2017 Joe Davis Run for Recovery 5k/10k Pre-Blast

  • QIC: Rock Thrill
  • When: 01/07/17
  • Pax: F3 and FiA, their spouses, 2.0s, families and friends. All are welcome and invited!
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The 5th Annual Joe Davis Run for Recovery 5k/10k
01/07/17 at 8 AM
Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC
To remember the life of Joe Davis and to save lives. Specifically, those who struggle with Addiction.

The 5th Annual Joe Davis Run for Recovery 5k/10k Run/Walk, benefiting Keystone Substance Abuse Services, is scheduled for Saturday January 7, 2017 at 8:00 AM at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill, SC.

This family-focused/family-friendly event has special meaning to my family because it is in memory of my brother Joe, who died in 2009, at the young age of 28 from an accidental drug overdose. This event was established to capture the hope that Joe always held onto, even when he struggled most. He was often quoted as saying, “Hope…never lose this.”

First, on behalf of my family, please allow me to thank everyone from both F3 and FiA for both past participation and for considering participating again this year as we stand together to fight the awful sickness and disease that is Addiction. This event would only have a fraction of the #IMPACT that it has had if it were not for you!

In 4 Years, the race has raised over $95K for the Keystone Substance Abuse Center! Total participation has grown from 400 in 2013 to 700+ in 2016, including almost 200 F3 and FiA participants. This year’s goal is to expand to 1000 runners, including 250+ F3 and FiA participants! This is achievable if everyone just invites one person! #1KSTRONG

The course is up and down by design. It represents the ups and downs that an addict’s life experiences.

We need you, your spouses, your 2.0’s, your family, and your friends to please sign-up and join us in this fight! What a way to start the year!

We will make it fun and will track participation and speed for bragging rights!

If you can do a bootcamp, you can do a 5k! And there are plenty of running workouts and willing PAX to help you get ready!

Here is the link to sign-up now, while prices are lowest!
Register HERE

In the “Team” field, please indicate “F3” or “FiA” (as appropriate) and if you invite friends or family, please affiliate them as well.

Please share on Twitter and/or Facebook, when you sign up, and use the hashtags #1KSTRONG and #HILLS4HOPE.


Unfortunately, the odds are that each of us will be affected by Addiction in some way in our lifetimes, whether it be personally, a family member or a friend.

Every day in life, we talk about the “What.” In this case, a running race. But, the “What” matters only because of the “Why,” right?

The “Why” is to spread awareness that there is help available for those struggling; hope that our family wish we had known about. Help and support saves lives.

For our family, we hold tight to Romans 8:28, which reads,

“We know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose”

It is so difficult to lose a member of your family or a dear friend and, unfortunately, there are many within our group who have experienced this. However, we all have a choice to make when faced with that reality. Our family has chosen to do our best to make an #IMPACT because we believe God saves lives through earthly resources when we align with Him. We believe this race is God’s purpose for us and we want Joe’s life to continue counting for good. So many times, when we are out at a restaurant, or in a race, or anywhere, someone recognizes us and tells us that they suffer from addiction or know someone who does, and that the race has impacted their life in a positive way. Those times serve as confirmation that the race is making a difference!

It will be tough, but isn’t it a great reminder of how tough it must be to get free of Addiction?

I hope you will join us as we celebrate Joe’s life on January 7th!

In Him and on behalf of the Davis-Boyd Family,
Rock Thrill (Chris Davis)

1. Proceeds raised from registration fees and donations go to support Keystone Substance Abuse Services, whose mission is promoting health, offering hope, and restoring healing to those impacted by substance abuse and addiction.

2. This is a great event to kickoff your 2017 fitness and commitment goals! Each year we have SEVERAL guys run their first 5K if not for the VERY FIRST TIME… at least in a long while! The PAX always step-up and provide great support for all runners… young, old, fast, not-so-fast, first-time, long-time… it is just a great event for getting 2017 started in the right direction!

3. Finally, by your participation, you encourage others in MANY ways… some ways you may never know…. You encourage neighbors with abusive addictions… You encourage your M’s, 2.0’s, friends and family to also participate… You encourage your PAX to push themselves to achieve something they might not thought was possible 6 months ago… You encourage a community to see what F3 and FiA are all about!!

There will be more information as we get closer and Event Q’s are named… the main thing now is to get signed-up!!

