John Mayer concert @ The Dragon

  • QIC: High Pockets
  • When: 9/3/16
  • Pax: DryDock, Nunchuck, Gage, 5 Points, Real Tree, Redwood, Cedar,Goal Keeper, Orvis, Drifter, Cutter, Joe Dirt, Utah, High Pockets
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

14 HIMS Unfartsacked themselves to post at The Dragon.  It went a little something like this.

Warm up:
All IC
15 SSH 3 count
15 Slow Windmill
15 SSH 3 count
30 MNC 3 count
15 SSH 3 count
15 Imperial Walkers
15 SSH 3 count
Play John Mayer, LBC’s entire song.  During the chorus, each time “Say” is said, stop the LBC’s and do a Crab Cake, 1 “SAY” = 1 crab cake.

Short mosey to other end of parking lot to the coupon (Large rocks) market.
OYO with your coupon 10 Squats at the bottom of the hill, run to top of the hill 1 Mercan.  Then bottom of hill 9 squats, 2 Mercan at top. and so on, cycle is complete once 10 Mercans are done at the top. Rinse and repeat, with curls and over head presses.

Mosey to the Dragon’s alley, where the Dragon caught us and we knocked out our 10 Dragon walks.  People chair on the wall to wait on the 6.  Once the 6 is in, arms out 20 count, arms up 20 count

II Corinthians 12:9
And he said unto me, My GRACE is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.

Grace enables you to make it, no matter what no matter who turns against you, no matter what obstacles you face or how many time you fall.  God’s incredible  Grace is there to pick you up, to revive lost hope and to strengthen your weak will.  His grace will never leave you alone.
I reminded the PAX to think of the beggar, drunk, thief, etc..  If it were not for God’s grace we would be in the same position as those, so they need our prayers, not ridicule.

The Thing
Mosey to the back of the school. for alittle 4 cone action.
4 cones were set up about 100ft apart to form a square.
Start in the center with 25 Calve raises, then after each cone mosey back to the center for 25 more Calve raises.
1st cone 25 Carolina Drydocks
2nd cone 25 squats
3rd cone 25 American Hammers
4th cone 25 Mercians
Rinse and repeat instead of calve raises, 25 MKC in the center
Rinse and repeat again, 25 SSH in center


Mosey back to front of school for some hello Dolly’s and hands of time to finish up the last 4 minutes.

Ended with announcements and prayers, COT.

Lifted up friend of a HIMS that recently committed suicide. Lifted up Joe Dirts M who is having some test ran this week.

Sept 24th Charity Softball HC HERE


It was a honor to lead this men and have alittle fun at my expense.  Look forward to doing it again soon.


High Pockets out

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Another Rock Hill Recon

  • QIC: Italian Job
  • When: 9/3/16
  • Pax: Schrute, Fusion, Hot Sauce, Burgundy, Pistol, Reborn, Peach, Mayham, Italian Job
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Yesterday morning, YHC was joined by 8 #HIM for a recon of Rock Hill’s newest AO – to be named at a later date. The conditions were nearly fall-like and the AO was pristine. 3 miles and one hour after we started, we knew we found Rock Hill’s newest Saturday attraction.

The Thang

Since this was a recon, we all took a turn leading exercises. We first ran to from ATC to the band practice field where we did 25 pullups OYO. I think we may have done some MNC, Merkins, IW, Windmills, and SSHs.

  • We moseyed to a hill above the track for a burpee/merkin ladder.
  • Then came the tennis court seats for box jumps, merkins, derkins, and dips.
  • We moseyed to the baseball field before we realize we were locked out. Instead we opted for 75 calf raises on the benches between the schools and People’s Chair in cadence.
  • Next stop was the bleachers at the soccer fields for 3 rounds of running up and down the steps.
  • We found a trail back into Meadowlakes II where we did Hello Dollies, American Hammers, an odd variation of Box Cutters, and a few other exercises in quiet cadence as to not wake the neighbors.
  • Then it was back to the school for more running of the stairs and a variety of other forgotten exercises.
  • Back to ATC for sprints in the corridor followed by Merkin Jacks and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
  • We took a final mosey back to the globe at ATC where we closed with prayers and praises.


Color me shocked that it took us 2+ years to recon this location. This one has more fields and real estate than any other AO in the city. I assure you Northwestern High will become one of the favorites in Rock Hill when it goes live 10/8/16.

What a blessing yesterday was. Perfect weather, great spot, and even better PAX. Very excited to see our region continue expansion opportunities. As we get closer to launching and naming this AO, reach out to Peach if you want to get on the Q schedule. This one is sure to be a crowd pleaser.


  • Q School tomorrow at 0430 at Independence.
  • The Murph tomorrow at 0630 at NAFO.
  • 2nd F Breakfast at Waffle House on Herlong tomorrow after the workouts at 0620.
  • 4 Year Invergence at 1730 at Rush Pavilion 9/30, You will NOT want to miss this very special birthday celebration.
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Awesome Morning for a “Winged It”

  • QIC: Slow Pitch & Anchor Bar
  • When: 09/03/216
  • Pax: Sixth Sense, Jag, Mayflower, Walker, Paris, TurbYne, Kindergarten Cop, Bogey, Limp Biscuit, PawPaw, Inspector Gadget, Rain Check, Oh So Blanco, Anchor Bar,
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Walked outside this morning and was like man this weather is awesome! Cool, slight breeze, perfect morning for a workout!

