Run over there, then run back. Repeat.

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 9/22/16
  • Pax: Slow Pitch, Schrute, Pawpaw, Bill Nye, Major Payne (FNG), Tinker Toy, Water Boy, Posh, Kelvin, Honey Pot, Sgt. York, Red Ryder, Chuckie (Respect), Mayflower (Respect), Screech, Dingo, Freon, Hot Spot, Mr. Big Stuff, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Nineteen of the area’s highest impact men joined me in the Gloom at the Tavern this morning. The Disclaimer was disclaimed, our FNG was welcomed, and off we went for a full-body beatdown.

The Thang

Mosey to Harris Teeter parking lot for:

  • 50 SSH (IC)
  • 50 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
  • 10 Windmills (IC)
  • 15 IWs (IC)
  • 40 Italian Night Clubs (IC)

Now that our shoulders were smoked and the mumble chatter slowed a bit, it was time for suicides.

  • 10 Merkins
  • Run to the first line and back
  • Run to the second line and back
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Run to the third line and back
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins

10 Count

  • 30 Squats
  • Run to the first line and back
  • Run to the second line and back
  • 30 Calf Raises
  • Run to the third line and back
  • 30 Bobby Hurleys

10 Count

  • 30 LBCs
  • Run to the first line and back
  • Run to the second line and back
  • 30 Freddies
  • Run to the third line and back
  • 30 Hello Dollies

10 Count

  • 30 Side Tri Rise
  • Run to the first line and back
  • Run to the second line and back
  • 30 Dips
  • Run to the third line and back
  • 30 Overhead Claps

10 Count and discussion on the 3 Fs, the 5 tenants, what we represent, and why we do what we do.

  • Shampoo but, instead of running the suicide sprints, we back pedaled (NUR)
  • 10 Merkins
  • Nur to the first line and back
  • Nur to the second line and back
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • Nur to the third line and back
  • 10 Wide Arm Merkins

10 Count

  • 30 LBCs
  • Nur to the first line and back
  • Nur to the second line and back
  • 30 Freddies
  • Nur to the third line and back
  • 30 Hello Dollies

Indian Run around the lot and jailbreak to the COT.

Overall mileage, 2.01.


Great work this morning pushing the rock, taking the pill, and getting stronger together. Welcome to our newest brother, Major Payne. Excellent work this morning, especially for your first time out. Great EH Hot Spot and Freon. You epitomize what it means to “give it away.” TClaps to Bill Nye for taking care of the 6 today. Your efforts did not go unnoticed. Sorry (not sorry) to Honey Pot and Slow Pitch for jumping right in to the workout without the warmup. Hope the excessive number of SSHs made up for it. I know you boys loved the copious amount of shoulder work to start us off.

Newsflash to F3Nation – Schrute, York, Posh, Kelvin, and Tinker Toy are SUPER FIT. Add Burgundy to that list and you have an unstoppable force. Great job today, Waterboy. You kept the effort going without sacrificing your form. Proud of you. Red Ryder, good job today keeping up. Fairly certain you were cussing me internally, but you kept strong. Awesome job! Chuckie and Mayflower, I can’t say enough how much respect I have for you guys. You continue to get stronger every day and do these crazy exercises with a smile on your face. Keep up the good work, the younger guys are noticing. Screech and Dingo – big shoutout to you men. When I was your age, the only way I was up at this hour was if I was pulling an all-nighter or doing things that aren’t wise for me to repeat. Excellent job. Mr. Big Stuff, we’re keeping you in our prayers. Not sure what is going on, but God knows. Lean on us for anything. We are here for you.

Today we discussed the civil unrest in our communities and what we are called to do about it. I encourage you to pray for those hurting and those protecting us. I ask that you will make an impact here in your community by doing right. It is our job to show the world that Christ is in us by helping where we can. We are called to be different than the world. If that means extending a hand to a fallen brother or sister or just being there with them in times of trouble, we should do it. Be a leader in this broken and hurting world. Pass on peace to those needing it. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Rock Hill 2nd F Lunch – Tomorrow at Nishi G’s on Mt. Gallant at 11:45. Reach out to Honey Pot for details.

F3 Charity Softball Tourney – this Saturday at 1:00 PM at Guns ‘N Moses. Read the preblast.

