I swear I didn’t stack the deck

WARMUP: Mosey around the lot, some SSH, Windmill, Moroccan Nightclubs and Walkers of both the Imperial and Hillbilly variety… then a mosey to the lower lot by the Church of God to get to some smoother pavement


Standard Deck of Cards workout

♠️ : Squats
♣️: LBC (in cadence)
❤️: Jack Webb
♦️: Flutter (in cadence)

Aces: Lap around the parking lot
Jokers: 10 burpees

Lots of mumble chatter throughout. Let me tell you that nothing makes you a card counter like knowing the K of Jack Webb, 3 Aces and a Joker are left in the dwindling deck! Got through almost the whole deck. Actually had A-Joker-A left at the end. Promise it wasn’t planned… I kind of wish it was

MARY: 30 seconds of Freddy Mercury to get to 0600

ANNOUNCEMENTS: There will probably be a Cannoli Run in 2024… Be ready…

TClap |

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