Turning Pain Into Purpose-The Final Wrap on the First Annual Operation Sweet Tooth Toy Drive

  • QIC: Olive
  • When: 12/25/16
  • Pax: F3 Nation, FiA Nation
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

When my wife and I had the idea to create Operation Sweet Tooth to honor our daughter’s memory, we had no idea of how our initiative would be welcomed.  We are just a simple, mourning family, wanting to honor our daughter’s memory and do some good for other children, and their families while trying to find some healing during the process.  As Pastor Rusty of Camino Church said, “We are turning our pain into a life of purpose.”  When we enlisted the help of our brothers from F3 (f3nation.com) and sisters of FiA (FiAnation.com), the response and support was overwhelming.  Friends, strangers, co-workers and family were eager to help support, honor our daughter and have a positive impact on children within our local communities.  Receiving all the texts, tweets, emails and pictures of all the trunks filled with toys and gifts was just absolutely incredible to see.  Moreover, receiving the numerous thank you letters, hugs and condolences for our loss was equally impactful.  We cannot express our gratitude enough for everyone’s generosity and support and we are truly humbled and blessed that you played a significant role in making a difference.

During this time, we were invited to Christmas parties, asked to give speeches, guest workouts, helped deliver the donations to many of the institutions we supported and were honored for our strength and vision at a nearby Church.  This experience only fortified the belief that through our grief, we could muster up enough strength to help others in need.

Together, with all your help, Operation Sweet Tooth was able to collect over 2500 presents, personal items, clothes and gift cards.  In addition, we raised over $3000 dollars in cash donations to be used for future initiatives and projects in the upcoming year and beyond. $205 was graciously donated in the memory of David Lacivita. The foundation has been set and we welcome the opportunity to continue to provide hope and lift the spirits of those children who need it most.

The institutions we were able to help are listed below.  There may have been some we left out and if so, we do apologize.

Levine’s Children Hospital

Camino Church

The Children’s Attention Home

Boys and Girls Club

Birthday Blessings

Duke Hospital

UNC Hospital

Betty H Cameron Women and Children’s Hospital

Toys for Tots

McLeod Hospital

Ada Jenkins Center

Church of God Orphanage

Thompson Children Home

Sojouner Truth House

Lydia’s Loft

Alexander Youth Network

Individual Families

Nassau County Hospital

New Hanover Regional Medical Center

Although 2016 was the worst year imaginable for us personally, losing our precious daughter, we do recognize that Operation Sweet Tooth has provided us with a small amount of comfort and peace.  We are excited to continue with our efforts in 2017.  Please continue to follow our website www.operationsweettooth.org, and social media to learn more about upcoming initiatives beginning in the Spring and how you can help make a difference.

*This write up is also available on the website under “Blog”.  Please visit and check it out as we have some of the pictures everyone shared with us during their respective toy drives.


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January 2017 #SadClown Blitz

  • QIC: Ginsu
  • When: 01/01/17
  • Pax: All of Us
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Gentlemen, we are on the cusp of a brand new year. A time when we and the people around us focus on new beginnings and making themselves better by changing old habits and building new ones.

Take a moment to think about the impact that F3 has made on your life. Think about how much better shape you’re in now. Think about the HIMs with which you have built lifelong friendships that have your back day in day out. Think about the accountability we now share to become better men physically, spiritually, and as leaders in our homes every day.

Now take a moment to think about where you were prior to getting EH’d and joining us that first morning. Think about how difficult it was to sustain a workout routine. Think about how difficult it was to make the personal improvements you knew you needed to make because there was no one there holding you accountable on a consistent basis.

That’s where hundreds of men around us are right now. They are your family members, your neighbors, your life group members, and your coworkers. To get where we are now, all they need is someone to encourage them. They’ve got plenty of excuses, but so did we. It is our responsibility to share the gift of F3 with these #SadClowns.