F3 4 Year Invergence – Fellowship with the Fort Region’s PAX 9/30 at 5:30. Bring a covered dish. Details here.

F3 Christmas Party, 12/17. Get in now before prices go up. Info here.

TClap |

The Best of The Best – Iron Sharpening Iron – Building Strength and Stamina

  • QIC: Bogey
  • When: 09/22/16
  • Pax: Turbine, Burgundy, Roxanne, Anchor Bar, PADI, Sapper, Cool Table, Smiley Face, Bull, Catfish, Mahem
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Ecclesiates 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

No cutting corners allowed this morning as we paired up for a beat down that would be talked about for days. We were paired up because no one can do life alone especially not a workout designed by the Ole Salty Devil Dog. Great job men of the gloom! What an elite group of guys that came out to sharpen iron with each other today.

We started out with a little BROGA to stretch out and get loose. Warm up Mosey around Moe’s and over to station 1 at UPS store.

Station 1

Round 1 – 25 Burpie plank jacks

Round 2 – 25 Burpies

Round 3 – 25 Burpie Hand Release

Travel to next station: Sprint to Station 2 ( about 50 yards away)


Station 2

Round 1 – 25 Carolina Dry Docks (In Cadence 123 count)

Round 2 – 25 Merkins (In Cadence 123 count)

Round 3 – 25 SSH (In Cadence 123 count)

Travel to next station: Bear Crawl, Alligator Crawl, modify as needed ( about 50 yards away)


Station 3

Round 1 – 50 LBCs (In Cadence)

Round 2 – 25 Box Cutters (In Cadence)

Round 3 – 25 American Hammers (In Cadence)

Travel to next station: Pogo Jacks ( about 50 yards away)


Station 4

Round 1 – 30 Mountain Climbers (In Cadence)

Round 2 – 25 Jumping lunges

Round 3 – 30 Calf raises

Travel to next station: Inch Worm merkin ( about 50 yards away)


Station 5

Round 1 – 25 Bomb Jacks

Round 2 – 30 Moroccan Night Clubs!

Round 3 – 20 Diamond Merkins

Travel to next station: LT Dans ( about 50 yards away)

We all made 2 complete rounds before stopping for some Broga at the end to stretch and cool down.

Today marked 10 days in a row posting to an AO for our new member PADI who is looking for change. Great job today PADI and I look forward to walking beside you and getting beatdown and built up with you as we sharpen iron together in the gloom.

Thanks for pulling the Q this morning Burgundy! Keeping up with you as we knock out 25 Burpies together brings dizziness, white spots and side jump/stumbles to the Burpie exercise for me but I enjoyed every minute. #IronSharpening #EmbracingTheSuck


TClap |

Lowering the Boom at BTC

  • QIC: Tinker Toy
  • When: 9/21/16
  • Pax: Pistol, Schrute, Money Bags, Freon, Hotspot, Kelvin, Ponytail, Mayhem, Tinker Toy (QIC)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Warm up (In cadence)
IW x 15
WM x 10

Mozy to YORK tech
Front…15 Derkins/20 Dips at wall

Come back to bottom…
PC long 20 count…BTTW long 10 count

Mozy to rear school area
20 merkins
20 CDD
10 burpees
10 Diamond merkins

More PC at front of school

Mozy across street to tech park

10 corn cob merkins
10 blast off merkins
10 Apollo Ono’s per side
Run 1 loop…stopped about half way and did squats waiting on the 6 before continuing. Finished loop

10 corn cob merkins
10 blast off merkins
10 Apollo Ono’s per side

Back to COT
AB LAB-Dealers choice
Finish with 1 minute Max burpees
Almost 3 miles of running covered as well.

As we finished we talked about how God tells us to encourage one another in love. We as men are good about encouraging each other during workouts, but a challenge was issued to encourage each other in our walk with the Lord. We often fail in this area and we, as men, need this encouragement more than anything else. TAKE THE CHALLENGE AND FIND A BROTHER OR TWO TO CONNECT WITH EACH WEEK!!

Those involved in horrible bus accident and their families as they mourn the loss of children…MAY GOD’S PEACE AND COMFORT CONSUME THEM.


Reborn-speedy recovery from back injury.

It was an hour to Q at this awesome sight. There are lots of areas to run for mileage and stop along the way for some pain stations. AYE!! Thanks for the opportunity Pistol!