TClap |


  • QIC: Deacon
  • When: 10/11/16
  • Pax: Stang, Smiley Face, Bull, The Riddler, Roxanne, Anchor Bar, Paris, Fusion, Turbine, Deacon
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

We had a 0.0 mile workout in the brisk gloom. Yep, no running…zip, zero, nada! Instead, we did slow reps of grueling kettle bell exercises. We filled the air with grunts and high quality mumble chatter.

The Thang:

SSHs (20x), IWs (20x), Parker Peters (15x), Slow Sumo Squats (15x), WMs (15x), Dying Cockroach (15x), Pepper Grinders (15x) , Penguins (15x)

Mosey w/ your kettle bell to the first pain station.

Pain Station 1:

  • Upright rows (7x)
  • Floor presses (7x/side)
  • American Hammers(7x)
  • One Leg Rows (10x/side OYO)
  • Crushing Halos (10x/side OYO)
  • Squat w/kettle bell above or in front of you when finished

Mosey w/ your kettle bell to the next pain station.

Pain Station 2:

  • Overhead Squats (7x)
  • Bent Rows (7x/side)
  • Curls (7x/side)
  • Around the World (10x/direction)
  • Get Ups (5x/side OYO)
  • Squat w/kettle bell above or in front of you when finished

Mosey w/ your kettle bell to the next pain station.

Pain Station 3:

  • Goblet Squats (7x)
  • Saxxon press (7x)
  • Travolta’s (7x)
  • Figure 8’s (8x/side OYO)
  • Squat w/kettle bell above or in front of you when finished

Mosey w/ your kettle bell to the final pain station.

Pain Station 4:

  • Tricep Extensions (7x)
  • Shoulder Press (7x/side)
  • Ribbons (10x/side OYO)
  • Squat w/kettle bell above or in front of you when finished


What’s the difference between mercy and grace?

Mercy is God not punishing us as we deserve.Grace is our undeserved favor from God. An illustration of the difference between these terms is as follows:

  • Mercy is like God forgiving your financial debt.
  • Grace of God is like filling up an empty bank account.

Know that we deserve God’s wrath and judgement but He is merciful. #Proverbs 28:13

Mercy is counter to today’s culture but it leads to a more abundant life. Share His mercy by forgiving and praying for others who have trespassed against you.



TClap |

Operation Sweet Tooth Update October 9th 2016

  • QIC: Olive
  • When: 10/09/2016
  • Pax: The PAX of F3 Nation and FiA Nation
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Update on Operation Sweet Tooth


I know there have been a bunch of  Pax asking for instructions on the logistics of #OST.  Here is the update with future ones to follow.

To begin with, Operation Sweet Tooth is officially a non-profit 501C3 corporation.

2nd and more importantly, we are gearing up for the OST Toy drive to be administered through our respective holiday parties.  We have ordered 2000 prayer cards to be given with the toys and gifts, at your respective AO’s.  What we ask is that toys and gifts are to be delivered at least 1 week later allowing me to mail or overnight the appropriate number of prayer cards to correspond with the amount of gifts. If you want to take a look at what the cards look like, follow OpSweetTooth on Twitter.  The toys and gifts are important.  The message however, is imperative!

3rd I know many of our Pax have asked me what the parameters are with the gifts, toys etc.  I encourage each AO to find an institution that can benefit from our F3 (and beyond) generosity.  Locally here in Charlotte/Huntersville, my personal plans are to contribute to Levine’s Children Hospital and Children’s Hope Alliance, the parent company of Barium Springs Orphanage in Troutman.  I know some Pax asked about Jeff Gordon’s Children Hospital.  Although I prefer not to donate their due to their negligence and lack of care and sympathy during and after the passing of my daughter, I understand the children who are sick did not play a hand in Christina’s order and should not be punished because of it.  I leave that entirely up to you but you will have our blessing and support regardless.

4th Many of you ask what is actually acceptable.  For children’s hospitals, they are specifically clear on what will be accepted due to hygiene etc.  For an example, please click the link below.


For a children’s home or orphanage such as Barium Springs, here is a list that this particular institution may need.  Please click link below:


I ask each AO to take the responsibility to find an institution that you want to help to change lives and have a positive impact on the lives of children in distress and need.

Lastly, I ask that each OST Q please contact me personally so that I can answer any questions but also to have the necessary contact information to send the prayer cards and whatever other support I can provide.  Other than twitter at F3_Olive, OpSweetTooth, we can be reached at OperationSweetTooth@yahoo.com or OperationSweetTooth@gmail.com.  The website is a work in progress as well as Instagram and Facebook.  All will be operational once the official website is.

