG Fontaine
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

So I got a PM from WitchHunt Monday evening asking me if I wanted to Q Wed at the Abyss. It is a great AO, a great group of HIMs, so of course I said yes.

I started thinking about my workout plan and pulled elements from workouts I enjoyed and/or was challenged by. Here’s how it all shook out: Warm-up, some partner work, and my go-to “set-it-and-forget-it” using the track in back of the school to let everyone find their own pace and go until the clock runs out. My “Q Lane” is to try and include a variety of exercises, hitting upper, lower and core for a full-body beatdown. Which brings us to The Thang.

The Thang:

Mosey around the parking lot and driveway and back to the lot for a little warm up.

  • SSH x 20
  • Old Man Windmill x10 nice n slow.
  • Low Slow Squat x20
  • Merkins x10
  • Plank to Downward Dog to Honeymooner to stretch a bit
  • Mountain Climbers x10
  • LBCs x10
  • Freddy Mercurys x10

Then we were off across the parking lot to the circle drive in front of the school for a little partner work. Everyone paired off.

Partner 1: go halfway around circle drive, then run second half while Partner 2 does exercise; switch

1. Bear Crawl | Squat Jumps
2. Lunge Walk | Merkins
3. Crab Walk | LBCs
4. Lt. Dangers | Plank Punches

People’s Chair waiting for the 6. A couple 10-counts and then we were off to the back of the school for some track time. A cone was placed at each end of the oval track, each with a sheet of 5 exercises and corresponding reps. Every man for himself: Do an exercise, run half a lap to the other cone, do an exercise. Etc, etc until completed. Plank it up for the 6.

Station 1:
1. Slow Squats (20)
2. Curb Dips (20)
3. Mtn. Climbers (20 d.c.)
4. Curb Derkins (20)
5. CDD’s (20)

Station 2:
1. Imperial Wlkrs (20 d.c.)
2. Jump Lunges (10/leg)
3. Freddy Mercurys (20 d.c.)
4. Flying Squirrels (10)
5. Peter Parkers (10 d.c.)

Slow mosey back to COT with a minute to spare. Time for AbLab! Everyone on their six for a set of 20 American Hammers, finishing up right at 0600.

COT: Prayers of thanks for another day of life, to post and work our bodies, fellowship with each other and recommit to our faith. Prayers for a smooth transition of power, a hallmark of our democracy. Prayers for peace and healing for our country.

Thanks to Bones for the Headline for this backblast!

Tclaps to Mr. T for bringing FNG Fontaine!

Thanks for WitchHunt for the opportunity to Q.

God bless.


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“No Quarter” at Poopdeck

  • QIC: Bart
  • When: 01/12/17
  • Pax: Snooki, Austin Powers, Royale, Dark Helmet, Andretti, Witchhunt, DaVinci
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

After joyfully accepting my voluntelling(voluntold? IDK) For Poopdeck Q, I panicked that I had never even seen the place, had to ask where it was.  No idea of layout or anything, so I show up at 5:05 to WING IT!  7 Pax ignored good judgement and joined.  Mosey into the dark gloom and I hear chatter that were headed straight for the lake.  Hmm, should I throw in a quick swim across the channel and back?  Nah, next time(no really, next time).  Circle up for the usual warm ups.  Mosey back to the store fronts where there are columns reminiscent of the red balls.  First exercise is bear crawl 2 columns then 5 merkins.  Repeat the length of the shopping center.  Turn around and lunge walk 2 columns then 5 squats, repeat.  Sprint back to the other end where we wall sit.  Squats while you wait your turn for walking BTTW.  Back to the columns.  LT. Danger length of the center and sprint back for the wall sit and BTTW.  Some quick ladders of dips and derkins before an ultra fast ab lab before COT!  Good job PAX!  That was not as moderate as I would have preferred!

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Let’s help a local Tega Cay family in need

As some of you may know, there was a local family that lost everything in a house fire this past week off off of Windward Drive (in Tega Cay).  I’ve been in contact w/ the Tri-County Neighbors Helping Neighbors Organization and she gave me some feedback on clothing needs (specific sizes), but at the end of the day, they lost everything.  No clothing, furniture, kitchenware, towels, bedding, you get the point.  I work at the Belk Corporate office and have been able to get them a decent amount so far which I delivered this morning (some clothes, towels, blankets, bedding, kitchen pots/pans, silverware, plates, bowls, etc) but thinking we can come together and make a bigger difference.

The family of 5 includes a 3 year old girl, a 5 year old boy, a 20 year male (college student), a 33 year old female (mother of the two little ones) and the mother of the 20 and 33 year old (she’s retired, on disability and her daughter, son and the grand kids all live with her at the house that burned down).  What I’d ask from you guys to consider doing are as follows:

  • #1 need – Monetary donations (probably most important given that they are living in a hotel at the moment but will be set up in a rental soon – at that point in time they will be paying on both a mortgage and the monthly rent for 6 months while their home is re-built w/ insurance proceeds).  Donations can be made at the Yadkin Bank on Gold Hill (an account was set up in the name of the family – family name is Schmehl) or on the Tri-County Neighbors Helping Neighbors (TCNHN) website (pretty archaic, but I promise it’s legit:  http://tcnhn.org/donations-documentation/  there’s a link for donations via paypal, mention the family name in donation – it is tax deductible given their non-profit status).  Diane from TCNHN said they manage all funds for the families to ensure all expenditures are made for items of need.
  • Ask your little ones (boy or girl) if they could spare one toy at the house.  Olaf graciously offered to collect at the Joe Davis run tomorrow if you can bring one, otherwise bring to the site Q’s (sorry it’s short notice site Q’s) and I’ll scoop up next week (3 yr old loves Minnie Mouse and is a girly girl; 5 year old loves Ninja Turtles and Pokemon)
  • Clothing – Like I said above, I’m pulling this together at Belk and I know there are a few other collections taking place for clothing around the area.  If you do happen to have little girls (size 3-4, shoe size 9.5) or boys (size 6, shoe size 13) clothes, feel free to bring as well.