TClap |

New speed at Ballroom … “Balls Out”

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk
  • When: 09/20/2106
  • Pax: Barry manilow Deacon Beacon Newman Gilmore Anchorman Gopher Cotton eye Ditch witch Culture club Short sale Change order Fire Marshall bill River rat Trail mix Jekyll
  • Posted In: Uncategorized


Grace – when we become a Christian we usually are attracted to it by the message of Grace and eternal life. But does that mean we have to wait until we die to experience his Grace? Think about how you experience Gods grace in your life.

Have you ever heard someone say or have you experienced “when you serve others that you get more out of it than you gave”? I’ve heard that expression for nearly my whole life and I’ve just learned what it means. That is God’s Grace while on earth.

To experience Gods grace we have to get dirty and jump in the fire of life and be the hands and feet of Jesus. What are you doing in life that is going to help you experience Gods beautiful grace?


Mosey to parking lot
– 20 Ssh
– 10 merkins
– 10 mountain climbers
– 10 CDD
– 10 Imperial Walkers

Indian run curb style (split into two groups)
– plank curb walk
– merkin curb walk
– crab curb walk
– CCD curb walk

Ab circuit 3 min
. 30 seconds each
Freddie Mercury
Hello dolly
High low flutter

Mosey to parking lot – A new speed was defined that is most appropriate for the ballroom.
– Run 50,75,100% (I.e. Balls Out)
– lunge walk back and forth
– Duck walk
– Apolo Ono
– Run 50,75,100%

Mosey to hill for Jacobs bear ladder
Bear crawl up
7 CCD to 1
Bear crawl backwards
1 Bomb Jacks to 7

End with Wind sprints


TClap |

Quagmire 09/19/16

  • QIC: Bart
  • When: 09/19/16
  • Pax: Wild Thing, Vinnie, DaVinci, Bones, Mainframe, Speaker, Mr. T, Cornhole, The Mandarin, Puddles, Nasa, Witchunt
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

13 in the gloom of Monday.  Quick disclaimer and we were off!  Warming jog to HD to include high knees, butt kickers and soccer stretches(aka stanky leg).  Warm ups of SSH, windmill, merkin, mountain climbers, etc.  Mosey to Just Fresh where we did ladders of merkin/squat as well as bear crawl, wounded dog(everyone’s favorite), karaoke and such.  A few suicides to round it off.  Chatter was nonexistent so I wasn’t sure what to think. Then a short run to BOT(back of target) for peoples chair-break off one at a time to walking balls to the wall- back to peoples chair.  Puddles liked it so much he wanted to reverse back through it again!! I was thrilled with his enthusiasm, so we did!  Run back to COT with a quick pit stop at the fountain for step ups.  Praises to Mandarin for 110% effort!!

TClap |

9/3/16 @F3Lancaster with TChaser & CSPAN

  • QIC: TChaser & CSPAN
  • When: 09/0316
  • Pax: FNG-GFI, FNG-Ashtray, FNG-Tickets, FNG-Scanner, IronSight, Longshanks, Spartacus, Watson, Bourne, Power Plant, Chuckie, Bono, Trailmix, Popeye, Cosign, Apache, CSPAN, & Chaser
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

• CSPAN on Q (#COBAINS on the extremely late backblast post…yes 17 days is way too long)
• Disclaimer in detail with Legal Counsel present, 4 FNGs present, #T-Claps on the EH
• Quick sermon on how F3 has changed my life and how it will change Lancaster, SC and the men of this community, their lives, their families, and their Churches
• Running
• Quick COP (COP=Circle of PAIN with exercises in cadence) SSH, Seal Jacks, and Squats
• More Running
• Another quick COP with Flying Squirrels in a futile attempt to get Apache to stop talking
• More Running
• Another quick COP with stretch-O-rama
• More Running
• Another quick COP with ABLAB
• More Running
• Another quick COP with shoulder focus
• More Running
• Another quick COP with back exercises and extremely high quality singing especially since Skinny Jeans and Flat Tire were not leading the “band”
• More Running
• Stop for a sermon on #Concentrica (vertical and horizontal life relationship prioritization for men = see F3Nation for full detail)
• Quick sermon on finding men to partner with at F3 to hold you accountable and to text each to hold each other accountable, used my example with “The” Chaser and Apache
• Hand over “the wheel of the ship” to Chaser
• Lesson about not holding back – “raise your hand as high as you can….now raise it 2 inches higher…why didn’t you do that the first time? Stop holding back in life.”
• Mosey
o Plank series with sit-throughs
o Air presses x 50
• Line up at base of hill
o Bear crawl up, jog down x2
o Backwards bear crawl up, jog down
o Inchworm up, jog down
• Mosey to parking lot and line up
o Burpee broad jump to end of lot, lunge walk back x2
• Mosey back to base of hill and pair off with someone you don’t know
o Partner 1 – run to top of base and then back down
o Partner 2 – begin work on 100 merkins, 200 squats, 50 burpees
• Mosey to wall of school
o People’s Donkey Balls x2
• Mosey to COT/prayer or praise/BOM

