Dawn Patrol On the Rise

When: 0615 Tuesdays and Thursdays

Site Q: Double D and Jekyll

Where: Tuesdays: Veteran Park; Thursdays: Kingsley Amphitheater

Slack channel: #ao-dawn-patrol

The Thang:

One of the opportunities we are afforded as leaders is to step up and lean in when there is a vacuum, or an opportunity presents itself.  We have identified a need for a later posting time.  You name the reason: fartsack, Kotter, work from home, kids schedules, etc. For going on 12 years, The Fort has been Open to All Men (willing to workout at 0515).  We’re expanding the access in 2024!

We now have 2x per week 0615 workouts.

Tuesdays: Fort Mill Veterans Park: Run or Ruck

Thursdays: Kingsley Amphitheater: Bootcamp

If you feel the 0615 time will work for you, we look forward to seeing you in the Gloom.

Also- this is a great opportunity for a double down!


Double D & Jekyll

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