BAOPS Ladder Fun

When a shieldlock brother sends the late night text that he needs a sub, you gotta answer the call.

WARMUP: lap on the paved trail and circled up for IC warm-a-rama Goofballs (except for the liver eaters who are too cool to do those), various plank based stretching, mtn climbers, shoulder taps, MNCs

BAOPS Ladder
Accumulating bear crawl/crawl bear ladder with exercises at every tier (took about 30 minutes)

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise and crawl bear back to start line – SSH for the 6

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise then bear crawl to 20 yard mark and do exercise then crawl bear back to the start – SSH for the 6

Continue accumulating adding 10 more yards each time until you finish the 50 yard ladder.

B for Burpees – 10x at 10 yard mark
A for American Hammers – 20x at 20 yard mark
O for Overhead Claps – 30x at 30 yard mark
P for Plank – 40second hold at 40 yard mark
S for Squats – 50x at 50 yard mark

10 count recovery

Mosey around path to left field corner (top of the road with the long hill.

Partner up for classic DORA – 100x merkins, 200x squats, 300x LBCs – partner runs about 2/3 down hill to the 3rd rock and back as the timer

Mosey back to basketball courts and do a 50 yard lunge walk

MARY: circled back up on basketball courts and did IC core work – flutters, American Hammers, Freddie Mercuries, dying cockroaches and finished off with merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: mothers day

COT: yup

TClap |

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