10 Years: The End of the Beginning

Hello, September! Back to school, Labor Day, football season, cooler weather (hopefully), Octoberfest (huh?) AND the anniversary of that day in September 2012 when a Shovel Flag was planted at WEP. So, let’s pick up the conversation from a few weeks back that started about our present state and expand on it.

The Fort started as an extension of Area 51, merely a new AO. At the time, there were no Mustard Seeds, no Leap Expansion playbooks, no Freed to Lead or Q Source books, no podcasts and only the earliest sense of what a region might entail (which was far beyond our reach). About a dozen Fort Mill FNGs posted and persevered through the workout alongside pax from Metro and Area 51. Thankfully, six of the locals returned. And in the years since, we’ve grown in every measurable way.

What’s notable about this story, however, isn’t the numbers or WHAT we’ve done. The real growth story of The Fort is about WHO we’ve become — each of us individually, as men, as humans. And I’m not talking about Fitness. I’m talking about a change of heart. I’ve seen Sad Clowns transform into dynamic leaders – in the Gloom, in families and in our community. I’ve seen men struggle through tragic health and life events, supported by fellow pax. And I’ve seen those same wounded men rebound to inspire and lead and impact others in remarkable ways. I’ve been inspired by men who’ve developed the courage to face their demons and wrestle with them in ways they couldn’t have imagined previously. I’ve witnessed more tears from pax in these years than from all men combined in my pre-F3 life. I’m sure you have your stories of this sort.

For me, this is the growth story of The Fort…a love story, really. Yes, what I describe above is a vision of men loving each other well. And spreading that love to their families and community. Our hearts have grown immensely through this journey. Mine has grown, and yours has too. Whatever we’ve “done” as a region, the ways we’ve “expanded” our numbers in AOs or Sites or CSAUPs, any “impact” we’ve had on our local community – 100% of it represents the fruit borne directly from the growth in the heart of each man among us. This personal growth — over the past month, year and decade — is the history I’m excited to celebrate this month.

Importantly, this celebration isn’t solely about the past. In fact, I believe it’s just as much about the future…because I know I’m not done growing, and I trust you’re not either. The Respectables among us are proof that we haven’t found the Fountain of Youth. But, we’ve definitely molded The Fort into a proven platform for invigorating men and Male Community Leadership. And I know our best days, as individuals and as a region, lie ahead.

So, let’s celebrate! Invite your M, load up the clown car, EH the FNGs and Kotters! We may be living in the Third 500, but we’re only closing out The Fort’s first chapter. SYITG!!!

TClap |

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