We’re up to 52 states

WARMUP: short run followed up by SSH, windmills (for trucker), real sumo squats, more running to the church where we did merkin, honeymooner, downward dog, mountain climber
THE THANG: We started out in the parking lot by the church where we ran to the end, did exercises, then back. 4 total sets (total 100 exercises each). Round 1: 25 merkins, 25 squats, 25 flutters.
Round 2: ran to the church circle and back to the middle of the entrance; 25 CDD, 25 lunges, 25 Freddy mercury…total 100.
Round 3: ran to the back of the Italian ice place and mixed it up. 5 each of wide arm, ranger, diamond merkins; 10 each of out/regular/in calf raises, 25 LBCs – 4x sets.
MARY: American hammer (because we’re in America!!), protractor, WW2 sit-ups
ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive and read your newsletter
COT: Truckers brother in law, Bonsai going in for annual heart check up, marriages

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