TClap |

Official Lancaster Downtown Launch

  • QIC: Italian Job, Cosign
  • When: 9/21/16
  • Pax: Open to all males for the betterment of ourselves to promote male leadership in our community
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Ok all F3 Gents tomorrow morning main event The Lancaster official Launch of the Wednesday downtown AO.
The Italian Job and CoSign’ will be on Q. With Cosign’s VQ happening the same day.

What makes this so special we are goiing to name the new AO. So bring all your cool naming skills on down to
Lancaster County Building
101 N Main St, Lancaster, SC 29720

If any Rockhill gents want to clowncar down leaving Target parking lot at 0430.

So if you want to visit where a group HIMS really get this F3 thing come check out Lancaster F3. It is truly betterment of each other and no man left behind. The workouts don’t get easier we get get stronger as a group. No individuals only stronger as the Pax get stronger

Don’t say you can’t before you try. Don’t complain about the reasons why you can’t until you really see what hurdles are in front of you.

And then when you realize your hurdles, rely on your resources to help to achieve your goals, then the you can’t will turn into the we can.

And then days, months , or years from now you will think wow look how far I have come.

No one knows what they can achieve until they actually try.

And trying is half the battle and the battle can be Won!


Aye!!! Apache!!

TClap |

In Need of Ragnar Relay Participant: Event Fee Waived

  • QIC: General
  • When: 09/19/16
  • Pax: OPEN TO ALL
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Good morning,

The SOB’s (Son’s of Ballantyne) have an extra spot open for the Ragnar Trail Relay, Oct 7-8. The registration fee is being covered by one of our PAX that had to drop from the event, thus it is FREE for someone who is willing to step up and take on the challenge of the Ragnar. Below is further information regarding the event:

  • Oct 7-8, our team is slated to start at 430PM on Friday, Oct 7
  • Team of 8 runners; relay format with all runners running 16 miles which is broken up into 3 legs for each runner (3.3mile, 5.3mile, 7.6mile)
  • Ragnar takes place at the Anne Springs Greenway – Fort Mill, SC
  • Ragnar village will be a place where we can set up tents, recovery area and food/drinks. F3 PAX will also be participating in short workouts throughout the evening
  • For more information visit:

Contact General ( or Twitter @F3General if interested.

TClap |

Death by DORA

  • QIC: Blackhawk
  • When: 09/19/2016
  • Pax: Smiley face, Sapper, Bourne, Fin, Blackhawk, Chuckie, Dr. Ruth, Quaffle, Dingo, Devito, HBC, Landry, Striker, Padeye
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

It was another fine, wonderful Monday morning at Rock Hill’s Independence AO. Continue reading

TClap |

Big plans in F3 Lancaster

  • QIC: Watson, Bono, Cujo, Reacher, Italian Job, Cosign
  • Pax: All Cool F3 Gents of the brotherhood
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

F3 Lancaster 3 big things to remember for this week coming up!!!!

Monday 9/19 0515 Second Baptist Church Recon with Bono and Watson CO Qing with Bono’s VQ

Wednesday 9/21 0515 Downtown AO official launch with The Italian Job and Cosign on Q with Cosign’s VQ and also the naming of the new AO

And of course Saturday 9/24 The Normandy Beach AO 0630 with Cujo and Reacher on Q and they will both have their VQ debut

So please set your clocks and be prepared for our Lancaster leadership bringing it to our brothership and sharpening the iron to better ourselves together

Aye Apache
And please see Watson’s preblast

TClap |