Lancaster Recon 9/14/16 Let the growth continue

Because every Man needs F3

When: This Wednesday 9/14/16 At 0515…

 YHC will be leading the leaders of Lancaster on a Recon of scenic downtown Lancaster.

Where: Lancaster County office Building parking lot.

Look for the shovel flag and the Cool F3 Lancaster Gents preparing to sharpen the Iron and pushing the rock for the purpose of bettering ourselves together

101 North Main Street, Lancaster South Carolina, 29720

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership

Core Principles

F3 workouts …

  • Are free of charge
  • Are open to all men
  • Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • End with a Circle of Trust

So please invite your friends and family for this special occasion we will be making history in downtown historic Lancaster 

So let this awesome F3 growth continue
If you can make the trip clowncars leaving target parking lot 0430 and will be back in Rockhill around 0630
Come support the historic event

See you then

Aye!! Apache!!!




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Window shopping at ManU

  • QIC: Double D
  • When: 09/8/16
  • Pax: Popeye, Dingo, Anchor Bar, Roxanne, Deacon, Holster, Blueprint, Chucky, Cool Table, Inspector Gadget, Crossbar, Dr Ruth, FNG/Screech
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

14 Pax posted to ManU to keep the F3 flame alive while BRR Pax smartsacked the day before the launch of their CSAUP adventure.

The Thang

Mosey to parking lot in front of TJ Maxx

COP warm up – SSHs, Mtn climbers, IWs, Peter Parkers, Windmill

Line up across parking lot – karaoke L/R, jog forward/backward, run forward/backward

Gather in main drive in front of retail stores

Starting at TJ Maxx do 5 Burpees OYO, sprint to next store front, 6 Burpees OYO, sprint to next store front, etc adding 1 Burpee at each store front to the end.  (Total of 56 burpees)

COP – Planks, Freddie Mercury, LBCs

Return to the main drive

Repeat exercise/sprint sequence back to TJ Maxx starting with 5 Bombjacks OYO at Books a Million, adding 1 Bombjack at each store front (Total of 56 bombjacks)

COP – Planks, Stump humpers, Flutters

Return to the main drive

Run to Books a Million

Return to TJ Maxx with varying sequence of lunges  — forward, backward, sideways R/L (changing at each store front)


Audible to COP – Planks, Parker Peters, Hello Dollies

Mosey to drive mid-way across parking lot

Complete movement back to TJ Maxx using bear crawl/crab walk, alternating at each island until you reach the stop sign

COP – Slow Freddie Mercury, Flutters, Hello Dollies, Planks


Naked Man Moleskin

The message today centered on FEAR.  It is a debilitating emotion – I have experienced that debilitating fear more than I want to admit.  Search for it in your life.  It is a sneaky thing…until you identify it and acknowledge it specifically, it will have a hold on you and control you in ways you cannot understand.  We are emotional beings, so we won’t ever be able to avoid fear altogether.  But we should strive to live fearlessly (ie, Fear Less).

T-claps to FNG/Screech on his maiden voyage with the pax!  T-claps as well to Dingo and Dr Ruth for the EH.  Great to have all of the Winthrop pax on board!

Lots of prayer requests today for those suffering health issues and other challenges.  

Thanks to the RH pax for the welcoming environment and for living our F3 principles and spirit – this is truly a gift that we share.

Thanks to Mayhem for putting me on the Q schedule.  It is always an honor.


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The Buffet at Academy

  • QIC: Java
  • When: 09/06/16
  • Pax: Lucky Charm, Reborn, Smiley Face, Watson, Outlaw, Catfish
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Who doesn’t love a buffet? you just get a little of everything… and when you leave you feel awful.