So, let’s have a #SadClown Blitz during the month of January to get these FNGs out there with us in the gloom. And while we are at it, let’s make it a competition…because why not? We’ll keep a count of FNGs per AO from December 31st through January 31st. Winning AO Q gets a really awesome F3 t-shirt. LET’S DO THIS! #f3counts #sadclownblitz17


What:  FNG Blitz

When:  January 2017

Where:  All F3TheFort AOs

Who:  All PAX

Why:  Because we are blessed by the influence that F3 has made on our lives and need to share this blessing with others.

Price: Your effort, patience & perseverance.

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12-23-16 Petra Rock Region 45 seconds of Murder

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 12/23/16
  • Pax: Ripstick, PCH, Ponytail(R), Chernobyl, Italian Job, Wallstreet(R), Van Wilder, Cornerstone, Pac Man, Pink Panther, McEnroe, Mr. Big Stuff, Padeye, Freon, "Rock"Stang, Peperoni, All Star, Catfish, The Situation, Jag(R), Blue Print, Sandlot, Honeypot, Samurai(R), Chuckie(R)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

What a great  morning and turnout for a 45 second murder trial.  I was again humbled by the opportunity to lead 24 HIMs in the workout.

Disclaimer was given and off to the races we went.

Warm Up

SSH, R/L,L/R, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Hill Billie Walkers and Merkins

Mosey to the Line


From Parking lines across the lot we had these exercises

Toy Soldiers

Bear Crawl

High Knees


Rinse and Repeat across the lot

Mosey to The Wall

Peoples Chair Merkin Train

We saw the Best of The Rock Region Merkins, just to name a few Merkins, ONE HAND Merkins (Italian Job) Derkins, Hand Release, Hand Clap, Ranger, Diamond and just good ole American Merkins.

Al Gore then Peoples Chair again

Mosey to 45 Seconds of Murder

The object is to move through the exercise AMRAP in 45 seconds then move to the next until all 4 are complete.  Rest for a 10 count then move on to the next 4 exercises.  After working through all 4 groups are complete.  Constant movement is key and keeping your heart rate up through the work is key.  After the first round of 4 sets we decided to repeat the last 2 sets of Murder.

Not hearing much Mumble Chatter not sure if it was good or everyone was exhausted.  I was exhausted and could not talk.

On the 6s for some Ab lab work for 6 minutes and then moseyed back to the COT.  Ripstick said he did not have enough so we all were given 10 Bomb Jacks for extra credit.  Not taken well by the PAX!!!  Good work Ripstick

Count off, Name A Rama, Prayes for the PAX and their families and traveling PAX were given then “Rock” Stang called Cornerstone to the center of COT and presented him gifts from the Brothers to he and his family.  Cornerstone was extremely grateful and let us know he was leaving for a TV gig “Molly’s Heros” between 9~10.

Remember that there are people struggling through the Christmas Season.  Family loss, jobs, money and many other obstacles that get in the way of happiness.


Samurai Out

Merry Christmas




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Ruck Around the Home Field

  • QIC: Cheddah
  • When: 12/22/16
  • Pax: Spiderman, Bridge-Gate, Purple Rain, Trucker, CSPAN, Maximus, Hauschka, Rock Thrill, Cobra Kai, Axl, Geronimo
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Honored to lead 12 HIM in a ruck beat-down at the Home Field (NAFO). YHC provided warning earlier in the week at AO’s and on the Twitter-Machine – so not sure why it was a surprise to some??? Mumble-chatter started before the first warm up exercise. The workout looked a little like this:

Brisk paced ruck down the hill (mumbblechatter about pace). Circle up for warm ups:

SSH x50

WM x10

IW X20

Merkins x11

Mountain climbers x20

Ruck over to a hidden pile of 4 telephone poles. Took a few moments to configure how many PAX it would take to move them (lots more mumble-chatter). We landed on 6 PAX and 2 poles. and proceeded to transport the poles to the first pain-station (wall) where we partnered up to complete the following tasks:

P1 Peoples Chair, P2 Low Squats with Two Rucks x20 and flapjack

P1 Peoples Chair, P2 Squats with 1 ruck on 1 ruck overhead x20 and flapjack

P1 Peoples Chair with 2 Rucks in Lap, P2 Ballerina Squat x20


Back to the logs (more mumble-chatter “thought we were going for a walk today” etc.) Transport logs to pain-station (wall) #2:

P1 Balls 2 Wall, P2 Overhead ruck press x20 (wearing one, pushing one) and flapjack

P1 Balls 2 Wall, P2 Ruck curls x20 (wearing one, pushing one) and flap jack

P1 Balls 2 Wall, P2 Ruck Tricep Extension x2- (wearing one, pushing one) and flapjack


By this time the mumble-chatter had stopped as the PAX had accepted their fate. Transport logs back to pain station #1:

P1 plank with 2 Rucks while P2 cranks out LBC x50 and flapjack

Transport Logs back to where we found them and Ruck up the hill to the pull-up bars for the final pain-station (which has made the Home Field infamous):

Five sets of declining reps starting at 5 (5-1) of the following:

Negative Pull Ups/Merkins

Ruck back to start for flutter kicks with ruck press X20




Announcements – Joe Davis Run/Ruck. Tomorrow is the last day to get a shirt if you sign up. Convergence Saturday at the Yard with Pre-run/ruck and Moderate, Bootcamp, Black Diamond, Ruck Workouts to follow

Prayers – Many prayers lifted up today relating to injuries, family, travel, stress, holidays etc

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Guns n Moses Bock Party with Loaded Arms 12-19-16

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 12/19/16
  • Pax: Bean Counter, Thunder Warrior, Redwood, High Pockets, Chef, Joe Dirt, Pony Tail(R), Black Lung, Chernobyl. Drifter, Rhinestone, Samurai(R)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

I was honored to lead this group of HIMs in York this rainy cool morning.   Again with poor weather the PAX arrived not complaining just wanting a morning sweat.  Redwood thanks for the opportunity.

The disclaimer was given with no FNGs so we started the Warm up.


Moroccan Night Clubs

R/L, L/R, Stretch each side and middle to get the hammies ready for a mosey


We formed 2 lines for a lap around the church in a Reverse Merkin Indian Run

Arrived at the fire pit to start turning up the heat.  We talked about Hope and the Christmas Season not everyone is happy and Joyous.  They may be going through the anniversary of a love one or relative loss or maybe a stressful season of their life.  We all need to reach out or listen for the sign of sorrow or sadness.

A series of Irkins Derkins and Dips x 2

Now warmed up we made one more lap around the church and found the LIGHT.

The light is where the Block Party started.  Each PAX had a cinder block and we started.

3 exercises, 15 Triceps Overhead Extensions,  25 Standard Curls and 250Overhead Presses.  In between each we ran to the top of the hill and had 10 Merkins.  After the first round PT and I saw that York PAX carried their blocks to the top so we Rinsed and Repeated the York Style.  Nice touch!!!

We circled and did 10 Diamond Merkins using the block followed by LBCs and Block American Hammers.  These York guys are tough and want all 45 minutes of PAIN.

We jail broke to the COT to finish up with Praises and Prayers.

Upcoming Christmas Eve AO will be Olde Town only all other will be shut down for an EPIC Event.  Eastview Chruch will be serving meals for people within a 5 mile radius of their church on Christmas Morning.  Come out if you can help or can support.  See Chernobyl or Drifter for more info.

Sorry I cannot remember all of the prayer requests but Drifter asked for prayers for his Grandmother and another PAX had a relative just found out they had cancer.

Bean Counter you looked strong and glad to have another chance to sweat with you in the gloom.

Thunder Warrior you are making great improvement in a short time of F3.  Keep up the great work.

Redwood I am just glad your son decided to sleep in so I would not get shown p again.

Chef I am honored to have met you this morning and look forward to many more.

Joe Dirt I like your attitude and your colorful mumble chatter.

Pony Tail you are like my brother glad we can challenge each other to grow stronger both physically and spiritually.

Black Lung man can you fly though your reps and how do you keep that mane in place while we sweat?  Great work.

