The Hive 2017.13

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 03/31/17
  • Pax: Airborne, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Airborne was welcomed back to the hive today.

Warmup: SSH, Windmill, Hillbilly’s

The Thang:

The trinity (3 rounds of 3 sets of 3 exercises) with 5 KB burpees in between each set

Set 1: 1 arm snatch, curl, 1 arm swing

Set 2: chest fly, pulldowns, merican hammer (russian twist)

Set 3: standing chest press, military press, donkey punch (tricep kickbacks)

6MOM with LBCs / Freddy Mercury’s


Thankful to be here.

TClap |

Baselining at the Hive

  • QIC: Assassin
  • When: 03/17/17
  • Pax: Subprime, Tesh and Assassin
  • Posted In: The Hive

3 smart men who want to get better met at The Hive on Friday.

Started with a few stretches and moseyed around the edges of the parking lot. Took bells to the baseball field where we took over the bleachers.


Circuit 1 (Home Run Lap around the bases between circuits)
10 Dips with bell
10 Skull crushers
10 Lawnmower pulls each arm
Circuit 2 (Home Run Lap around the bases between circuits)
10 Curls each arm
20 K-Bell swings
10 Deadlifts
Circuit 3 (Home Run Lap around the bases between circuits)
10 Figure 8’s
10 Round the world
10 Shoulder Press

Then we repeated the circuits without the HR Trot.

We then partnered to run a few laps passing along the bell.

Partner runs opposite direction, meets him and takes bell
(This was fun)



We circled up for a round of pass the duitchie that I stole from Tesh. Did some Mary to round out the 45 minutes. Talked about nutrition and how I need to get my head around it. Thanks Tesh.

TClap |

Top to Bottom

  • QIC: Quack Attack
  • When: 3/10/17
  • Pax: Assasian, Tesh, Fusion, FNG (later to be called smithers), Quack Attack, power hog.
  • Posted In: The Hive

Quack Attack here, on this dark and blistering morning 6 brave soles came to the hive for the second Q by Quack Attack. One FNG was present. Rain was pending; however, we all pressed on with the following for the next 45 minutes:

Warm up – side straddle hop, bear hugs, side rotations

top – all in cadence – tricep extensions (left right); good mornings, curls sumo squats; bent over rows, weighted sit ups.

top – baby dips with kettlebell, clean and jerk, swings, goblet squat, reverse plank weighted

top, bent over tricep extensions, one leg deadlift, wall sits (left leg, right leg, curls, out front),  side plank weight hip touches; quick taps, weighted bridge one leg; partner kettle twist.

6 present – one FNG Prays and praises, OUT.

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The Hive 2017.09

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 03/03/17
  • Pax: Blackout, Peabody, Zima, Subprime, Cobra Kai, Prodigy, CSPAN, Digger, Assassin, Dark Helmet, Chedda, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Week 9 of 2017… How are you progressing?

This week was the result of Zima reading my sadclown backblast.  We had 12 show up for a 0.0 workout.  Mosey to the patio for some space that’s a bit more sit-up friendly.


Hillbillies x20, Windmill x20, Slow Merkins x15

The Thang

Tight circle for some 99 kettles of beer.  Pass it to the left x36… Pass it to the right x36.  This was more of an exercise in hilarity than anything.

Next came lots of exercises (each down twice):

Plank row x10EA,  bigboy situps x20, military press x10EA, Lat pulldown x20, Vert chest press and hold x5, tricep ext x20, LBC x20,

2 rounds of protractor with each man calling out a new angle.


Prayers for the family of the student that was lost.  This has to be one of life’s greatest tragedies.  Prayers for Dipstick’s family.  Prayers for all the unspoken struggles that don’t feel significant enough deal to bring up…

The mumble chatter at this AO is 2nd to none in my book.

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Bells and Bear Crawls

Honored to be able to lead at the Hive and since this is my first backblast this is my VC!  There were only 3 at the Hive this morning but the workout was tough and the fellowship was great.  Awesome to be around other men that push me and challenge me and bring out the best in me.  This morning we mixed in some bear crawls, and sprints to break up the kettle bell beat down.

The Thang

Warm up

35 SSH

25 Imperial Walkers

10 Windmills

20 Carolina Dry Docks

25 Moroccan Nightclubs

mosey for a lap around the parking lot



20 concentrated curls each arm

25 tricep extensions

25 kettle bell swings

Bear crawl across the parking lot to the first light pole, sprint to the second light pole, jog back to the start

20 rows each arm

25 Genuine (squat while doing a standing press at the top)

20 overhead presses each arm

30 kettle bell deadlift

Bear crawl across the parking lot to the first light pole, sprint to the second light pole, jog back to the start

30 concentrated curls each arm

30 chest presses each arm

25 skull crushers

Bear crawl across the parking lot to the first light pole, sprint to the second light pole, jog back to the start