The Thang:

Approx half mile mosey around the parking lot

Warm up: Side straddle Hops, Merkins, Holy Ghost (high knees with hands up) , Peter Parkers, etc…

100 kettle bell swings and run after

50 curls – Run after

100 squats – Run

50 lawn mower pulls – Run

Kettle bell swings until the 6 is in

Circle of Plank:

All hold plank while one is running across the parking lot

after that we had a quick run


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Workout of Myths and Legends – Thanks LB

  • QIC: Bogey
  • When: 09/08/16
  • Pax: Bill Nye, Pescadora, Slow Pitch, Turbyne, Limp Bizkit, Hot Sauce, Bull, Water boy, Money Bags, Honey Pot
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

No cutting corners allowed this morning as we paired up for a beat down that would be talked about for days. We were paired up because no one can do life alone especially not a workout designed by Bogey…hahaha This workout was designed to imitate ones life where he struggles along and then gets a little bit of Jesus time before getting back to the grind. Not until you actually stop and give it all to HIM is when you find peace and freedom or in the workout this morning, the COT and water. Great job men of the gloom! What an elite group of guys that came out to sharpen iron with each other today.

Station 1

Read Bible Verse and think of how it applies to your life. Ecclesiates 4:12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Round 1 – 25 Burpie plank jacks

Round 2 – 25 Burpies

Round 3 – 25 Burpie Hand Release

Travel to next station: Sprint to Station 2


Station 2

Read Bible Verse and think of how it applies to your life. Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who gives me strength.

Round 1 – 25 Carolina Dry Docks (In Cadence 123 count)

Round 2 – 25 Merkins (In Cadence 123 count)

Round 3 – 25 SSH (In Cadence 123 count)

Travel to next station: Bear Crawl


Station 3

Read Bible Verse and think of how it applies to your life. John 8:36 So if the son sets you free you will be free indeed.

Round 1 – 50 LBCs (In Cadence)

Round 2 – 25 Box Cutters (In Cadence)

Round 3 – 25 American Hammers (In Cadence)

Travel to next station: Pogo Jacks


Station 4

Read Bible Verse and think of how it applies to your life.1 Peter 3:8 To sum up, all of you be harmonious, sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted and humble in spirit.

Round 1 – 30 Low Slow Squats (In Cadence)

Round 2 – 25 Jumping lunges

Round 3 – 30 Calf raises

Travel to next station: Inch Worm merkin


Station 5

Read Bible Verse and think of how it applies to your life. 1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us.

Round 1 – 25 Bomb Jacks

Round 2 – 30 Moroccan Night Clubs!

Round 3 – 20 Diamond Merkins

Travel to next station: LT Dans

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Laboring on Labor day

  • QIC: IronSight
  • When: 9/5/2016
  • Pax: Blackhawk, Sapper, Popeye, Big Papie, Chucky, PawPaw, Anchor Bur, Apache, Kindergarten Cop
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The morning started off with most of us showing up for Apache’s Q-school 101 class. Where we each participated in some Qing instructions that I got to put to use at 5:15am.


With me singing the cadence…..Which i stayed in turn the entire time

SSH- 15

Seal Jacks- 15

Wind Mill- 15

Empire Walker- 15

Then a long mosey warm up lap

The Thang….

Mosey to the Hill at Dinkins for some work

1st round- Bear Cawl up to the top 10 Merkins

2nd- Nur up to the top then 10 merkins

3rd- Lt Dan up to the top the to merkins

4th- PawPaw Picked – High knees to the top then 10 merkins

Then long Mosey Lap

Then we hit the wall for:

100 dips

100 Irkins

Then we went on a really long mosey around again.

Went back to a COT……..

Circle of Peer leadership… Each Pax picks a exercise then we go around

Prayers and Announcements:






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Improving at Home…lets to go to Home Improvement

  • When: 09/06/16
  • Pax: Stranger, Cutter, Redwood, Joe Dirt, High Pockets, Chef, Nunchuck
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Seven Pax came out in the gloom to improve themselves and each other this morning in the great town of York, SC!    I hear a lot of guys I try to EH say that getting up early and trying to work out is just too hard to do.   Now, I’m not sure about their jobs and home-life, but I can attest to you that at least for me personally, my F3 time in the morning is the easiest part of my day.   Getting up, meeting my buddies, getting after it with a boot-camp workout, sharpening a little iron, giving thanks and prayers…..that’s easy stuff my brothers.   The stress comes when you hit the rest of what life is going to deliver once you leave the AO; Family, Spouse, Work, Deadlines, Problems, Issues, Bills, etc., etc.

