summer camp

WARMUP: Mosey to theater parking lot for COP (SSH, fast LSS, reverse lunges, moroccan night clubs, mountain climbers)
THE THANG: Start with mini-4 corners with lunge walk and bear crawls in theater parking lot, mosey to road to Red Stone, mosey to first traffic circle doing 10 merkins at every 2nd street light. At circle do 3-legged starfish with 10 squats, 10 bobby hurleys, 10 dry docks, paying a toll of 1 burpee every time returning to the circle. Mosey back toward COT alternating karaokes, backwards run and run at every street light.
MARY: Circled up for peter parkers, parker peters, down dog, calf stretch, runners stretch, and of course, shavasana (or “have a nice day” as we say in Waxhaw).
Great to see the new Pax coming back. Keep it up guys. Missed you , wishing you a speedy recovery.

TClap |

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