30 dips with bell

40 big boy sit ups with bell

40 chest presses each arm

20 flutters with bell


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5 at the Hive

  • QIC: Blackout
  • When: 02/17/17
  • Pax: Tesh, Seacrest, Peabody, Straight Up, Blackout
  • Posted In: The Hive


  • 20 Side straddle hops
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Merkins followed by 10 mountain climbers
  • 20 Shoulder rolls
  • Mosey around the parking lot, grabbed kettle bells and proceeded to the thang

The Thang

  • Squat and Press x15 followed by Figure 8 Curls x10 each arm
  • Single Arm Swing X10 each arm followed by Single Arm Row x10 each arm
  • Wall squat / x10 kettlebell raises while squatting followed by wide arm merkins x10 each arm
  • Overhead tricep extensions x20 followed by Chest press x10 each arm

Repeated above sequence adding 5 reps to each exercise and proceeded to parking lot with kettle bells for leg death…

  • Sprint to fence
  • Jog backwards to first light
  • Lateral shuffle to second light
  • Squat jump to last light

Repeated above sequence and mosey back to starting points for abs

  • 5 captain thors
  • 10 flutter kicks
  • 20 LBCs
  • 5 burpees


The workout looked much easier on paper. A few of the guys were doing the YETI the following morning so I’m sure they were thanking me the next day. This was my first Q and I learned that I push myself much harder when leading. Good stuff. Thanks to Tesh for having me out. Great group of guys out there and looking forward to next time!

TClap |

2017.08 The Hive

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 02/22/17
  • Pax: Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

It was just me this morning.

The only exercise I did that was new was 5 min of 10 sec bell above head (one hand), 10 sec down.  Everything else has been said before.

At chicken and wisdom Twister shared a story about how some of his acquaintances justify actions by saying “God wants us to be happy.”  This is a true statement, but the mistake comes when you assume you are the one that is supposed provide the happiness.  You are not in control of your own happiness.  Do what you are called to do, and God provides happiness.  Do not try to create your own.  Personal happiness is not a good feedback/measure of ones actions.

TClap |

True Worth with 5 at The Hive

  • QIC: Seacrest
  • When: 02/03/17
  • Pax: Quack Attack, Blackout, Tesh, Peabody
  • Posted In: The Hive

5 brave HIM showed up at The Hive for a beat down and message on “True Worth”.  YHC had thought a lot about “worth” over the past week and decided to share a message from The Go-Giver (great book by the way).

The Law of Value:  Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.

The PAX, and YHC, thought about this during the pain.


WM x 10

SSH x 25

Squats x 2 (hold peoples chair)

The Thang:

Leg Set:

Step ups w/ KB x 10 (each side)

Box Jumps x 20

Squats x 20

Rinse & Repeat

Upper Body Set:

Dips w/ KB x 20

Chest Press + Fly x 10 each side

Merkins on KB x 10 each side

Rinse and Repeat

Abs were worked in between sets.

Prayers for sickness, healing and safety.

Time to get Yeti Ready!

Thanks for the Q, Tesh.

Until next time…

Seacrest, OUT!


TClap |

The Hive 2017.04

  • QIC: Tesh
  • When: 01/27/17
  • Pax: Subprime, Tesh
  • Posted In: The Hive

Week 4 of 2017!  Subprime saves the day coming in on two wheels…


Mosey to the back corner of the parking lot
SSH x20, WM x10, Hillbilly x15

The Thang

3 rounds of 10 minute AMRAP

Russian twist x15
Butterfly chest press x10 EA
Bigboy situp x10

Lateral swing x10 EA
Tricep ext x10
Chest pass x10

Clean and press x10 EA
Overhead squat x10
Curl x10 EA


I was almost alone once again for this workout.  I really don’t mind being alone when exercising.  (I’ve found I actually push myself harder.)  Subprime let it be known that he was so glad he made it out to avoid having to fly solo, and I must admit, I was glad as well.  I just have to remember, you can’t cheat off anybody’s paper when you take the test.  So we must learn to be confident even when alone/sick/scared/uncomfortable

TClap |

30 for 30

  • QIC: Quack Attack
  • When: 1/20/17
  • Pax: Digger, Tesh, Peabody, Blackout, Dogpound, Quack Attack
  • Posted In: The Hive

Quake Attack here, based on the ESPN 30 for 30 we spent 45 minutes doing 30 kettle bell, yes 30 exercises, over a 1 minute period, swapping arms and legs after 30 seconds.  Peabody was instrumental in keeping everyone on track.  It was a group effort with many new exercised.


single arm swings

single arm deadlift

push press

good morning


lateral raises

double arm swing





racked lunge

single arm racked squat


high pulls to chin

sumo squat


side lunge

overhead press

single leg squat

sit up

deadlift, clean, curl, press



figue 8

sit up press

offset push up


plank row


single leg deadlift

sumo squat high pull




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