Chernobyl you are becoming a strong pusher in the group and glad to see you getting stronger.  Soon you need to lead one of these workouts!!!

Rhinestone I am honored to meet you this morning and see you have lots of physical talent and also a York PAX pusher.  Awesome work!!!


Samurai Out


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5 for Home Field Bear Crawl Shuffle

  • QIC: WhatDid
  • When: 12/15/16
  • Pax: Cheddah, Chicken Wing, Trucker, Spiderman, WhatDid
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was a brisk 38 degrees and clear sky’s this morning with 5 PAX in attendance for the 2nd Thursday ruck workout at NAFO. The AO is quickly taking shape and even getting a name; Home Field.
With no FNGs, but my first Ruck Q, I gave a full disclaimer. Taking Q of this workout was much different than the boot camp / running workout Q’s I’ve done. I wanted to reiterate to the Pax that I’m far from a Professional. Disclaimer given, off we went.

2X2 around the parking lot to band field.


  • 20 ssh
  • 10 wind mills
  • 15 imperial walkers
  • 10 cotton pickers

Line up on the left side goal line arm length apart. Bear crawl up 10 yards, plank until the 6 is in, up and shuffle right to the sideline.  Bear crawl up 10 yards, plank until the 6 is in, up and shuffle left to the sideline. Repeat for 60 yards.

  • Recover back down to the goal line.
  • 30 Ruck swings. Run to the 50 yard and back.
  • 30 Ruck curls. Run to the 50 yard and back.
  • 20 Overhead ruck press. Run to the 50 yard and back


2X2 to JROTC Building & the pull up bars.

  • 5 negative pull ups.
  • 15 squats
  • 10 Merkins

Repeat 3x

2X2 to Parking lot

  • 15 rosalittas with ruck press
  • 20 double count flutters with ruck press
  • 15 hello dollys with ruck press
  • Protractor with Ruck overhead

At this point, we were spent and the digital weinkie has been non-operational for at least 20 minutes. But we still had time that we couldn’t waste. Time to do some more merkins. With the 5ish minutes left, we did:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 40 second break

Rinse & repeat until time


–          Adjusting Bootcamp workouts to Ruck is fun in concept but executing it is a bit more tricky (at least for YHC). Counts, cadence, pace, engagement, all of it takes a different tone. Glad I was among strong pax that artfully encourage adjustments mid-exercise.

–          The digital weinkie was a hit…the fact that  YHC doesn’t remember the four warm ups of COP and the Pax call me out on it is great.

–          The band field at this AO is excellent for rucking around well marked distances.  North/South 50 yards and East/West 50 yards is measured to add simplicity to exercises and command


Operation Sweat Tooth – Bring your toys for OST to The Fort on Saturday.

Turkey’s for Paradise – Support our community and bring turkeys to Wal-Mart in Ft. Mill at 12 noon on 12/17 or bring them to your AO’s. Details are here:



Prays for our friends, families and loved ones as we gather for this holiday season.

As always, it’s an honor to lead leaders.

What Did out.

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Hope in the Gloom…there is. VQ at PHOP

  • QIC: Yoda
  • When: 12/14/16
  • Pax: Dawg Pound, Deacon, Bill Nye, Schrute, Fellini, Freon, Dollywood, Chernobyl, Stockyard, Pink Panther, Mr. Big Stuff, Sapper
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Two PAX (Schrute and Bill Nye) arrived for a pre-PHOP mosey.  PAX arrived and 13 started at 0515.   There were no FNGs, but disclaimer was disclaimed anyway.


Windmills, Morroccan Night Club (30), Imperial Walker, ROL stretch, LOR stretch, hurdler stretches

Thang 1

Stations, 3 groups (60 sec): Merkins, LBC, American Hammer. Rotate through all three.

Stations, 3 groups (60 sec): Bobby Hurley, box cutter, Carolina dry dock.

Mosey to the bridge and wall sit.  (guns out, guns up.  R foot on left knee, switch)-30 sec each.