So as I was trying to come up with some ideas for leading the workout this morning my thoughts kept coming back to “How do I do a better job at taking my F3 discipline home”?   I have plenty of room for improvement in every aspect of my life….but a good starting point for me is at Home.   So….let’s hit the Home Improvement Store for this mornings workout!

Kick it off:   Mosey to Lowes Parking Lot.   Circled up and knocked out a little Windmill, SSH, Moroccan Nightclubs, Merkins, and Ski Hops.
Main Event:
Front Push Kicks from one parking row to the next and back
Front Snap Kicks from one parking row to the next and back
Buttkickers to the 1st row, High Knees to the second, run back
Karaoke’s to first row, turn 180deg, Karaoke to the 2nd, run back
Suicide runs
Alternating running suicides mixing in Merkins, LBC’s, and Burpees at the end of the longest leg prior to running back.
Ruck Bag relay = Everyone on their back with legs 6″ up, then passed the 30lb ruck from one end to the next with Pax calling out “on your left” “on your right” as the bag was coming.  2 times
Ruck relay with chest presses:  10 chest presses before passing the bag, with feet at 6″

A little 3rd F
Shared with the Pax a western slang nickname for a cowpuncher is a Waddie.   Back when I was Rodeoing, I got really into cowboy poetry.  One of my favorite Cowboy Poets is a gentlemen named Waddie Mitchell.   He has a great poem that I memorized years ago, and break it out on occasion, called Typical:

Out on the Cliffs Edge, further than he’d ever been before
He sat with legs dangling, high above the valleys floor
He was lost in thought, while drinking in the Grandeur of it All
When suddenly a strong wind unseated him, and he began to Fall
Twas a drastic situation, he dared not think slow
For certain death awaited him on those rocky crags below
So he called upon a friend, I guess the only one he could
You know, the one we all forget about when things are going good
He said: Dear Lord, if you’d help me now, I’ll quit my sinful ways
I’ll do the things you’d have me do, I’ll work hard all my days
I’ll quit the booze and cigarettes, I’ll help my loving wife
I’ll spend time with the needy, God I’ll turn around my life
I’ll spend time with my children, God I PROMISE TO REPENT!!!
Just then a tree branch snagged his coat, and stopped his fast descent.
And while hanging for the tree that grew from that rocky shelf
He looked skyward saying, Never mind, I handled it myself……

Oh, how many times have we all been there.  You get in a bind, you’ve let life’s events get out of control, a bad situation happens, and you reach out to God…sometimes making promises that you know you can’t keep.  Promising Never Again….only to mess up, drop the ball, and fall again.  Guys, we live in a fallen world.  However, I have great news to share; God Loves you, and he has offered Grace to save you.  I know I have a lot of areas I need to work on in my life, some home improvement to do, and it is a reassurance to know that I don’t have to make promises I can’t keep.  God sent his only son to come and save my sorry hide and offer forgiveness for my shortfalls.   I challenge every man reading this to break open your bible and do some searches on what Grace means to you, and never, ever, never, ever give up trying to improve yourself and those around you!!

Own your Actions!   Aye!!



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#BRR Friendly Run/Boot at BTC

  • QIC: Reborn
  • When: 09/07/16
  • Pax: Pistol, Popeye, Spartacus, Iron Sight, Cool Table, Ponytail, Pescador, River Rat, Stockyard, Mayhem
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

As always, it was an honor to serve as Q again in the gloom with such a great group of HIMs. We started off with the disclaimer and then took a short mosey to the middle of two buildings on the York Tech campus, which would be our basecamp, and planked for the 6.

The Thang: 

All exercises in cadence

25-Peter Parkers

25-Side Straddle Hops

20-Imperial Walkers


.65 Mile Run around York Tech campus back to Basecamp – Plank for or pick up the 6.

