Snarky Puppy

WARMUP: Sasquatch led us though a quick disclaimer and then rocked a  killer broga set, one of the regions hidden gems is 15 minutes with this dude IMO. We went through a bunch of warrior poses etc. After that we did the workout then finished back with Sasquatch for 5 more minutes of body contorting fun.
THE THANG: Took the baton from Sasquatch and brought pax on short warm up lap to bottom of hill and back up. Quickly we grabbed some Cindy’s and then went over to small patch of grass to murder some bunnies. After a quick lap down to the other side of building and back then we started the main event, 11s. Pull-ups then run to bottom of hill and back. Then run to grass and do murder bunnies to other side of patch and back, roughly 30 ft. then do a manmaker. Worked our way though 7 rounds then we ran out of time. It was miserable.
MARY: see ⬆️
COT: prayers for work challenges, baby on way for Wegmans and praise for Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice He paid on this day

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