I want to close with saying that this was just a thought…to have our local Isotope brothers support children as a way to honor my daughter, my everything, my Sweet Tooth and 2.0.  Never did I think this would have the sustainability and traction that OST has garnered.  Selfless acts of support from brothers local and afar have given me hope that we can make a difference, even if that difference does not bring my baby back.  What will start out as a toy drive this upcoming December, will morph itself to bigger and better things to come in 2017.  Events we are looking at are potentially a 5/8K race, golf tournament (thanks for trying Big Papi), continued toy drives and community outreach days.

The overwhelming support of F3 has been tremendous and I can honestly say, without you all, and FiA, my wife and I would not have the strength to want to pull this off, let alone get out of the fart sack.  We still struggle to this day.  But near and far, many of you have reached out and have had a positive impact on us…and we can only hope to repay the favor to hundreds, if not thousands of children who are not nearly as blessed as us…not to mention their parents , who I am sure have their own struggles.

Your generosity, your support and commitment, is not only helping us heal, but potentially helping hundreds of children and their parents do so as well!


Further announcements will be made available.  As for now…#SERVE

Humbly Yours,


-Olive, Jager and Happy Meal

TClap |

Oldtowne Original 7 CONVERGENCE

  • QIC: Apache
  • When: 10/3/6
  • Pax: Spartacus, Popeye, Roxanne, Reborn, Pap eye, Anchor Bar, Dream house, Dawg Pound, Schrute, The Riddler, Falcon FNG, Sapper, Smiley face, Cspan, Package, Chuckie, Jag, Money Bags, Italian Job, Corruption, Mayhem, Kindergarten Cop, Dingo, YHC
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

YHC had the Honor of leading the leaders of F3 Nation at one of my favorites AO “The Oldtowne”, in the scenic downtown of Rock Hill. Our HIM Posh has been down range with a heck of a work schedule and could not Q the said event and I was honestly humbled and honored to have been even considered with so many HIMs available….

A little history about the AO: It was launched on Feb. 2, 2015 and Double D and pusher Qed the first two workouts. So I took from their backblast a few ideas and incorporated those into today’s activities.

I gave the disclaimer and we had 1 FNG amongst the 24 Pax including YHC.

We divided into 2 groups to Indian Merkin run and took a tour of Oldtowne and stopping at each of the following and preforming THE THANG:

  1. Open field across Dave Lyle near The Herald Newspaper
  2. Flag pole for pledge allegiance in cadence McHale’s
  3. New work out area called “The Echo Chamber” at City Hall
  4. Fountain park
  5. “Hot Box” Parking Deck


  • Plenty of SSH in cadence
  • Plenty of Merkins in cadence
  • Plenty of burbees OYO
  • Ring of fire Merkins 3 rounds
  • And finally a little play time in the HOT BOX

At the end we Jail broke back to COT and the fast Gents circled back and picked up the “6” because NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND!!!!

It was a great morning and really proud of how far we have come as a F3 family, I spoke on how everyone is shown mercy thru the grace of God and we must try and leave that positive finger print on everyone you come in contact with. You really don’t know who you might be inspiring…..

