This morning, Apache led 13 PAX for a Recon/Q School for our Lancaster brothers at Second Baptist. Each man took a turn leading exercises and calling cadence. Looking forward to seeing the leaders in Lancaster continue to grow the group in the Red Rose City. Keep your eyes and ears open for new AO locations and the final shirt design.
YHC had been looking forward to this Recon for Days and last night didn’t sleep much, which is normal in my case so it wasn’t a big deal and as the pax kept rolling in I knew it was going to be a special day..
Lancaster is a great city with a lot of heritage and hard working citizens that have been through a lot over the years with industries coming and going, like a lot of textile communities they have had to adapt to the changing times. And take themselves out of the comfort zones.
Which is one of the reason I love F3 nation so much. When tough times arise you have your brothers of the gloom to depend on and not being hoarders of F3 and sharing this thing we call The Brothership of the Gloom lets like minded men gather together and sharpen themselves, “As iron sharpens Iron, so does one Man Sharpen each other” to prepare us for that next hurdle we may have to cross..
We gathered at the Lancaster County building parking lot right off main street and the shovel flag was planted.
18 of the finest gents unpartook the far sack including 5 FNG’s welcome brothers to your new family of HIMS‘ (High Impact Males)
FNG’s Thanks for leaving your comfort zones and unfartsaking yourselves to partake in the brotherhood of the gloom “The workouts don’t get easier we get stronger”+
Shake and Bake AKA Richard Doby
Captain AKA Jason Freeman
Ladies Man AKA Devin Aycock
Grave digger AKA Chris Stevenson
Ticket AKA Andrew Riner
So today was supposed to be a simple mosey around downtown Lancaster for a recon but when all the Lancaster Gents kept arriving I had to modify to give the Men their moneys worth
So I gave a very detailed Disclaimer with 5 fng’s present and mentioned modify on several occasions we circle up and
Warm up: all in cadence
SSH 20
Merkins 20
Italian night clubs 20
Seal Jacks 20
After the warm I explained the benefits of being involved with F3 and how you have orther positive like mind individuals to hold you accountable in daily struggles in life.
How the fitness is the draws you in. The fellowship is the glue. And the faith is the end goal out of the whole thing.
Thang #1
We moseyed to the shovel flags and circled up and I introduced the new Lancaster Gents to lady Sally.. and we did the Bring Sally up and Bring Sally Down. And left Roxanne at home this morning.
Thang #2
We counted off into 2 groups and separated into 2. Each group had an American Flag. The object was group 1 run clockwise around the parking lot while group 2 runs counter clock wise while as the pax that was running called an excise for the waiting pax to do.. A real crowd pleaser and a great attention getting activity.
After we replanted the flags and said the pledge of allegiance in cadence…
Thang #3
We divided into 2 rows and moseyed to main street and did the infamous Apache merkin Indian run up main street until we reach Arch St. where stopped and received some information from different FNG’s on the likes and don’t likes after that
People chair while picking cherries 30 in cadence
Air chair over head claps 30 in cadence
Thang #4
We lined up again and told Cujo To head us in the direction of Lancaster’s very own HOTBOX
Where we all hit the BTWBalls to the Wall and did 5 merkins
Recovered and Fin lead us in a series of Carolina Dry Docks 20 In cadence
Formed our 2 squads and Fin lead us back to COT with a nice airborne shuffle
Five Minutes Left = five minutes of giving it all you got
SSH in cadence 25
LBC in cadence 25
Merkins in cadence 25
staggered merkins each arm in cadence 10
Awesome job from all men today, can not believe what has happen over one Month period of time in Lancaster. The men are on fire welling to better themselves to be that HIM in the community, Family, and work.
A I can foreseeing I Lancaster becoming its own region one day which is our main Goal plant small men’s workout groups to promote better leaders in our communities….
With that being said don’t be hoarders of a great thing just as you don’t want to be a hoarder of your Religion. We need to spread the word and stick with like minded positive thinking individuals and nothing but great things will happen
A lot of praises and prayers this morning with our true HIM Bourne closing us out in prayer
Humbled, honored, and happy to be able to leaded the leaders of F3
YHC was given the privilege to lead the fine men of York at Trinity yesterday.
As I drove over to the AO I was still debating on what to Q, as my legs were (are) still protesting the BRR abuse from Fri/Saturday and I wasn’t sure a lot of running would be good.
