Bruttaly Sweet Revenge

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup by running around the perimeter of the COT parking lot performing high knees, butt kickers, and Karaoke on both sides.
THE THANG: Experienced a brutal workout at The Badger on Monday and it became the inspiration for the following.
Complete 10 rounds by the ROTC building near the pullup bars
10 Pull Ups
15 OH Presses w/Cindy
15 Squats w/Cindy
15 KB Swings w/Cindy
15 Big Boys w/Cindy
Then run down to the bottom of the hill and perform 2 Kraken burpees on your first trip. When you completed the Kraken burpees run back to the top of the hill and repeat. Every time you come down to the bottom of the hill increase the Kraken burpee reps by 2. Some of us made it to round 7, most of us finished on rounds 5 or 6. All of us got our moneys worth.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter and charities
COT: Lots of prayer requests for healing!

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