Mosey to lower parking lot.

In honor of our Nantan Italian Job (who announced at a FNG naming where YHC was present that EVERYONE in Rock Hill hunts and fishes), we did a little fishin’ and huntin’.

Fishin’- in a squat, shuffle around the median in the parking lot; every two steps “reach down, grab the fishing rod, and set the hook.  Two times around left to right, then two right to left.

Huntin’- Two lines of PAX (one behind the other) horizontally across the parking lot.  In a deep squat, SLOWLY “stalk” across the lot.  When Q said ‘freeze,’ stop mid-stride if possible, no movement.  Resume on command.


The message for December is Hope.  1Peter 1:3-6 NIV: “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!  In his great mercy he as given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade.  This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.  In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.”

A story about Louis Zamperini was shared.  A true story about trouble-maker turned Olympic hopeful upon which the book and movie “Unbroken” was based (read the book, skip the movie-it leaves out the religious crux of his life’s story, but no wonder; the movie was produced and directed by an atheist.)  Zamperini was a diminutive Italian immigrant from a devoutly Catholic family.  After a troubled childhood, he started running as a HS Freshman.  He won his first race that he ever competed in in HS, and never lost a race through state finals as a Senior. He eventually competed in the Olympics in Berlin, and was recognized by Hitler for his talent.  He was set to go to the next Olympics but was interrupted by World War II.

Assigned as a bombardier on a B-24 Liberator, “Zamp” crashed at sea.  While trying to escape from the plane, he vividly recalled being hopelessly ensnared in wires, unable to get free.  After losing consciousness several times, he survival seemed bleak.  Then he woke up loose from all wires with a clear path to the surface. He and two others survived, and Zamp was at sea with no food or water (except what he caught himself) for 47 days.  One day in the tranquil sunrise, he feared death and promised God to serve him forever if he got home.  He was then captured by the Japanese and tortured ruthlessly off and on for months.

When he finally returned home a seemingly-broken man with alcohol addiction, he married and his wife had a child.  Haunted by his nightmares about his torturers, he almost killed his wife while dreaming. Eventually on the verge of divorce, his wife convinced him to go to an LA tent revival of an upstart tent preacher named Billy Graham.  After a few trips, he was about leave and suddenly flashed back to the ocean and his promise.

He threw out every drop of alcohol, changed his ways, and dedicated his life to Jesus.  Eventually, Zamp built camps for troubled youth and served God for the rest of his life.

There is always hope, men.  You are stronger than you know.  You have thousands of brothers out there in the F3Nation.  God loves you…always.

Thang 2

Tractor tire clean-and-jerk with a partner.  Pounding the tire with the Sledge.

Ab Lab- flutter kicks, LBCs, BB sit ups, box cutters…fa la la la la……


Name-a-Rama was fat-fingered by YHC, so no video was obtained.

Prayers- Schrute read an email from Sgt. York’s M. about the new 2.0 from China.  There have been struggles, but she is thankful for a temporary improvement and all the prayers. Mr. Big Stuff asked for assistance for a friend who has medical challenges, but wants to attend 2nd F events.  Transportation help would be a great benefit.  Reach out to him directly.

Announcements– Deacon shared info about the turkeys for the community in Fort Mill.  Bring a turkey to Ft. Mill Wal-Mart at noon December 17, stay for deliveries at 1300.  If you are interested in the Christmas Party and haven’t registered, contact Italian Job.  If you want to go and can’t afford it, contact him anyway.  There may be help available; come join us.  Sorry men, I know there were others.  I’ll try to better next time…

Praise was given to the Sky-Q


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There is HOPE at Eagles Nest 12-13-2016

  • QIC: Samurai
  • When: 12/13/16
  • Pax: Pescadores, Patriot, Slow Pitch, Big Pap, Mayflower (R), Bull, The Situation, Turbine, Atticus, Sapper, Ryder, Bourne, Schrute, Freon, Squad, Reborn, Padeye, Six Sense, Dog Pound, Mr Big Stuff, Stockyard, Spartacus, Bogey, Apache, Jag (R), Van Wilder, Samurai (R)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

First it was my honor and pleasure to lead the 27 HIMs through a cool morning at The Eagles Nest.  I am honored to call you all my Brothers!!!

