Ruck fartlek

WARMUP: lap around the parking lot. Each man had opportunity to lead an exercise in cadence.
If memory serves correct it was:
Standing penguins,
Imperial walkers
Moroccan night clubs
THE THANG: Fartlek style repeats focusing on keeping feet quiet (meaning less impact and less putting on brakes), keeping head steady, keeping ruck close to body, quick short steps landing on a bent knee vs an outstretched leg. We did over 2 miles worth of speed work. Very proud of the guys for coming out and getting faster. Spare rucks are always available for guys to attempt The manly thing.
MARY: keep core tight during shuffle to reduce chance of injury.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: congratulations to my wonderful M for not killing me for the first 14 years of our marriage.
COT: Grout took us out. Prayers for @shower curtain

TClap |

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