  • Spartacus: You have come into F3 and made it yours with your positive attitude and reinforcement at each workout
  • Popeye: what can I say you really are one of my closes friends that I depend on daily and this morning really keep me on my toes
  • Roxanne: Dude your improvement is unreal and we need to get you on Q list again soon
  • Anchor Bar: one of the guys I look up to in the gloom and really a true HIM
  • Dream House: Holy Moly you killed it today really have enjoyed watching your improvement in this daily battle against the old gloom
  • Dawg Pound: True leader that really puts his work in. Great job Brother
  • Schrute: What can I say you are a true Leader that ask for no rewards or honors. There is so much that you do, that so far behind the scenes its like you work for The CIA.. Thanks brother
  • The Riddler: We have come a long way Baby!! Keep up being the leader and just think how far we will be next year little brother
  • FNG Falcon: Wow you killed it today. Great work and cant wait to sharpen Iron in the future
  • Sapper: really strong today brother when I said All You Got and you blew by me Holy Moly you are fast. Thanks for being a friend and leader in F3 and our community
  • Smiley face: The HIM that takes these workouts with the best altitude and positive push to everyone that needs it. Thanks my brother
  • Cspan: Great work out there this morning my friend and thanks for all you have done and still do that a lot of Pax don’t know about. You are one of the cornerstones that keeps me on the straight path Thanks “oldman”
  • Package: Thanks for coming over the river and joining us this morning and way to get the work in. Beware of the” Crown Vicks” on Dave Lyle they are nothing to mess with
  • Chuckie: awesome work since joining F3 we have come a long way since  your first post at the Eagles nest running the stairs together in your Chuck Tailors, cant wait to see what the future brings brother possible P200????
  • Jag: Always the HIM that pulls us thru the workouts with a don’t give up and positive attitude. Thanks for taking that #DRP and making our group oh so much better
  • Money Bags: Wow you are fast and getting faster great work out there and we need you a Q schedule pronto
  • Italian Job: always that guy to give 110% and never forget the 6. A guy that everyone can count on and be the leader of leaders. Thanks my brother another behind the scenes HIM that keeps me grounded and humbled
  • Corruption: You are the guy that is always looking for consistent improvement in the F3 thang. You are the pusher and the pulling force in the workouts and everyone can depend on to never leave them behind, thanks brother
  • Mayhem: One of the Originals that I want to thank for bringing this F3 thing to Rock Hill. An awesome leader among the leaders of our region that everyone can and does depend on. Thanks for locking shields with us in the gloom. And yes the cold weather is coming
  • Kindergarten Cop: You killed it today brother. Thanks for your work and the improvement is really showing, we need more Q’s from my little brother
  • Pad eye: WOW!!! You rocked it my brother. The gloom is really paying off. You completed one of the toughest AO’s around and killed. Awesome Job
  • Reborn: Thanks for being that guy that me and everyone else can count on. You are one of the truest High Impact Males I have known. Thanks for your constant push and pull brother.

We ended in the COT with announcements= read the new Newsletter from the Newly formed Rock Region which consist of York, Lancaster, and Rock Hill.


Praises and prayers that was shared amongst the group.

Again thanks for the Honor to lead the leaders of F3nation….

Apache out!!!!!

PS South Carolina go F3 yourself


TClap |


  • QIC: Minuteman
  • When: 10/02/16
  • Pax: Minuteman, Tesh, Tumblr (FNG), Dynasty (FNG)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Spud is downrange, so Minuteman carried the torch.


Discussion / preparation.

The Thang

We ran to the river, and we ran back.

QIC got lost on the way back for a little extra credit.

Naked Moleskin

Honestly, come out to this.  Running in the woods is a lot of fun.  You won’t be setting any pace records, because there are some pinch points, but I for one find trails much more enjoyable than the road.

Welcome to the FNGs.  I hope they stay plugged in.  Go do a #CSAUP!

TClap |

Brother-to-brother sharpening each other on the division in our Communities

  • QIC: Chicken Hawk and Deacon
  • When: 10/28/2016
  • Pax: All Fort Mill, Rock Hill, Indian Land, York, Lancaster, Tega Cay Pax
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Where:  Eternal Church @ 0600

For some historical perspective please watch this message as a first step in understanding the black perspective and a cause for division within our communities.

Ignorance, unconscious bias and prejudice are all factors that color my understanding of issues that are facing my brothers in the black community. These factors are unacceptable shortcomings for a man that wants to be a high impact man within my family and community. If you are like me, you recognize at a high level the institutional injustice and the social division this injustice creates.  But you don’t know where to get started or how to get educated on the true issues and challenges.

With increasing frequency when you turn on the TV, you see a police action that results in the loss of another black life. This action then results in protests and demonstrations, retaliation and a continued cycle of anger and resentment of our law enforcement that then extends across racial boundaries. During these situations, it is evident that the black community is reacting to something much bigger than a single tragic event and there is a deep rooted issue that needs to be addressed. In reality the specific tragic event is the flash point for a long-standing perception of inequality and oppression by law enforcement that ignites unrest.

Please join a panel discussion with Figaro, Fellini and Deacon each of which have experience related to this injustice. This 3rd F convergence is designed to take the first step toward better empathizing with our brothers of a different color.  F3 is about “invigorating male leadership” and before we can be leaders in the community we need to understand a perspective that reaches beyond our own experience.

Every Pax has a call to action coming out of this convergence that starts with changing our own perspective in order to be able to empathize with the injustice. You are then challenged to help educate your friends, coworkers and children to begin to create advocates for change.

Without question We are in the middle of a generational battle that will plague our kids and together we have an opportunity to help propel this issue in a new direction. Please plan to join us for this important conversation that will challenge you to look at the world a little differently.