One other thing – I also offered up some muscle towards the end of the month to help TCNHN move furniture from a donor who is downsizing their home to this family.  She said she’d need a few hands to help so hoping a few of us can volunteer a couple hours on the weekend or after work a couple weeks from now.  More to come there once I get details.

Think that’s it men – tactically, if you feel like giving money, see above.  If your children could spare a toy or two, bring to the run tomorrow (Olaf will grab) or to your workouts next week and lastly if you have any spare clothes, follow the same orders as the toys.  I’ll go around and collect everything and get it TCNHN so that they can get what they can to the family now.   Appreciate you guys.


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Rucking Board of Pain with a little Empathy – NAFO

  • QIC: Reborn
  • When: 01/12/17
  • Pax: Cobra Kai, Spiderman, Crab Cakes, Reborn (QIC).
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

3 Strong showed up this morning to NAFO to join me as we Rucked through a Board of Pain workout with a little word on Empathy.

The disclaimer was given and the Warmup (all IC) began as follows:

15-Low Slow Squats, 30-Moroccan Night Clubs, 15-Imperial Walkers, 15-Windmills, 10-Merkins, 10-Peter Parker Peters.


We then rucked over 2×2 to the NAFO marching band practice field where the Board of Pain was waiting. I asked the men to partner up (size and speed do not matter). After partnering up I explained the workout. The men were to go down the Board of Pain that was split up in two columns. One partner performed the exercise in one column while the other performed the exercise in the other column. Then they were to flip-flop. If you arrrived at the bottom of the of the BOP the partners were to rinse and repeat. The exercises are below:

Round 1 – Merkins/Lunge Walk-30 Yds.

Round 2 – Carolina Dry Docks/Toy Soldiers-30 Yds.

Round 3 – Ruck Curls/Side Shuffle-55 Yds.

Round 4 – Tricep Extensions/Karaoke-55 Yds.

Round 5 – Overhead Presses/Run-100 Yds.

Round 6 – Flutter Kicks/Lunge Walk-30 Yds.

Round 7 – Ruck Swings/Toy Soldiers-30 Yds.

Round 8 – Sumo Squats/Side Shuffle-55 Yds.

Round 9 – Ruck Thrusters/Karaoke-55 Yds.

Round 10 – Burpees/Run-100 Yds.

We went through this routine for one round just as we ran out of time. We rucked 2×2 back to the COT and had 30-seconds until 0600 so we performed a plank for 3-seconds.

Great work this morning making it completely through the entire board. It was great getting to know each of you a little more.


As stated above, I spoke a little on Empathy during the middle of the workout for a rest period. For us to be empathetic we have to put ourselves in others shoes. We can only do this by completely understanding that person’s situation. When Jesus came to this world, he completely understood our situation. He humbled himself from a place that was Holy to a place that was full of sin. He knew that we needed a Savior and understood that because He lived in this world. How can we as men have empathy without understanding? We can’t. We must be vulnerable, and search for opportunities to understand others to be empathetic towards them.

Philippians 2:8 – And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.


Read Newsletters.

Pathfinder is ready (Sign-Up).

4-Mile Loop Ruck this evening – 7:30 at Springfield pool (will loop twice).

Joe Davis Ruck/Run this Saturday.

Prayer Requests:

Cobra Kai – Youth retreat this weekend.

Crab Cakes – Difficult decisions to make about care for Father-In-Law.

Spiderman – Youngest Daughter and Peace among the family.

Reborn – Step-brother who is addicted to drugs/alcohol.


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The Fort/The Rock – 2017 Bible Challenge – Pre-Blast

  • QIC: Mr. Clean and Twister
  • When: 2017 - January 31st 2018
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Read the Bible? I can’t do that! Too Hard! Not Enough Time!

Yes You Can, No It’s Not and Yes There Is!!

Join Mr. Clean and Twister starting on Feb. 1st for the 2017 Bible Challenge. With a reading plan, twelve months and lots of support you can do it and it Will Be A Game Changer!

What do you need to do?

HC and send your name and Twitter handle to Mr. Clean and Twister so they can set up a group IM
Get the plan
Get a Bible of your choice
Start Reading
We will have monthly regroups for encouragement and discussion – dates TBA.

Questions? Contact –

Mr. Clean – ckeenum@budgroup.com or twitter @F3_MrClean
Twister – djthieman@gmail.com or twitter – @davidthieman

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Pre-blast for the Brothership

  • QIC: Fish sticks
  • When: 01/06/17
  • Pax: All Pax
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The Brothership opened late last year to take advantage of the newly opened (LPL) parking deck in the Kingsley development off 160. After a few encounters with security, we were forced to run from the law or abandon the deck. Given this, the Brothership is taking a temporary break starting 1/13/17. Fish Sticks and Repeat are on Q this Friday (1/6/17) for a special full body beat down. Come out for the last taste of the Brothership (for now). Bring a ruck, kettle bell, or just run circles around us (like 19er does) just make sure you are there. 0500 at the Fort Mill High Track.

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