- QIC: Gears
- When: 10/28/15
- Pax: Qwerty, Hauschka, Mr. Clean, Pick Six, Howitzer, Axl, Royale, Cerrano, Zima, Fish Sticks, Puddles, Gears (YHC)
- Posted In: Pantheon
As we stepped out of our chariots at the Pantheon, the rain began to pour, but our spirits were not impeded…. No FNGs, but Disclaimer Disclaimed anyway and we press on.
The Thang
Mosey to backside of school to basketball court for somewhat extended COP.
Variety of SSH, IW, Mountain Climbers, CDDs, Peter Parkers, and Parker Peters.
Mosey outside playground for “fence sprints”. Line up at fire hydrant, sprint to steps, 50% pace on return. Repeat for 4 total sprints.
Mosey around to front of school for the Main Event: Return of the Merk
Mosey for a lap around carpool circle, stopping 1/3 and 2/3 of the way for 10 count merkin variation. Upon completion of loop, BTTW series with varying forms (hands out, raised, right leg up, left leg up, etc). Merkin forms included:
- Standard American Merkins
- 3/4 Merkins
- Wide Arm
- Stagger
- Diamond
- Crucible
- Peter Parker
- Parker Peter
- Ranger
- BTTW Merkins
Finished up with short COP:
- 30 count flutter kicks IC
- 20 count LBC
- 10 count Merkins
Not much to add other than Royale’s observation that this was actually 210 Merkins total. The men got after it today and there is something special about inclement weather workouts… A quote Cobra Kai shared after the Mog Mile comes to mind:
“The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.”
This is the glue, where 1stF bleeds to 2ndF. Don’t let your sad clowns friends miss out.
Saturday 10/31 0600-0700 – Black Diamond at the Colosseum
Saturday 10/31 0900-1000 – F3 Dads at Colosseum for Middle/High School kids
Saturday 10/31 1700-2100 – Halloween Gathering at my house (Gears), food, homebrew, candy. Catch me on twitter for info if interested.
Kevlar still sick
Axl’s father’s with Pneumonia
Royale’s daughter with Pneumonia
All Dad’s for patience and wisdom in instructing our children
Honor to Serve.