Moderate Manion

Found out this morning that there are some differing opinions of what a moderate AO means…

WARMUP: Disclaim and mosey between Vape shop and Empire. Circle up for SSH, shoulder taps, merkins, mtn climbers all in cadence.

Manion memorial WOD
(moderate version =slick)

7 rounds
29 LSS (IC)
1/4 mile run

Finished and had about 15 minutes left.

Merkins and overhead clap progression

MARY: assortment of exercises called and led by PAX around the circle

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Canoli Run, trash pick up, rock 10 yr, Jaeger

COT: yup

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The Hammer route w/traffic pain.

WARMUP: run around the parking lot stopping at 5 stations to do exercises and show the PAX the exercises and stations to follow for the rest of the work out.
THE THANG: Five stations, 10 repeats per stations, with 5 different exercises. Between station 1 and 2 add a stop and make a burpee everything you get to a car running against the traffic, run faster to avoid or reduce the amount of burpees.
Station 1: Merkins
Station 2: Squats
Station 3: Mt Climbers
Station 4: Shoulder Taps
Station 5: Mike Tysons

MARY: a lot of complains about the amount of burpees, all the PAX pushed them selves to the limit.

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Ladders, sandbags and Merkins

WARMUP: Moroccan night clubs, windmills, hillbilly walk
THE THANG: divided the pax into two 4 men teams, two ladders, plenty of sandbags… loaded up the two ladders with 2×60# sandbags each, picked them up, sat the ladders on shoulders and started walking; a timer will go off every two minutes to remind us to do 10 merkins with rucks on. Pick up and the ladders and go around the soccer field, big loop, every time the buzzer went off (2 minutes) we did 10 merkins, completed one big loop and dropped the sandbags and transformed the ladders on A frames, 1 pax will carry the ladder overhead or on shoulders and go around the small loop while the other 3 pax will toss the 60# sandbag until the ladder comes back around, switch ladder to next pax, each pax had the opportunity to go around twice. The buzzer reminded us of the 10 merkins every 2 minutes.
Opened up the ladders again and this time we loaded them up with 160# each, farmers carry around the small loop, buzzer every two minutes for 10 merkins each time.
Back to the flag
MARY: 100 LBC’s and 5 minutes of stretching and broga
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAP for autism, Manion, Jaeger, Rock Hill anniversary, 4/20 WOD
COT: stays in COT

Tinsel out

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circles up

WARMUP: run to stop light at entrance to Baxter and do monkey humpers and goofballs in-cadence until all traffic passes

THE THANG: Berkshire heights loops with 10 jump squats, 10 merkins, 10 LBCs every stop sign
All got 2 loops, some got 3

MARY: 13 American Hammers IC and 3 big boys

ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of stuff – check newsletter

COT: yup

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Backblast! QvQvQvQ Finale 2024

WARMUP: River Rat led us in Side Straddle Hops and Windmills before taking off to the RV Lot
Anchor Bar kicked things off:
Starfish routine with coupon:
5 Manmakers
Ex 1 – 30 Jump Squats
Ex 2 – 30 American Hammers – DC
Ex 3 – 30 Big Boy Sit-ups
Ex 4 – 30 overhead Flutter Kicks – DC
Return to the center after each exercise for 5 Manmakers.

Since Esso planned to use the same parking lot he went next.
6 groups of men and exercising in cadence while one group member plays with Cindy:
• Mountain climbers IC > 5 Cindy Manmakers
• SSH IC > 10 Cindy swings
• 6 ct burps IC > Cindy overhead carry
Message: Ignite your fire, use F3 as your fuel, let the fire spread. :fire:
Next Homer led us out the entrance to a brand new feature of the AO. Stairs to the overflow parking lot. There we had 4 coupons and they started with the 4 Qs then passed among the PAX on each trip up and down the stairs. Each PAX also stopped for 10 squats at the top and bottom portions.
Message: share your heavy burdens.
Lastly Bandcamp tookover the group:
Crawl Bear an uncomfortable distance to the starting point using some feature of the AO
4 corner transport:
Burpee Broad Jump
Bear Crawl
Lunge walk
Toss 12 sand bags over the shoulder
Rinse and Repeat
Keep going!

Who is it that we say we are?
If you get tired, learn to rest.
There is no quitting.
You don’t get to decide when you can stop.
Who is it that we show people we are?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Homer came out victorious mainly due to votes received for use of AO. Thanks to all who participated in 1 or all 4 weeks. It was great to see some bonding between the regions through this event. Don’t be afraid to cross the river.

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Play time is over

WARMUP: it’s sweep the leg. We did a burpee ladder instead on way to school drive. Starting with 1 worked our way up to 5 then back down performing the burpees at each light pole on way down Dave gibson, we also stopped every so often to perform exercises IC waiting for 6

THE THANG: short version of longest mile with using light poles, lunge walk to 1st pole, then bear crawl to 2nd then crab walk to 3rd.
We all picked up 6 before moseying to back of school by bottom of hill where YHC did not provide very clear instructions at start so had to run around and update pax as we went. but we started 11s with HR Merkins (10) and BombJacks (1) at last pole top of hill. Plan was to drop a pole each lap so it would get progressively shorter think the gazelles got up to round 6 or 7 but we still ran out of time, and a couple PAX got back a min or two late

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party, lots of Saturday CSAUPS coming up, PnP tomorrow, HIM camp. We named hashbrowns

COT: yep!

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8 Day’s Late

WARMUP: Mosey to South State Bank
20 SSH, 10 Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Run to Gold Hill Middle Parking Lot: .56 Miles
20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s.
Run back to Bank: 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 LBC’s.
Run back to school and reduce reps by 5.
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Amazing porta potty in front of the Firebirds! Saved me!!!!

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Dave Lyle to Gold Hill and back????


THE THANG: 1.75 out and back for a total of 3.5 miles. Option to add on 2 loops around the very large building for another half mile.
MARY: Yes – handful of the fast runners
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CSAUP, Bethel Men’s Shelter, Litter Pick up coming soon, Canoli Run….
COT:Well done well attended and knocked out in a timely manner.

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QvQ Round 2

WARMUP: River rat led this

sparky was first. Bunch of stuff with our feet on the wall

BC second: partner up. 6 lit cones. Additive merkins at each cone. Bear crawl the first 3. Lunge walk the last 3. Partner runs a lap

Sparky third: had a series of 19 light poles spread out about a half mile wide. Hit pole 1, then 19, then 2, 18, 3, etc. Each pole had an exercise…. Most men got 1 merkin. 19 squats, then 2 squats.

Band Camp again: run to steepest part of the hill. Brief message about embarrassing moments, but we still have time left. Time left to reverse bear crawl the hill. At the top, partner back up. 12 sandbags at the far side. 1 partner run and throws a bag over their head 5 times. Other partner does 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squat jumps

COT: was had. Band Camp won votes for difficulty and creativity. Sparky won in use of AO

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burpees on a string

WARMUP: disclaim
THE THANG: big Loop – run down Dave Gibson – through school – up bus entrance – through Walmart parking lot – onto Hubert Graham toward TCES – right on Waterloo – Left on Henslow – right on Cameron creek – right on 160 – back to COT.

stop every 1/4 mile for exercise
first stop 15 SSH IC
each subsequent stop replace 1 SSH with 1 Burpee

4 miles
120 SSH IC
120 burpees

10 American Hammers IC
20 LBCs IC

grow rucks a plenty (see Olaf)
beers and burpees (see Decibel)

Important stuff

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