TClap |

Rock Thrill

  • QIC: Kindergarten Cop & Mayhem
  • When: 10/01/2016
  • Pax: Chuckie, Burgundy, Sapper, Hot Sauce, Realtree, Bogey, Pistol, Ponytail, Jag, Roxanne, Van Wilder, Gauge, Catfish, Pad Eye, The Admiral, Limp Bizkit, Chef, Cutter, Anchor Bar, Five Points, Inspector Gadget, Fusion, McEnroe, Hot Spot, Slow Pitch, Dry dock, Iron Sight, High Pockets, Ugga, Vuvuzela, Undertaker, Drifter, Nun-chuck, Turbine, Walker, Schrute, Mister Big Stuff, Dream House, Sixth Sense, Cedar, Redwood, Samurai, Reborn, The Flash, Hulk, Thor, Italian Job. (help me out if I got any of the guys from York wrong!)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Kindergarten Cop (his VQ) and YHC teamed up to Q the inaugural convergence of The Rock region. The Dragon was closed and the men from York joined us to make 50 PAX

50 PAX sure fill up a parking lot, so KC led a mosey to the upper lot by Sullivan and warmed us up.

In Cadence

  • 25 SSH
  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 LBC
  • 15 Moroccan Night Clubs

Mosey to the track. KC had us pair up with someone we didn’t know so we could encourage some F2. Staying with our partners we ran 3 laps around the track with 15 merkins and 15 LBC’s at each turn.

Hand off to YHC.

We moseyed past the tennis center to the hill for a round of 11’s. Squats at the bottom and monkey humpers at the top. The twist was a nur (backwards run) up the hill.  Mumble-chatter ensued.

Mosey to the breezeway, which we turned into a hot box with several rounds of people’s chair and balls to the wall.

Mosey back to substitute COP.

After a little planking to bring the six in and to give YHC time to recover and gather his thoughts, we closed strong:

  • 101 SSH
  • 20 LBC
  • 20 American Hammer
  • 20 Hello Dolly
  • 20 Freddie Mercury
  • Stretching


It was a true honor to Q with Kindergarten Cop this morning.  Thanks to Turbine for the opportunity.  KC planned and executed a great first half; awesome idea pairing us up for the run and encouraging some 2nd F.  It was great to pair up with and get to know Cutter from York.

It was an all-star cast of HIM this morning.  Great work by all of you.  Especially hanging in there for 101 SSH.  Not sure what got into YHC.


Schrute shared some impressive stats about the growth in The Fort and The Rock. For those who missed the news: Lancaster, Rock Hill, and York are now our own region…The Rock.

Today and the next six days we are celebrating The Original Seven in Rock Hill.  York and Lancaster will be on a normal schedule, but in Rock Hill you will have Hills of Gloom, Old Town, Eagle’s Nest, PHOP, ManU and Petra only this week.

Next Saturday we launch a second Saturday Rock Hill workout at Northwestern.  Those who post get to name it.  YHC helped recon Northwestern.  That is a truly impressive AO.

Don’t forget the Christmas Party: click here

TClap |

Petra: What’s a moderate?

  • QIC: The Riddler
  • When: 09/30/16
  • Pax: The Riddler, Schrute, Anchor Bar, Honey Pot, van wilder, Freeon, macenrow, Roxanne, PadEye, Mayhem, Italian Job, Chuckie, Watson, Stockyard, Kindergarten Cop, Mr. Big Stuff
  • Posted In: Uncategorized


Mosey around parking lot
Left over right leg stretch
Right over left leg stretch
Arm stretches
Side Straddle Hop
Cotton pickers
Imperial walkers
Italian night clubs

The Thang
Mosey around parking lot
Burpee Train
High Five train – Face PAX move down the line clapping both hands of the pax in front of you

Mosey around the parking lot
Cups were placed out for Pax in a path fashion
PAX plank while a single pax bears crawls through the cup maze, continue to plank on the end
Reverse go backwards bear crawl back to the beginning of the cups

Mosey around the parking lot
Tabata at the cups
Complete each exercise on the cup as many as you can do in a minute.
Flying Squirrel
Wide Arm Merkins
Carolina Dry Docks
American Hammers
Low Slow Squats
Bobby hurleys
Monkey Humpers
Plank jacks
Mountain Climbers
Alternating Shoulder taps

Mosey back to cups
Squat walk through path
Revere squat walk through path

Mosey around parking lot.

