“Get ur rear in gear” workout

What a morning to workout! Wonderful weather. Many blessings. 12 other workout warriors joined me.

Today’s workout was a “get my rear in gear” style workout. I have been struggling with injuries, lethargy and stress. Not a good mix. So thankful for opportunity to provided to me by Kaiser. First Q since early Feb 2020 that I can recall. (My memory can play tricks on me at 97, Dark Helmet.)

5:00 4 for Warm-up. We did about 18 exercises in 13 minutes.

5:13 13 Circled Up, Mumblechatter

5:14 Disclosure, sighting of an FNG, my message (Words make alive!) below shared:

From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward. Proverbs 12:14

The soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crashes the spirit. Proverbs 15:4.

Words can heal. The tongue can be soothing and a tree of life (James 3:9),

Words are like fruit or food for us; we need them to live.

We also need words coming from the outside to affirm and validate us. We do not live by bread alone but by good words, especially those in line with God’s.

2 Questions posed to the PAX:

  1. Are you aware of the great power even your offhand words can have to bless others?
  2. How can you put this observation about how words can make alive into practice – in thought, attitude, word or deed? PAX challenged to make it happen today!


Social distanced group single file run around 1/2 of parking lot over to pull-up bars.

Session 1:

Group 1: 1 min each X 3 rounds of: Chin-ups or Pull-ups (your choice), Burpees, Dead Hang, The Hill

Group 2: Burpee broad jump to stop sign then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; Sprint to stop sign then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; Bearcrawl to stop sign, then into 10 Peter Pointers, then run back to start; repeat until Group 1 is completed

Session 2:

50 good form reps of each, any order you want:


Split squat jumps (knee touching down, 50 each side)

Thumbs up merkins

Flying Squirrels

Session 3: 5 minute continuous abs, 1 min each exercise

Twisting Pistons

Rolling Jackknife

Scissor V-ups

LBC Crunch and Twist (both sides)

Starfish crunch

Session 4: Switched Group assignments from Session 1. One round completed each.


A few unhappy (non)smiles about the workout they just did. Thanks for the push, fellas.

A BIG PAX WELCOME TO FNG: COPPERTONE!! (Hospital name: Brandon) (He did great!)

Announcements: Shield BD bash at The Ranch 5/17/2020.

Prayers: for a specific PAX’s child, another’s brother, another’s friend challenged with marital difficulties and the hope of opening up to other’s.

My prayer for all PAX: from today’s subtheme: Your words can make alive!

Lord, each of us has a host of people around us who are eager for, and

desirous of, words of blessing and affirmation from us. We are often too

distracted to deliberately praise and appreciate people every day. We earnestly

pray for you to find us ways to say to others, “Well done good and faithful

servant.” (Matt 25:23) Amen.




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