25-Parker Peters

15- Slow Alternating Lunges



25-Freddie Mercurys

.65 Mile Run around York Tech campus back to Basecamp – Plank for or pick up the 6.


25-Peter Parkers

15-Low Slow Jump Squats

15-Pike Presses


.65 Mile Run around York Tech campus back to Basecamp – Plank for or pick up the 6.

15-Peter Parker Peters




Run back to COT.

Naked Moleskin:

As I said above, it was an honor to serve. Great job to all men who got out of bed and showed up today. You ran a total of just under 3 miles this morning.

Once back at the COT, I spoke briefly on grace and gave a testimony of how I received grace from my family upon returning from recovery. I spoke about the grace we have received from SkyQ, and how it should be imparted to others, especially our family members.


BRR this weekend.

Sept. 30 – The Fort Region Invergence

Oct.7-8 – Ragnar Trail Relay

Read Your Newsletter

Prayers & Praises:

Popeye: Buchanan family and York County Sheriff’s Office

Cool Table: Family Friend – Battling Cancer and taking care of children.

Iron Sight: Wife is having tests today to check on baby to come.

River Rat: Church member – Death in Family

Unspoken requests and praises.

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Everything With a partner

  • QIC: Honey Pot
  • When: 9/6/16
  • Pax: Dark Knight (FNG), Italian Job, Apache, Slow Pitch, Hot Sauce, Mr. Big Stuff, Turbine, Bogey, Anker Bar, Honey Pot, Chicken Wing, Spartacus, Inspector gadget, Pistol, Cujo, Reacher, Big Papi, Schrute, Pony Tail, Boil
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

The morning started off right. I got up a few minutes early and made it to Eagles Nest for a quick one mile run. When I got back the pack looked ready to sharp some iron. The 2 min warning was given. Then we started to put the work in.

Introduction and disclaimer was given. We had one FNG, Dark Knight. Welcome Dark Knight to F3. Crayola and Dr. Ruth brought Dark Knight out but they where a know show today.

Warm up:

30 SSH (IC)

10 Merkins (IC)

Mosey to the back side of Winthrop to do some exercises between the evenly spaced out light post.

Lunge walk – First post

Back peddle two light post

Karaoke too one light post and then reverse karaoke to the other light post

After we finished with the light post we moseyed up the hill that kept getting stepper. We ended up at the front side of Tillman Hall. We then partnered up and did some work.

Partner one did dips and the other partner ran around the building. Both partners did a total of 100 dips together.

Next we did step up on the benches, with a single count and a total 100 hundred combined. Partner two did bear crawl the length of Tillman Hall then switched to finish out the step up.

We then moseyed over to the long haul way of bricks. They had more light post evenly spaced out.

First light post – lunge walk

Second light post – Butt kickers

Third light Post – High knees

Then sprint to the stair way that leads to the hill.

We then partner back up for 100 CDD hill race,

First partner runs up the hill and comes back down to switch with the partner doing CCD. Both partners did a combined total of 100 CCD.

We then mosey over to the stairs but I Omaha.  We did part leg throws, we did a combined total of 100.

We had about 10 minutes left so we did a slow mosey back to the COT.

We made it back to the COT with 4 minutes left. We did a little bit of LBC and right of left

30 LBC (IC)

Right leg over left leg, then switched after 10 count

Right arm across your chest, to stretches your shoulder. Then we switched and did the other side.

Count Off

Name A Ram


Prayer and Praise

Honey Pot Out




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PHOP: Football Hills and Drills

  • QIC: Sapper
  • When: 08/31/16
  • Pax: Sapper, Dr. Ruth, BluePrint, Waterboy, Chuckie, Bill Nye, Burgundy, Mailman, Tinker Toy, Kelvin, SGT York, Smiley Face, Honey Pot, Kindergarten Cop, Dingo, Crayola, The Riddler, Ant-Man(FNG)
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Sorry that this is a little late considering that this happened at PHOP last week. However Sapper was on Q and led an amazing workout that included pre-season football warm up drills. Half of the Rock Hill BRR Team was present, being it my last chance to train with them I was on the run.