All Pre-Workout disclaimer given and no FNGs then a Quick prayer for the Sgt. York family in China.




Moroccan Night Clubs

Imperial Walkers / Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey to the Flag Pole Winthrop

Padeye lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance

Nothing more American than Push-em Ups (Merkins) then SSH

Mosey to Library

Partner up and 3 rounds of run/exercise

Partner 1 runs and 2 exercise until he returns

Bobby Hurley’s



Mosey to Scholar’s Walk

Light Post Work 1 post of exercise

Squat Jump

Lt. Dan

Toy Soldiers

Rinse and repeat

Mosey to the Circle 8 Walk

Diamond Merkins  15 run Circle

Wide Arm Merkins   15 Run Circle

Hand Release Merkins   15 Run Circle

3rd F Discussion on Hope.  This is something we ALL need daily, the hope for a better day, hope for our family and friends and during the Season of Christmas it is not always so happy and joyous for everyone.  Some are going through loss of family, separation of family or sickness and feel little or no hope.  Listen to your friends and others and see how we can all help people through this season of Hope.  This is what Jesus is the Promise and Hope for us all.  Reach out any PAX you have not seen in a while to let them know they are missed.

Mosey back the COT

While waiting on the 6 we were catching our breath and I heard a wish.  Me being someone that wants to please we granted 2 wishes from Bogey.  2 sets of Burpees which was not loved by all but it is the Christmas Season.


Christmas Party this Saturday

Turkeys in Ft Mill this Saturday at 1300.  Frozen turkeys to be distributed in a neighborhood in Ft Mil.

Joe Davis 5K/10K early January  Look It Up and Sign Up


Sgt. York Family

Honey Pot Family

The Christmas Season

Samurai Out




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The frozen 10 at the Patriot

  • QIC: Pacman, Cornerstone
  • When: 12/10/16
  • Pax: Roxanne, Catfish, Bull, Padeye, 155, Cornerstone, Pacman, Bo Berry, Slow pitch, Popeye
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was 21 freezing degrees this morning and 10 unfartsacked to begin by playing a Pacman filled game board

Warm up 

15 SSH

15 Morocan night clubs

15 Super Slow WINDMILLS

15 Imperial

15 Hillbilly

15 Cherry Picker

Mosey to Wall

Peoples Chair 10 Count


Balls to Wall 10 count


Balls to Wall Pushups 5 OYO

Mosey to Game Board

Setup a square with 4 cones each cone has (3) exercises that increase in difficulty as move up a level I also have a center cone that is the fruit bonus but sometimes when you go for the fruit the ghost take you out! So flip a coin it will either be bad or not so bad!

1st cone

Level 1 -10 burpees

Level 2 -10 hand release burpees

Level 3 -10 legged burpees 5 each leg

2nd cone

1st level -15 mtn climbers

2nd level -15 mtn climbers merkins

3rd level -15 mtn climbers goats by the way suck

3rd cone

1st level -20 merkins

2nd level -20 hand release merkins

3rd level -20 one legged merkins 10 each leg

4th cone

1st level -25 SSH

2nd level -25 seal jacks

3rd level -25 bomb jacks

Whomp whomp whomp

Center cone (where the fruit lays) Coin toss the coin had Pacman on one side (25 squats) Namco on the other (25 Bobby hurleys)

1st level – 25 squats

2nd level -25 squats

3rd level – 25 Bobby hurleys

YHC took the over after that Mosey to the track and football field. Talked about hope and how in couple of weeks on Christmas eve will be 1 year since my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia. Read Luke 1:37 For nothing will be impossible with God. This holds so true give it to him I really never new what true hope was till last Christmas eve. but I have given it all to him. Aye. I told everyone to push each other so broke off into 3 groups and started in three different places.

