Thirty Twenty Ten

Total of six pax for an awesome morning of wind and rain. I had to lash the flag to a light pole as anything else would have resulted in “flag down!”
Count was three for bootcamp and three for IPC make-up.
Bootcampers had 1980’s tunes going and did the below.
Brief warmup: SSH, windmills, stretches.
Thang: 30-20-10
Pax do 30 reps of two exercises, then do 20 reps, then do 10 reps. Run a loop (we used the bus loop). Then proceed to the next pair of exercises. One exercise of each pair used a cinder block. The exercise pairs were:
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
–run loop–
KB Swings – Flutters (count only right leg)
–run loop–
Merkins – goblet squat
–run loop–
OH Press – Pickle pointers
–run loop–
Chest press – big boy sit ups
–run loop–
Side bends – leg raises
–run loop—
Curls (w/ cindy) – Crunches
30-20-10 because (in my mind/experience) 30 is the limit to executing with good form. I tend to get sloppy after that. The get down and get up aspect between exercises adds something.

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