Fabulous Four

A small, but dedicated group of four hit the rock this morning for a workout with  sandbags and some old Alcatraz classics.  Here is what they did:

The Thang:

Skipper on Q:

Disclaimer and mosey on the path around the park.  We bypassed the pull up bars for now, but the Pax would  not escape them completely today.  Circle up on the lot for COP:

All in cadence:

SSH x 20, Merkin x 10 (hold plank), Peter parker x 10, Parker peter x 10, MC x 10).  Mosey to the other side of the lot and pick up two sand bags.  Partner up.

Dora 123:  Partner 1 does the exercise while partner 2 carries the sandbag to the basketball hoop, does 5 squats, and returns to the start.

Exercises:  100 diamond merkins, 200 big boy situps, 300 shoulder taps.  At about midway through the shoulder taps, Skpper made the call to modify and swapped squats for shoulder taps, and 10 sandbag throws out and back in place of carrying the sandbag and doing squats (GOOD CALL – I was getting smoked and I believe the others were too!)

Hand off to Senator Tressel

Line up in the field for 40 yd sprints out and back with short recovery.  I believe we did 5 sets, maybe 6.  Recover and walk to the concession stand wall for the Strong Square:

Starting at the wall, assume BTTW and walk on your hands the length of the wall, lunge walk to about the 2nd base line, backwards bearcrawl towards the fire station, and power skip back to the start.  Repeat this 2 more  times.

Mosey to the playground for pull ups (10), reverse step ups (10L/10R), and big boy sit ups (20).  We did 3 sets.

Mosey back to the field for 2 minutes of Mary:  Freddie Merc x 20, Pretzel crunch x 10.

End with 60s of Body Destroyer (my favorite)


It was a pleasure to lead the group today with Skipper.  We had a good mix of newer exercises (seeing a lot of sandbags at workouts these days) and stuff we did years ago (40 yd sprints and walking on your hands).  With a smaller group, we moved from exercise to exercise quickly and didn’t waste a lot of time.  Everyone left it out there today and I felt we gave them their money’s worth.  Well done, men!

Announcements:  Fastest 5K next Saturday, Stuff the bus for Ft. Mill schools, read your newsletter

Prayers/praises:  raising teenagers, families traveling, new job in NY for a college grad, and famlies and friends with cancer.







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