Well we circled up in CoP for some SSH, imperial walkers, LSS, hillbilly walkers and windmills. The old legs felt pretty good so off we went to wrap around the block.
At the first corner we did 5 merkins, ran the long side to 5 dips, ran the short side for 5 wide armed merkins, ran the opposite long side to 5 overhead claps and then back to the first corner.
The counts were upped to 10 and we sprinted the long sides, jogged the shorts.
The counts were upped to 15 and we karaoked the shorts and ran the longs.
The counts were upped once more to 20 and we shuffled the shorts and ran the longs.
Just to keep our shoulders warm we partnered up and planked while everyone rotated through wheelborrows up the steps.
Back to CoP for some mary and then we wrapped it up.
Appreciate the chance to Q gentlemen! It was great to meet new PAX and work out a bit of the soreness!
We talked a bit about #CSUAPS and especially the over night crazy runs. I hope every PAX will join a team and complete one. These events provide a great opportunity for all 3 F’s!
YHC was excited about the opportunity to lead at Independence for my VQ. Thanks to BlackHawk the Site Q for Independence for the offer and to Apache for pushing me to lead. With no-FNGs present disclaimer was explained to the PAX and so the VQ began.
SSH (IC) x25
MNC (IC) x25
Windmill (IC) x25
Mosey around the campus for a modified Merkin Mile, YHC explained while we mosey and I call out “DROP” the PAX will do 10 Merkins Recover and continue the Mosey for a total of 30 Merkins,
Re-grouped for what I like to call the “Triple Jump” with a Burpee. I am not sure what I said wrong but the mumble chatter began before I could finish the word Burpee. I was told this was a Burpee free zone but I chose not to hear that and continued on.
3 Frog Jumps followed by a Burpee then sprint to the end of the driveway and back to the start
Rince and Repeat x3
I think my adrenaline was flowing because I was asked by the Site Q to slow it down a bit and re-group the PAX before going on, Rookie mistake by this YHC. Called for two 10 counts, re-grouped and off we went.
Mosey around the campus again and planked halfway through for the 6 to come in, recovered and Mosey back to the COT for “Sand Bag Relay”
I called on Bourne for a 10 count while I ran over to my car to grab the Sand Bag and in the distance heard more mumble chatter and groans. Told the Pax to form a straight line and explained Sand Bag Relay. First #HIM would call out exercise of his choice and run with the Bag to the end of the parking lot and back while the PAX did the exercise. When the first #HIM returned he would pass the Bag off to the next #HIM while he called out an exercise, we would follow this procedure until every #HIM called out his beat down. Exercises were:
Low Slow Squats
Monkey Humpers
Calf Raises
Box Cutters
Bourne called out some exercise we never heard of, He was told to name it before ever calling it out again
I am missing two more, another Rookie mistake by not remembering them all.
Called for two more 10 counts while I grabbed ropes for a little leg resistance training, Told PAX to partner up and handed out the ropes, I was one short so Apache and myself partnered up and used the sand bag. We would start with the rope around Partner 1’s waist while partner two would hold the two ends of the rope, I would call out go and Partner 1 would run to the middle of the parking lot while Partner 2 would pull on the ropes for resistance, once we got to the middle parter 2 would let go of the ropes and Partner 1 would sprint to the end of the lot followed by a sprint of partner 2, Sprint back change it up, Rinse and repeat x3.
Time was up and since we were already at the COT the PAX got a well deserved rest before before Announcements , Praises and Prayers. I never thought I would be doing this in a million years, Leading Leaders of F3. I need to thank my brother Olive from Isotope for bringing me to The Patriot for my first Post on 8/1, Like everyone has said the workout is free and is what gets you out at 0515 but its the Fellowship and Faith that keeps you coming back. Thank you all again for the support it was a pleasure leading this fine group of #HIMs. See you all in the GLOOM
I had the pleasure of spending 45 minutes of the Gloom with 6 #HIM this morning. Conditions were perfect – not too hot, not too humid.
25 SSH (IC)
20 IW (IC)
25 Moroccan Night Clubs (IC)
15 Windmills (IC)
10 Head, shoulders, knees, and toes
The Thang
Mosey to the school courtyard
20 People’s Chair (IC)
10 Count People’s Chair
10 Count People’s Chair Right Foot Up
10 Count People’s Chair Left Foot Up
10 Count People’s Chair Rifles Out
10 Count People’s Chair Rifles Out
15 Count Balls To The Wall
Mosey back to the parking lot for a partner BOMBS workout.