Great showing from all the pax today! This region just keep growing we keep seeing so many awesome new faces.

I was honored to pass the PHOP flag this week over to Dawg Pound. Can’t wait to watch this growth continue!

Announcements and Prayers
‭‭‬ ‭The Fort’s 4th Year Invergence tonight 1730 @ Rush Pavilion

3rd F theme is grace this month, where have you shown it in your life? I had each pax grab a cup all of them were empty. If you start your day empty on grace how do you give it to other? It is through the lord that grace flows. Fill your cup daily to be poured out for others as Jesus was poured out for us.

Check out that newsletter:



TClap |

Guns N’ Moses 1st Annual Charity Softball Tournament

  • QIC: Highpockets, Redwood, and Hot Spot
  • When: 9/24/16
  • Pax: Real Tree, Red Wood, Black Hawk, Sapper, Cedar, BMX, Joe Dirt, High Pockets, Gauge, Dollywood, Dry-dock, Cujo, Ashtray, GFI, Major Pain, Cocktail, Drifter, Spartacus, Hot Spot, Roxanne, Blue Print, Nunchuk, Popeye, Pony Tail, Samurai, Kindergarten Cop, Mister Rogers, High Pockets, Cutter, Watson, Chef, Slow Pitch, Apache, Shoeless Joe, and Drydock
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

      1st Annual Charity Softball Tournament

33 PAX and numerous family and friends showed up for what would be a very hot but fun filled afternoon of softball for a good cause. F3 nations Guns N’ Moses AO from the Fort Mill / Rock Hill Region, including or new found F3 brothers in Lancaster, sponsored their 1st Annual Charity Softball Tournament on Saturday September 24, 2016 at Tirzah ARP Church.

First of all we would like to thank Tirzah ARP for allowing us to host this event where we can give back to our community. The tournament was organized by High Pockets, Hot Spot & Redwood a lot of PAX put in time spreading the word out, preparing the field, donating water & Gatorade and so much more.

These dedicated PAX opened up their hearts and wallets to raise a total of $420 for Stepping Stones Pediatric Therapy in Clover, SC. The money went towards buying an assisted walking device. Below is a copy of the appreciation email:

F3 Members, 

Thank you so much for your generosity and kind hearts. We cannot be grateful enough for you donation. Our Staff and families are very appreciative of your efforts. We will be using the money donated to us to help purchase a piece of equipment called an Upsee. An Upsee is a mobility device that allows children with motor impairment to stand and walk with the help of an adult. These are very costly but with the help of the F3 Team we are now able to purchase one. I have included a picture to show you what the Upsee looks like.

We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for SSPT!

-SSPT Staff & Family



 We were excited about the turnout and honored to be a part of such a deserving organization.

We plan on making this an annual or semiannual event where we can continue to raise funds for deserving organizations around York county while enjoying some great fellowship with F3 brothers from other AOs.


TClap |

chop house challenge

  • QIC: drifter
  • When: sept 29 2016
  • Pax: drifter, nunchuck, apache, cutter, redwood, blacklung, cutter, drydock, undertaker, stranger,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

well, chappy  sent out a challenge to the himship to see which pax would dring in the most hims, so this gloom was the chop house challenge, chappy house of pain, losing pax had to do 2x the winning paax numbers in burppes, but due too a bad storm and flooding in his area, the challenge was postponed , so with that being said we started of with a few ssh, followed buy ceder shakes, followed buy some mo ssh, after talking to the pax about the meaning of the number 10 in the bible, me mossied around the back of the buildings for 10 mercians, mossied on down for a 10 count of btw, and mossied out to the parking lot, where low and behold was the bud truck.. so that prompted 10 burppes, and 10 true squats and 10 mercians, mossied on back behind walmart wher we found a slight hill, where we did reverse bear crawl down and regular bear crawl, to the top, x10 , mossied on around the side of auto center, where apache gave a lillte pep talk,  followed buy 10 more burppes, and mossie to the hill, where we did lung squats all the way up the hill, mossied bach down through parking lot for some big boys, mercians, lbc, widarm merciians all x10 the did alittle snake mossie up and down the parking lot back to the ao,  ffor about a total of 1.75 miles,  today I tried to do a little cakeboss style 3rdf, as we caught our breath we talked about different meanings of the 10 ten , all through the work out,  in conclusion it stated that if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior, your life is gonna be worse that and of the 10 plagues, the eventually ended eternity is forever!!!! aye …

TClap |