Got to the AO at about 650 and several Pax already warming up.

Fava Beans was sick and Anchor bar filled in for an awesome warm up

Warm Up
25 SSh IC
10 Merkins IC
15 Windmills IC
15 Imperial Walkers IC

The Thang
Took a nice tour around Cherry Park on the walking trail (about 3/4 of it), stopping 5 times to work some muscles.
1. 15 Burpees,
2. 10 Burpees,
3. 15 Merkins,
4. 25 Merkins,
5. 30 LBC’s.
Mosey to the Picnic tables at the Playground for the below x2
10 Merkins
10 Derkins
10 Irkins
20 Dips
Mosey to the big parking area for some 4 Corners, Entire Parking lot x2
1. American Hammers
2. Carolina dry docks
3. Low Slow Squats
4. LBC’s
Mosey to the Football Field for some 11’s with Coupons
Started with 10 Curls, Lt. Dan across field and 1 Squat, jog back to start. Realized that we need to swap squats to LBC’s( since we Lt. Danned across field). 9 Curls, LT. Dan across Field, 2 LBC’s, jog to start and so on…

Mosey to AO for 1 minute all you could do Merkins.

Talked about Grace and sang a portion of Amazing Grace ( not a singer, just saying) but it is AMAZING knowing that the Lord would save a wretch like me and you!! We are not deserving of his grace but he gave his only his only son so that we should not perish but have everlasting life. That is Awesome!!

Prayers and Praises





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Qschool 9/5/16 0430 The Independence AO Rock Hill

  • QIC: Apache Blackhawk
  • When: 9/5/16
  • Pax: All pax are invited to attend and great fellowship is promised
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Q school At The Independence 0430
All pax that haven’t Qed or wants to touch up on their Qing skills. You will have an opportunity to lead the leaders of our nation in the gloomness with Q101 and Q102 classes being held just for you at The Independence

We are also planning a class on log in to write a preblast and also backblast which is a requirement for any pax after Qing…

Please watch our founding fathers of F3 Dredd and OBT on what are the 3 F’S of our F3nation

Alot of F3nation useful information will be available.

Come sharpen your skills of counting and sharpen your iron with other leaders of the gloom

See you there!!! Aye Apache!!!
See video for what to expect

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2nd F lunching @ Kinch’s

12 HIMs meet at Kinch’s for some lunch. I think the rain brought us all together because we didn’t really want to work in the rain. I was already soaked from the rain so I was already done. We had a table for 10 reserved for us but it was not big enough for all 12 so we grabbed another table to make room. That’s a good thing. We all ate and had small talk and learned a little about each other (what we do at work and at home). As we talked and learned more about each other, we saw that many of our paths have crossed before. God always has a plan and a path for us to travel. After we ate, Cool Table talked to us about Cool Table Ministry. He talked about how Cool Table works and what it stands for. He is always looking for donations and volunteers to help out. You can check out their Facebook page out @CoolTableMinistries.


Honey Pot Out

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The Sprint at The Tavern

  • QIC: Pistol
  • When: 9/1/2016
  • Pax: Reborn,Moneybags,Kelvin,Tinker Toy,Hot Sauce
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Warm Ups

20 SSH

10 IW

10 WM

10 LSS

Mosey to Good Year

10 Carolina Dry Docks

Run up the hill

10 American Hammers

Rinse and repeat twice

Mosey to Food Lion Parking lot

Shuttles between parking lines

10 Merkins at first line

10 LBC’s at every parking line sprinting in between

2.08 miles covered

Balls to Wall for 10 count

20 Calf Raises

Lt Dan’s from light pole to light pole

Run backwards from light pole to light pole

Mosey back to AO

20 Leg Throws

Finished with COT – Lesson on Grace , example Corrie Ten Boom



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I’m not sure where I’m going…so follow me!

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 08/31/2016
  • Pax: Apache, Pistol, Cujo, Pescador, Cool Table, Italian Job, River Rat, Flop, Spartacus, Pony Tail
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Boomtown Central opened just over 2 months ago, and I had still not posted out there for several reasons.
1. PHOP is 2.3 miles from my house.
2. Wednesday is a run day for BRR training at PHOP on the hills across the street.

I’d like to thank Pistol for the invite out to BTC. It is an amazing AO, especially if you can get over it being a bit dark. I drove the area the day before (considering its right beside my job) and got a sense of what I wanted to do.

At 0515, disclaimer was disclaimed (leaving parts out that I yelled as running), and off we went. I figured that since Wednesday is a 5-7 mile run day, we’d see how much running we could get in. Apache, Pistol and Italian Job all reassured me that this was a run/boot; so running was encouraged.

Quick Mosey over to Baxter Hood Center. The plan was to use the parking lot for some agility work using the parking spots…problem was that there was no light in the parking lot.