50 Burpees
100 Overhead Claps
150 Merkins
200 Big Boy Situs
250 Squats
Great work today, men. The BOMBS workout is never easy and each of you had a chance to cheat yourselves, but you didn’t. Integrity is what you do when no one is looking. I was watching today, and not only did you men push it, but you took care of each other. Great encouragement today. That is what “iron sharpening iron” looks like.
I shared a story this morning about disappointment. If you haven’t been disappointed lately, watch out because it’s coming. Michael Chadwick, a swimmer from Charlotte, had the swim of his life last year. He was a relatively unknown swimmer at the time, but his 100-meter freestyle time of 48.87 seconds put him right into the Olympics mix. This led to an invitation to Team Elite and training with the US Olympic team. He was making great strides and when this summer’s Olympic trials came around, he was faster than ever. If he finished in the top two, he had an automatic spot on the US Olympic Swim Team. If he finished in the top six, he was on the relay team. Then the unthinkable happened. On his dive into the pool, his left hand hit the water at such an angle, that it pulled his entire body to the left. That slight change placed him at 8th. Ryan Lochte, a friend of his, gave up his spot so he could inch closer to his Olympic dream to swim in Rio. The next guy did not volunteer his spot for Michael. In that moment, Michael’s Olympic dreams were dashed.
Fast-forward two months – Michael was watching the news break on Ryan Lochte and his fabricated story in Rio. Michael called his dad, my pastor, David Chadwick and said, “Dad, I’m convinced if I were in Rio, I would have been out with that group that night.” Though he is not a drinker, the ghost of that moment would have haunted him for the rest of his life. People wouldn’t remember his medal; they would only remember that he was part of the group that partied a little too hard and made up a story that turned the world’s attention to Rio.
You never know what is on the horizon. When things don’t work out, you can do one of two things: turn to God or turn to the world. In God, there is hope. In the world, there is temporary amnesia. You may be able to forget for a while, but the issues will rise again. But in God, there is a plan. Your disappointment is God’s appointment. How you react to the situation will witness to your friends, family, and co-workers. Do you want to be seen as a man who succumbs to the pressure or one who rises above it? Realize today that your situations are your pulpit to share the Gospel. Not in what you say, but in how you act.
Where: Second Baptist Church 1426 Great Falls Hwy, Lancaster, SC 29720
What: Recon of potential future AO site as F3 Lancaster growth continues. Along with Q school during the Recon of the AO site
The Thang:
The workout will be totally different than any workout. It will involve reconing a new AO and A Q School which involves Q101 and Q102 classes, also getting all new pax up to speed and prepared for there VQ’S and being added to the Q schedule and leading the leaders of our F3nation
We are also planning a class on log in to write a preblast and also backblast which is a requirement for any pax after Qing…
Any question please get in touch with YHC or Italian Job…
Thanks, Apache!!!
Please watch our founding fathers of F3 Dredd and OBT on what the 3 F’S mean
And also a little demo of Side straddle Hops and Merkins and how to count in cadence…..
are you your brothers keeper??? if you are obedient to god.. then yes you are , don’t be like Cain, and disobey god, follow god and be accountable to and for your brothers,
we had no fngs so after a brief disclaimer we proceeded wit 25 in cadence ssh, followed by some cedar shakes.. aka morican nightclubs , 25 in cadence ssh, imperial walkers, 25 more in cadence ssh, wind mill, 25 more in cadence ssh,
the thank, one of my favorite moderate workouts is the winkie of pain, we did mercians, lbc,squats, ssh,wide arm mercians, big boy sit up,lunges, burpes, and 6 inches. all for 1 min, followed buy a lap around the church after each exercise
YHC showed up at Arsenal to an eager PAX awaiting a VQ beat down from the “Man of Steel” Clark Kent. However, much to their dismay they were left without a hero this AM. Rather than Kryptonite, it was a near due M that pumped the brakes on his appearance. Let’s all be honest…What the M says, usually goes. YHC had some adequate porcelain time in the AM to formulate something other than 45min of marry as an audible, and here it was:
Mosey a half loop around the launch lot and into the bus parking lot
Circle up for SSH x 25/LSS x 10/Imperial Walker x 15/Merkin x 10/Mountain Climber x 15/Windmill x 10
Mosey to the playground
The Thang
Partner up
Partner 1 runs lap on playground track/Partner 2 doing pull-ups (flapjack)