Organized Stretching
20 SSH
20 Windmill
20 Moroccan NC’s
20 Imperial Walker
20 Hillbilly Walker

The Thang
Putting in Some Hill Work
100/100/100 Merkin/Derkin/Irkin Teams of two.
one runs and the other pushes

Football Practice with Blocking Pads.
Runner attempted to Pass Blocker.
Looked to be an awesome High Interval Training.

Sapper spoke to choosing your words wisely. Guiding in a path of thinking before action is always good for Pax to remember. Our words can be misconstrued daily and we want to make sure that we continue to be #HIM.

F3 The Fort Invergeance Sept 30
Mud Run

Check that newsletter

BRR Runners
Pax Recovering
Several other pax family members
Teachers, Police and Military

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Man power at Manu

Manu was my first Q and had the honor of sharing it with my shield looking brother Italian Job over a year ago. So anytime given the privilege to be in charge of the leaders of our F3nation I am honestly honored and humbled to do so. Mayhem and YHC had decided the day before to do a surprise Q announcement at the 0515 disclaimer and he gave an awesome disclaimer and handed over to  YHC AND we moseyed to the fountain where we circled up around the fountain. 

I handed it over to Italian Job and went thru the warm up

All in cadence

25 Merkens

25 SSH

25 Moroccan Night Clubs

25 Derkens

25 Erkens

IJ handed back to YHC and we moseyed to the parking lot in front of TJ Maxx on of our favorite shopping spots and tried out some cool dance moves with the PAX

YHC broke out his BOOM BOX and explained as the song Roxanne is played you do Seal Jacks, when our man Sting sings Roxanne you do a merken. This in my opinion one of the toughest group activities that brings a new type of mumbled chatter to the PAX.


We recovered and sense it was a new month I asked the pax if anyone new what the new Theme of the month was? and with out no hesitation several of the PAX replied GRACE!!!!

And grace has this in my mind

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Ephesians 2:8-10).


So  I asked the PAX to count off by 2’s to form 2 rows for the infamous Indian Merken run to Dave Lyle BLVD and play Frogger crossing the BLVD and directed them to the left hand parking lot of the GEEK SQUAD vans, which 2 Target buggies placed in position by YHC for a Shopping Buggy dual squad #1 against squad #2 


Squad #1 ran clockwise around parking lot with Buggy while Squad #2 counter clockwise while each group of pax preforms undisclosed activity which is called out by themselves (UagainstU) DON’T FREAKING LOSE….. After one round of the each squad completing the Buggy Race YHC asked for a volunteer and out stepped Bull . Him and myself walked around the Best Buy building and retrieved 2 well placed slosh pipes a YHC special coupon 

We gathered again in our 2 squads and paired up while one pax runs to the end of parking lot he hands the pipe over to his partner and he runs back with it. All while the remainder of the squads preformed multiple exercises in cadence

When all pax in each squad completing the rotation of the slosh pipe run. We lined up in 2 squads and headed back to Dave Lyle BLVD , but this time we moseyed as a group Burbee Indian Run

When we crossed the Blvd we circled up and had one more COP

50 SSH in cadence ♠

After the 50 SSH we jail broke for one final burst of energy to COT 

This morning we had 28 HIMS including YHC along with 2 FNG’s welcome (Reacher and Crossbar) posted at MANU to sharpen Iron and push the rock together for our betterment to be better Husbands, Fathers, leaders, friends, coworkers, and just plain old men that want to keep on keeping on.

Try and do your best no matter what and use His Grace to be that HIM…


Second F Rock Hill: Every Friday a different venue around the City of Rock Hill 11:45am and different topic of discussion see Honey Pot or Blue Print for ideas 

Sept 30 The Forts 4 year invergence

Sept 24 F3 softball tournament sign up today

Continuous support to Lancaster F3 and all other AO’s in our F3nation

Prayers and praises:

We prayed for all Pax and their families and our great Country and gave praise to our great F3 community that is keeping us accountable and ensuring we are the HIMs that we know we can be in our hearts






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