Alright time to get to work 8 cones around the track

1st cone partner band pulls run the with of the football field with a band around your chest while your partner holds on

2nd cone 10 merkins

3rd cone 10 squats

4th cone 10 bomb jacks

5th cone bucket run. Run the with of the football field and back 3 sets of buckets 25lbs 35lbs and 45lbsee

6th cone 10 Carolina dry docks why not right after killing shoulders with bucket run

7th cone 10 merkins hold. go down hold it for a 3 count back

8th cone 10 Plank jacks

Rinse and repeat for 2 rounds

Gathered all coupons and cones big thanks to all the Paxs for helping out.

Mosey to COT Pacman took a few minutes to talk about how December is a rough month for him as on the 27th will be 3 years since his mother past unexpectedly and is very grateful for the brothership of F3. Start with announcement and Popeye OCD kicked in and corrected me and we started count and roll call. When then proceed to do announcement Turkey drive on the 17th of Dec. Joe davis run.


Prayers for Louie this has hit me hard as he is not doing well as this 3yr old is fighting cancer.

Sgt York for safe travels

Popeye M on the job interview.

Prayers for Pacman and his hard time this month and all others that are dealing with a loss

Talked about how the power of Prayer works.

Great work to all the Pax great to see each other push our selves little more.

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Turkey Giveaway in Paradise from Fort Mill PAX 12-17-16

  • QIC: Figaro, Deacon, Chicken Hawk, Bolt, DaVinci
  • When: 12/17/16
  • Pax: Fort Mill Area PAX
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

As we look to build bridges from our racial divide discussions, we are beginning to implement action items to expand F3’s impact. Two immediate items are a community service turkey giveaway and an “unofficial” AO (separate preblast to come) in the Paradise community.

F3 Turkey Giveaway – 12/17/16

Fellow PAX Figaro (Montrio Belton) and others are organizing a turkey giveaway in Fort Mill’s Paradise Community.

Paradise is Fort Mill’s historic black community that has been devastated in recent years by its rising poverty level. Paradise is located off Tom Hall Street and its two major corridors are Steele Street and Joe Louis Blvd.  Paradise is directly across the street from Wing King and CVS on Tom Hall (near downtown Fort Mill/Doby’s Bridge Road area).

What: 1) We are asking PAX members to donate one (1) FROZEN turkey, or 2) You may make a monetary donation which will be used for turkey purchases via Paypal to Chicken Hawk (paypal.me/BrianBrenner), or 3) Attend and help support the event and talk with community members about F3 and our mission.

How: Bring your turkey to your AO on Saturday morning 12/17 and give to the Q or any of the following PAX:  Figaro (contact below), Deacon (Twitter @careervaluebook), Chicken Hawk (Twitter @F3_Chicken_Hawk),  DaVinci – Lake Wylie (Twitter @DeeDubCLT), Bolt (803-415-1946, Twitter @F3Bolt), Boeheim (Twitter @F3_Boeheim). If you would like to donate but cannot attend a Sat. AO, please contact one of us. *** If anyone else can be a collection volunteer, please let us know! ***

or, bring your turkey donations to the event, info below.

When: We will distribute the turkeys and prayers at 1:00 pm on Saturday, December 17th.

Where:  Dewey’s Barbershop (the community gathering spot).  Dewey’s barbershop is owned by Dewey Dixon and has operated at 109 Steele Street (Fort Mill, SC 29715) for nearly 50 years. Map: https://goo.gl/FQKlYq

Why:  About 25 men have been gathering at Eternal Church to try to determine ways that F3 can expand our reach into the community to develop male leaders through the F3 model. Conversations continue, but we are implementing Figaro’s great idea to build trust and show commitment by personally handing out turkeys to the community. This gives us the opportunity to engage, pray and introduce F3 to a community that we would like to impact.

Q’s and PAX, please spread the word! 

For more information, contact Figaro (Montrio Belton), Montrio@montriobelton.com, Twitter @MontrioMontess or 803-517-4324.

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