The Switch

9 Pax plus YHC came out to the Pantheon this morning to Honor those lost in the tragic events of the 9/11/2001. I was Honored to have the opportunity to lead in the the gloom this morning.

Arrived a few minutes early to unload the blocks and setup the lights. Change of venue as the sprinklers where running on the field and the it looked quite soggy.  Moved the The Thang over to the road just outside the field.

As 0515 rolled up Gears and I noticed that Crab Cakes was not on hand. After a light bit of #Slack bullying he HC’d the evening prior.  AS it turns out there is #Slack evidence to show our Friend Crabbie had DeC’d around 2210 that same night. Something about getting Fia’d by the M and 2.0 was under the weather.  Well noted and understood. I’m sure that time was well spent working on the NXT Addition of the The Corner!

All seasoned Pax on hand so a quick disclaimer and off we went.

The Buy In Started out with a 400 meter mosey around the parking lot and down the hill to the bottom concrete pad.   Roughly 400 Fire Fighters, Police officers and Port Authority officers lost their lives running INTO the Twin Towers.

COP-09 MNC/ 11 SSH/ 20 Imperial Walkers/ 01 Burpee

Bear Crawl from Bottom landing to 3rd concrete landing. Roughly 110 Feet. 9 Peter Parker IC- Crawl Bear back down to the Bottom. 11 Parker Peter IC. Both the N and S Tower had 110 stories.

Mosey back up to the parking lot lane by the soccer field for The Thang.  Lead Pax into the middle of what would be our runway. Instruted them to hold an Al Gore or Plank for a the time line of events. All chose the Al Gore.

0846 AA Flight 11 Strikes the North Tower–0903 United Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower– 0937 AA Flight 77 Strikes the SW corner of the Pentagon in DC. With in mins of this the FAA orders a full ground stop of all domestic Air Traffic. Only time I have ever known this to happen. 0959 the South Tower collapses–1003 United Flight 93 crashes in a field outside of Shanksville PA after the passengers aboard attempted to overtake the hijackers–1028 the North Tower Collapses. Not including the 19 Hijackers 2977 people where killed in these deadly attacks. Took this opportunity to remind the PAX ( Still holding Al Gore) That tomorrow is never guaranteed and to ensure they are staying present and involved in the now with those closest to them. Recover!

The Switch

Team up in Teams of 3- In our case 2 teams of 3 and 1 team of 4.

P1 and P2  start at one end of the runway. P3 starts at the far end.

P1 does a coupon Exercise, P3 does body weight exercise at far end. On go P2 runs/sprints the distance between P1 and P3. Upon arrival they Switch. P2 does Body weight exercise and P3 Runs/Sprints back to P1 where upon they switch ect. The idea was to do MAX REPs of the respective exercises until the runners arrived and we switched. Running Distance was roughly 100-110 yrds. To move to the next round we needed to complete 2 cycles the current exercises.

Rnd 1 Block Curls and MErkins—-Rnd 2 OH Press and Squats—Rnd 3 Blocked BBS and LBCs

Rnd 4 Block Swings and Lunges—-Rnd 5 Block Squats and Flutter kicks

After dodging a few cars arriving to the parking lot we completed through the 1st cycle of RND 5.

Gather up the Coupons and head for COT.



TClap |

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