Partner 1 runs lap, Partner 2 alternating dips and merkins while waiting on P1 (flapjack)
Pistol Crunches Right Leg (x10), Left Leg (x10), 6inch LBC (x5)
Intervals (20sec tempo, 10sec recover) turbo leg ups right, turbo leg ups left, full box jump (x3)
Mosey over to practice field swamp and partner up again
Partner 1 40yd dash, back pedal back to Partner 2; Partner 2 doing merkins (flapjack) x2
Rinse and repeat 40yd dash/back pedal set
Dragons back – P1 Sprint up/P2 Donkey Kicks (flapjack)
Dragons back – P1 Backpedal up/P2 Donkey kicks (flapjack)
Squeeze in some People’s Chair, 10 count by each PAX
Mosey Jailbreak back to COT courtesy of Heisman
Great work by the PAX that showed up, there is always plenty of ground to cover at the Arsenal
Bourne – great to see you out, thanks for keeping the mumble chatter going for the entire 45+ minutes. Definitely added a great element
Big Papi – strong work on the 40 yd dash and back-pedals, getting quicker and quicker. Also congrats on the VQ @ Independence. I could tell he wasn’t happy after we finished Dragon’s Back back pedals and I said “and next”
Ringer – dominator of the hill sprints and 40yd dash. Also brought us something new and brutal during the People’s Chair on the wall (over-head cliff hanger with legs straight out) I’ll let him come up with a name for that brutal as hell position.
Heisman – awesome to see you on a weekday sir. Definitely brought the fresh legs for the Dragon’s Back backpedal and a blazing jail break run to COT
Dark Roast – solid leadership to push One-Stop as he continues to work and get better during his 2nd post. Stuff like that keeps them coming back and getting after it again.
Definitely my favorite site to Q. Speaking of Q’s, we need some HIMs to step up and lead on Thursdays (Arsenal) and Saturdays (Reservation). STEP UP!
YHC was excited about the opportunity to lead at the Reservation. Thanks to Atlas as the Site Q for the offer. YHC was so excited that I asked Menthol to join me. We also picked up Trucker for a solid clown car and away we went!
When given the opportunity to lead the Reservation on 9/10, I was immediately hit by the significance of the 15 year anniversary of 9/11 the following day. There are few moments in history where you remember the exact date, time and location of an event and 9/11 stands out among those. As Menthol and I began to prepare the Weinke, we were also reminded that my new high school freshman daughter was not alive for this event. This is both a fortunate and unfortunate scenario in my mind.
Fortunately, she will never know the many emotions of someone who was thousands of miles away from NY and DC much less the terror and heartache of the men and women who died or lost loved ones on that day. The vivid memories of the towers falling, men and women jumping from the towers, people covered in ashes and the fear of where would the next attack be are cemented in my mind from that day. I remember the face of George W as he sat in that classroom when given the news. I think of my friend, Rob, who was a volunteers fireman in NJ who was called into duty with no specifics, no cell phone coverage and no idea if he would ever see his family again. I hope and pray that my kids never have to see this.
Unfortunately, she may never see how our country rallied around these events either. As we sit here 15 years later, our country appears splintered into many different factions described by adverbs that provide irrations to some other faction. She may never feel the pride of all of the heroic acts that were committed by our first responders, our military and even average joes like you and me. It was a time when we put aside our differences and worked together for the common good. This is the backbone of our country. It is my job as a parent to teach her this!
The Thang
For the entire hour, each man took turns running the flag around the parking lot of IL Elementary. It was a beautiful sight to see the flag blowing in breeze and the pride each man felt as he handed it off to another.
Mosey around the lot
Each exercise in either 9 or 11s
Mtn. Climbers
Mosey over for Dirty McDeuce
9 Exercises with 11 Reps
Peoples Chair
Handoff to Menthol
Peoples Chair
Sprint sequence X 3
SSH x 119
SSH x 119
SSH x 70′
Mosey to pick up the flag
Six minutes of Mary
Yeah, we did a workout and yeah it was a great group of men and yeah I love seeing the guys in IL but today was different. Maybe it wasn’t as “different” or memorable like 9/11/2001 but it felt a little different than a normal Saturday. Isn’t that what F3 is all about?
Read your newsletter. Old Bay and Gears work really hard to put that together and we are blessed to have them.
Meet me at the Invergence on 9/30 at the ASC Greenway at 6 PM. I promise it will be worth your time. Here is the pre-blast