So we did a quick warmup:
SSH x 25
MNC x 20
Windmill x 20

With that, we took off.

For 5 years, I’ve driven by the Techpark area almost daily. Every day, I’ve noticed a walking path just off of Anderson Rd. When prepping for this workout, I took a look at the city’s trail map and figured out that the trail eventually ended up at the statues on Dave Lyle Blvd. Jackpot…so off we went on the DARK trail.

After a 1/2 mile mosey or so, we ended up at the statues. From there, we crossed Dave Lyle Blvd into Techpark North, and ran over to a parking lot. Each man partnered up and did the following:
1 man runs, while the other does an exercise.

Kudos to Cujo for toughing it out through this.

AFter that, we ran around a bit more to explore Techpark North. Sprinted up the hill at the north end of Techpark, then began the mosey back.

Stop at statues and do Derkins x 10.

Continue Mosey and do squats to wait on the 6. Continue Mosey back to BTC (at a much slower pace, this time).

Back to COT–finish with 4 minutes of Mary.

Great job by each man.
Italian Job, thanks for your steady leadership and commitment to making the man beside you better.
Apache, your enthusiasm for what we’re trying to do at F3 makes this whole thing really work.
Pony Tail, you’ve made us so much better since coming out to F3. Glad I’m getting to know you better each week.
Cool Table, I appreciate your heart for the children of Rock Hill and trying to make a difference; especially with our young men. As an educator, you don’t know what a service you’re giving the world.
Flop, Spartacus, Pescador: You three have made us so much better physically in Rock Hill. I fully expect to see each of you Qing TOUGH workouts soon…and getting into some CSAUPs with us.
River Rat: So glad to see you posting consistently again. Your example as a Dad is one I aspire to be like.
Pistol: Your heart for your fellow Pax is clear. Thanks for your leadership.
Cujo: Amazing work! I know it was tough…but never did a get a sense of you wanting to give up. Keep at it…you’ll be amazed how much faster you get. Soon.

It was an honor to lead. Thanks to each of you for the privilege!


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Who Are You?

  • QIC: Schrute
  • When: 08/30/2016
  • Pax: Reborn, Blueprint, Crayola, Dingo, Bogey, Cartel, Money Bags, Spartacus, Italian Job, Honey Pot, Slow Pitch, Burgundy, Stang, Mayflower, Anchor Bar, Bull, Pony Tail, Paris, Turbine, Roxanne, Incoming, Samuari
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

Twenty-two of RH and the Fort’s best joined YHC on a not quite as humid Tuesday morning at Eagles Nest. Since BRR is just over a week away, I figured we’d make this more of a run/boot camp than just a strict boot camp.

The Thang:
Quick (7:30ish pace) mosey over to Byrnes Auditorium (around 1/3 mile or so)
SSH x 25
Morrocan Night Clubs x 20
Windmill x 10
Merkins x 10

Partner Up:
One Partner runs around Byrnes Auditorium while the other does the exercise. Switch off until the exercise is completed with the proper number of reps
Merkins (100)
Burpees (50)
Squats (100) (I think, can’t remember)

Mosey over to the Big Show (the Amphitheater)
Run the Big Show, on the right side of each step, do 10 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey over to the Hill of Pain and partner up.
One partner runs up the hill, other does exercise.
LBCs, Merkins, Squats

Mosey back to COT, did 3 minutes of Mary.

Throughout the workout, I asked the Pax the question “Who are you”. Many of the Pax responded with their names, their families, their jobs. I asked each man about their true identity and pointed out that all the things mentioned, while all very good; are all of the earth. The one identity that we have that is not of this earth is that which comes from Sky Q.

It was a great workout in which we covered almost 2.5 miles with pain stations. All the Pax did a tremendous job!

TClap |

trinity’s, tour da York

  • QIC: drifter
  • When: aug 30 th 2016
  • Pax: drifter, nunchuck, dyrdock, cutter, chief, sea turtle, undertaker, cutter, high pockets, swat. l capitain, black lung, hot spot, realtree
  • Posted In: Uncategorized

it was a beautiful not too muggy morning in your for a gathering of HIMS,  for warm up we started out with some ssh in cadence, followed buy the wind mill, with some more ssh, along with some hillbillys, followed buy ssh. morrican nightclubs, ssh, gorilla humpers and ssh, for a grand total of @ 225 ssh.. we then mossied down to first Baptist church where we did some BLIMPS, 5 BURPEES, 10 LUNGES. 15 imperial walkers, 20 merkins, 25 plankjacks, and 30 squats, after a quick breath we mossied on down to the first pres church for some captain thors,  we did up to 5 big boy situp and 20 American hammers.. 1 to 4 ratio.  another mossie down town to the whitsides parking lot for some deconstructed burpees, 10 squats, 10 leg thurst, 10 merkins, and 10 leg thurst. and another mossie down to the library where we finished with merkin mania, 5 merkins, 5 diamond merkins, 5 right arm merkins, 5 left armmerkins and 5 wide arm merkins, them mossied over to the ao for some 3rd f, where we discussed choices in life..

TClap |